How many days to take Hilak Forte for adults and children?

Today, there are many effective natural-based medicines that help stabilize digestive processes and strengthen local immunity. “Hilak Forte” is one of such drugs that has established itself as a safe remedy. Doctors recommend the use of medication for diarrhea and other disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug helps to restore normal intestinal microflora, which are impaired by the uncontrolled use of antimicrobials, as well as as a result of operations and poor nutrition. “Hilak Forte” with dysbiosis and other disorders helps to restore the microflora and normalize the level of acidity of the gastrointestinal tract in a biological way. In addition, the instruction for use states that the drug has the ability to stimulate the immune system. Consider the drug "Hilak Forte": price, instructions for use and reviews that users leave about it.

drops "Hilak forte"


The drug is in the form of drops for oral administration. The structure of the medication includes exclusively natural components that can not cause harm to humans, therefore, on the recommendation of a doctor, drops are prescribed even for newborns.


  1. Germ-free substrate of metabolic products.
  2. Lactose.

The price of the drug ranges from 250 to 1200 rubles, depending on the capacity and pricing policy of the network in which it is sold.

how many drops to take “Hilak forte”

When the drug is prescribed

Drops are dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription, so anyone can buy the drug, but still, before purchasing, it is better to visit a doctor and consult. Hilak Forte is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Constipation
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Taking antibiotics.
  5. Therapy with sulfonamide.
  6. Radiotherapy, as well as radiation and chemotherapy.
  7. Disorders in the liver.
  8. Vaginal dysbiosis.
  9. Disorders that are triggered by a low level of acidity.
  10. Allergy.
  11. Inadequate digestion syndrome.
  12. Problems in the functioning of the stomach and intestines associated with a change in climatic zones.
  13. Intestinal intoxication.
  14. Salmonellosis.
how many times a day to take “Hilak forte”

How and how many days to take Hilak Forte for adults

The duration of therapy and daily dosing is determined by a medical professional, depending on the degree of dysbiosis in humans. After treatment with the drug is completed, the intestinal mucosa will return to normal, all digestive processes in the area of ​​the walls of the small and large intestines will be restored, food will be easier and faster to digest.

In each specific situation, therapy has its own characteristics, therefore, before starting to use drugs, you should consult a doctor. The method of administration of Hilak Forte for adult patients: a single use includes the use of 40-60 drops.

How many times a day to take Hilak Forte? The frequency of use of the medication is three times a day, but in rare situations, a medical specialist can increase or decrease the daily dosage. For comfortable use of drops, you can drink drinks such as tea, water, juice or another liquid, with the exception of dairy products.

“Hilak Forte” has a specific taste and in some people taking medication without any additional fluid can cause a gag reflex. Use of the drug must be carried out before eating or in the process of eating.

How many days to take "Hilak Forte" is best to check with the doctor, because depending on the severity of microflora disturbance, sometimes a longer treatment is required. As practice shows, the functioning of the intestine is normalized within seven to ten days from the start of therapy. In order to consolidate the result, the course can be extended to two weeks.

"Hilak forte" instructions for use price reviews

Therapy for constipation

An unbalanced diet and a passive lifestyle are the main reason for the appearance of this ailment in an adult. Since there is a lack of lactic acid in the gastrointestinal tract, it is difficult for the body to free itself from feces.

How many days to take Hilak Forte for constipation? The drug has this important component in its composition, therefore it is actively used to eliminate constipation in both adult patients and children. If constipation for a person is a rare occurrence, then a single use of the medication should be carried out, which includes 60 drops, the frequency of administration is three times a day. The very next day, the problem should be eliminated.

"Hilak forte" how many days to take a child

Hilak Forte for Kids

This medication is prescribed by children's doctors for the treatment of constipation in children. Hilak Forte is considered safe even for newborns and helps restore microflora in a short time. If the drug was prescribed for the baby to eliminate constipation, then the drops must be mixed with any liquids, with the exception of dairy products. The medicine, as already mentioned, has a specific taste and children often refuse to use it in its pure form.

The juice will be the optimal solution, because the sweet taste interrupts the unpleasant aftertaste of “Hilak Forte”, and the baby will not even notice that he has taken the medicine. Elimination of constipation in young patients involves a three-time use of the drug, one dose - 30 drops (for infants - 10 drops). How many days to take Hilak Forte for children?

"Hilak forte" how many days to take for adults

The maximum daily dosage for children under one year is 40 drops. As for the course of therapy in both adult patients and infants, we need a consultation with a medical specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment of constipation, dosing and duration of administration.

You can start therapy for infants and children up to twelve years old with the permission of the doctor and strictly under his control. In babies up to one year old, the body may not perceive this medicine, various side reactions in the form of flatulence and nausea are possible.


According to parental reviews, in many situations, such manifestations can be triggered by improper or uncontrolled use of Hilak Forte. The maximum duration of therapy most often is 30 days, after which you need to either complete the treatment or take a short break.

According to experts, in the first days of treatment, it is better to limit the dosage of the drug to a minimum number of drops, then you should gradually increase the daily concentration of Hilak Forte. The frequency of daily use will be indicated by the doctor. As soon as the positive dynamics in the baby’s state of health is noticeable, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced.

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