"Baskets" - a cream cake: a recipe for cooking

Many people remember the “Baskets” cakes from childhood. They were sold in all cafes in Soviet times. They were decorated in the form of mushrooms, a flower, strawberries or even chicken. How delicious they were ... Sand baskets simply melted in the mouth. And the protein cream was very tender. We want to bring to your attention a recipe for making such cakes at home. The process is not too laborious, and such treats will bring a lot of joy to the kids. So...

cake baskets

Dough for baskets

To prepare the dough for baskets, we need to stock up on such products:

  1. Butter - 150 g.
  2. Sugar - 100 g.
  3. Vanilla Sugar - 10 g.
  4. The egg is one.
  5. Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.
  6. Flour - 250 grams.
  7. Baking powder - one teaspoon.
  8. Metal molds.

So, let's start making dough for baskets. To do this, beat the sugar with butter and vanilla sugar until splendid. Then add sour cream and egg, mix well.

tartlets recipe
It is better to sift the flour, and only then introduce it into the mixture. Knead. But you should not knead for a long time, because shortbread dough does not like this. Baskets - a tender cake, but because the "cups" should be crumbly. Wrap the resulting mass in cling film and put in the refrigerator for about one hour. After the lapse of time we take out the dough and cut off a small part of it, roll up the sausage. Cut it into pieces, each of which needs to be rolled into a thin cake. The size should be approximately the same as the diameter of the baking dish. Each such circle should be put in a mold, tightly pressed to the walls and bottom. The lower part can be pricked with a fork so that the basket does not deform during baking. We want to warn that the dough is very sticky, and therefore you have to use flour. Here are our sand baskets and ready. It remains only to bake them.

We put the molds with the dough on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. Bake better at a temperature of 200 degrees. Seven minutes is enough. Baskets are delicate pastries, they are prepared quite quickly, and therefore, look, do not overexpose them in the oven.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of the cream.

tartlets recipe

Cream Ingredients

As you know, baskets are a cream cake, although today there are many ways to decorate them: with fruits under jelly, with nuts covered in honey, with berries ... We will now focus on the first option. And first of all, we need to decide which cream we will make. The classic recipe involves the use of protein. To prepare it, take:

  1. Squirrels from three eggs.
  2. Sugar - 250 grams.
  3. Water - no more than 90 grams.
  4. Citric acid - one third of a teaspoon.

Cooking cream for cakes

You can start cooking delicious cream. To make it dense, you must remember two rules:

  1. Dishes should be completely clean. The pan in which the syrup will be prepared can generally be cleaned with powder in advance.
  2. Proteins should never be mixed with yolks. The fact is that the yolk is fat, which does not allow whipping proteins normally.

When making baskets, we recommend that you adhere to the recipe exactly so that everything works out as it should. So, let's begin.

cream for cakes

Separate the squirrels from the yolks and send them to the mixer bowl.

Next, pour water and pour sugar into the pan, put on fire. You can stir a little once, so as not to burn. The syrup is cooked for about four minutes. To it you need to add a little citric acid. Mix everything again. Readiness can be checked very simply - to do this, drop a little sweet mass in a plate with cold water. If the drop does not spread, then it is ready.

Important! While checking the syrup, remove the saucepan from the heat. It is necessary that it be light in color: if you digest it, it turns out to be creamy and will be bitter, and this can ruin the cream, but we want to get it white, with a dense texture.

Make sure everything is in order? Excellent! At this point, you can start whipping the squirrels. The peaks should be very strong. And at the final stage, at full speed of the mixer, you need to carefully pour the syrup in a very thin stream. The mass right before the eyes will begin to increase in volume. Beat for another ten minutes, until the cream has cooled. It should have a dense and uniform consistency and keep its shape well. Here is the cream for the cakes and ready. Now it’s up to small. We need to collect our cakes. And then you can proceed to the tasting.

How to collect baskets?

Do you remember that at the bottom of the cakes that your mother bought as a child, there was always a dark jam? He seemed terribly tasteless. Making our baskets, we will certainly follow the recipe, but put delicious jam or jam with berries at the bottom. For example, cherry. And if you want - put some boiled condensed milk. Or chopped prunes. Spread the cream on top with a cooking syringe. If you want, you can then sprinkle it on the cake a little with chocolate or sprinkle. From the taken quantity of products twenty four baskets should turn out. You can start tasting.

dough for baskets

As you can see, if you wish, you can make a basket of “Basket” with cream at home, and believe me, the result will please you and your children, because the treat will be no worse than what is sold in a cafe. Your household will appreciate such a culinary masterpiece. And they will ask you to make more sweet.

