Fragrant holiday dish: duck breast in orange sauce

Duck not so often gets to our table. And to cook something ordinary out of it is not at all interesting. And for the festive feast, one of the most successful choices will be duck breast in orange sauce. Thanks to this “neighborhood”, even the driest part of any bird becomes tender, soft and juicy. And the aroma will delight everyone from the doorway!

duck breast in orange sauce

Japanese recipe

First of all, the fillet is prepared: it should be dried so that not a drop of water remains, and sprinkled with pepper and salt on all sides. Peel is removed from two oranges, then two more are added to them, juice is squeezed. In a small saucepan, it is combined with an incomplete glass of white weak and unsweetened wine and the same amount of broth (it is better to take chicken or cooked from duck). After boiling, three tablespoons of good honey are laid (you can replace with sugar, but there will be a wrong flavor). On the smallest fire, the sauce simmers until it is half-cooked.

duck breast in orange sauce recipe

In a dry, well-heated skillet, the filet is fried for about ten minutes from each side, then the leaked fat is selected from it and half a glass of soy sauce is poured. As soon as it boils, after half a minute the filet turns over, and after the same period of time the fire completely turns off. The pan is left on the stove for about ten minutes. Finally, the fillet is divided in half, transferred to a languishing gravy, and the duck breast with orange sauce is warmed up in a complete set for about three minutes. When served, it is sprinkled with zest and eaten immediately.

Breast in a slow cooker

The beginning of their cooking in this apparatus is similar to cooking on a conventional stove. Fillet salted and peppered. Then it is laid out in a heated bowl with vegetable oil skin down and fried in baking mode for about a quarter of an hour. After turning over in the same mode, the breasts are fried for another ten minutes and left to heat. While they languish (and this will take about a third of an hour), juice is squeezed from one orange, and half the second is cut - each slice in half. Half a glass of red wine is half evaporated, juice is poured, salt and pepper are poured. Again, all this is doubled.

duck breast in orange sauce yulia vysotskaya
Later slices of orange are thrown in and the sauce is poured into the fillet. After ten minutes of warming, your duck breast in orange sauce will be completely ready. The recipe recommends that before you put the dish on the table, sprinkle it with citrus zest.

Cognac-orange sauce with apples

The secret to the success of this recipe is to pre-marinate the fillet. It is sprinkled with a spoonful of brandy and half orange juice mixed with a small pinch of cinnamon and a spoonful of soy sauce. Then the breast is set aside for a quarter of an hour. Only after that it is fried over high heat, very quickly - for three minutes on both sides - and put for ten minutes in a heated oven. Two apples (without seeds, but with the skin) are cut in neat slices and fried in duck fat for no longer than seven minutes. The juice of the remaining half of citrus is squeezed to them and a spoonful of sparse honey is added along with the marinade, merged with the fillet, and another spoonful of cognac. Ten minutes later, the sauce is ready. Duck breast in orange sauce “rests” from the oven for several minutes and is served on the table already poured with gravy, cut obliquely, with apples laid around it.

Chinese duck

Such a successful combination of poultry meat and citruses this people could not miss. Thanks to the peculiar view of cooking, the Chinese have turned out a very original duck breast in orange sauce. By the way, Julia Vysotskaya, when preparing the dish, relied precisely on this recipe, only removed purely Chinese ingredients from it.

First, the fillet is briefly marinated in equal volumes of honey and soy sauce. Three garlic cloves and onion are chopped, filled with half a glass of fresh orange juice and stewed for about a quarter of an hour. Next, a spoonful of flour is poured, after boiling, the gravy is immediately filtered.

duck breast with orange sauce

On three breasts shallow cuts are made, they are fried in a dry wok. Next, grated ginger, a pound of green beans and a half glass of soybean sprouts are poured into it. The fillet is sliced, poured with gravy, after which the duck breast in orange sauce is combined with vegetables and chopped peeled slices of two citruses. After mixing, it is immediately served - eat it must be hot.

Bigarad sauce

Thanks to him, a very delicate and fragrant duck breast in orange sauce is obtained. The recipe, however, requires a fairly large number of components. First, a marinade is made from the juice and zest of a whole orange, a stack of lemon natural juice and the same volume of olive oil. Of spices, rosemary, pepper and salt are laid in it. The fillet should marinate for an hour. After that, it is fried dry (thanks to pickling, the process proceeds very quickly) and left to rest for a short while.

Sauce is being prepared. Zest (four full spoons) is poured with half a glass of boiling water and after five minutes it is drained. A glass of wine is heated, finely chopped shallots are poured into it and the base is evaporated in half. Next, a glass of tomato sauce, a stack of brandy, the same amount of orange juice and a half-stack of currant jam are added to it. After ten minutes of stirring, the aromatic gravy is ready to eat. The fillet is beautifully sliced, watered with it, and duck breast in an orange sauce with a very rich aroma becomes a table decoration and the pride of a cook.

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