What other cream can I make cakes with?

We discussed how to make a basket cake, so to speak, according to a classic recipe. But you understand that there are a lot of variations on this topic. Do not limit your culinary imagination and try all new options.

cake baskets at home

Instead of protein cream, for example, you can make a cake with cream and marmalade, pour jelly fruits over the season (strawberries, red currants), decorate with cream. In general, there is where fantasy can take place.

Whipped cream cakes

If you want to quickly prepare an excellent dessert, then this option is definitely suitable for you. Whipped cream will add festivity to your sweet dish. Just think how delicious the cream baskets will be! The cake will turn out exquisite, beautiful and very tender.

We recommend making the cream yourself. Of course, you can buy ready-made cream, but this is absolutely not what we need. Let us tell you a secret how to beat them yourself so that they do not fall.

When buying cream, make sure that they are fresh, it is very important. In addition, their fat content should be at least thirty-five percent. At home, before pouring them out of the package, shake well so that all the fat does not remain in the corners.

Remember one trick: the dishes in which you will whip the cream should be very cold. Therefore, pre-cool the mixer bowl and cream well in the refrigerator.

In addition, wash and dry the dishes very well. This is also important for the final result. And it is better to take not sugar, but powder, which must be sieved in advance so that it is lump free and turns out to be light and airy. You need to add it in small portions, after the cream itself has been whipped into a stable foam.

And one more tip. Beat the cream at the slowest speed, gradually increasing it to the maximum, and you will end in the reverse order.

Do not make the whipping process itself long, as splashes may appear on the surface of the cream, which will ruin the appearance. You can end when, having stuck a spoon in the mass, you will see that the hole from it is not tightened.

cream cake basket

Of course, you can still use thickeners or gelatin. They are introduced during whipping. Using all these tricks, you will get an excellent result. Well, let's move on to practice?

Cooking whipped cream with gelatin

To prepare baskets cakes at home, take the following ingredients:

  1. Fat cream - 600 ml.
  2. Gelatin - 20 grams.
  3. Powdered sugar - three tablespoons.
  4. Vanilla sugar - one packet.

Beat cold cream with icing and vanilla sugar until peaks are obtained. We dissolve gelatin in water according to the instructions written on the package. Very quickly you need to mix a couple of tablespoons of cream with the resulting solution. Next, whisking, slowly introduce it into the cream. Here is our cream and ready. Before use, it is better to cool the mass a little. And then lay out the baskets. Ready cakes are stored in the refrigerator. By the way! Remember that cream absorbs odors very much.

And further. Cakes can be decorated with homemade marmalade or buy ready-made.

Oil cream baskets

The cakes with butter cream are very tasty . For cooking, take one hundred grams of butter and four tablespoons of condensed milk.

Mash the butter until thick sour cream and begin to whip with a blender, mixer or whisk. It should turn out a lush mass of white. Next, you need to slowly pour in the condensed milk and continue to beat for another ten to fifteen minutes. The cream will turn out homogeneous. It needs to be slightly cooled and then you can arrange it in small baskets. It is recommended to decorate the finished cake with slices of fresh fruit.

how to make a basket cake

Combination of cream fillings for Tartlet cakes

In fact, each cream can be used both independently and combined with other excipients. For example, put the protein mass in a basket first, and then make an oil rose with a leaf on top. It will turn out beautifully and tasty.

If you made a gelatin basket with fruits, then you must certainly decorate it with some cream on top.

And another option is possible. But he will have to tinker longer. In a basket, spread a cream, for example, protein, combining it with fruits in a gelatin shell. Berries are picked by season. In such cases, strawberries and raspberries, even sprigs of currants, look very beautiful. The cake is not very sweet, because the cream is combined with fruit acidity. And the beauty of such baskets is out of the question. They turn out very bright. A true culinary masterpiece.

how to make a basket cake

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to buy sweets in shops and cafes - if you wish, you can make a wonderful dessert yourself at home. We hope that the recipes in our article are sure to come in handy and you decide to make baskets for the first time. A cake from childhood will surely appeal to your children. Good appetite!

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