Cowboy, kendyukh, cougar shyurby ... How to cook a pig’s stomach - a few ideas

They say that the goal of cunning is fiction. And this resourcefulness of the poor, who wanted to eat tasty, without going beyond the family budget, and spawned offal dishes. Let's take advantage of the invention of the lower social strata and find out how to cook a pork stomach deliciously. This offal is known to be a natural bag. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to stuff it with something. Most often, the Slavs stuffed the pig’s stomach with porridges. And tasty, and satisfying. By the way, one hundred grams of pork stomach contains 160 calories. But, depending on the minced meat, the nutritional value of the dish may increase.

Preliminary preparation

How to cook a pig’s stomach

Before you cook a pork stomach, it must be thoroughly cleaned of the contents. Then it is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for ten minutes. Next, the mucous membrane is removed from the stomach. Once again, we scrape off the by-product wall with a knife and wash it with cold running water. Now this natural bag is ready for stuffing. But it should be remembered that during the heat treatment, the stomach decreases in size. Therefore, you need to start it not to the eyeballs, but so that there is free space. You should also make several punctures in the stomach with a knife so that the bag does not crack during baking. It is necessary to pour juice over the dish from time to time, which will stand out during the heat treatment of the offal. When baking the stomach in the oven, you need to tumble it with some kind of press - so it will be easier to cut when serving. And in order to achieve a golden crust, it is necessary ten minutes before the end of the culinary process to pour the dish with sauce made from a mixture of sour cream and spices.


How to cook a pork stomach

This dish is a stuffed stomach, which is then boiled for a long time. They eat it like a sausage - chilled. Delicious cowboy on the edge of bread with horseradish or mustard. But also warmed up, with a side dish of mashed potatoes, - nothing too. How to cook a pig’s stomach to make a cowboy? We need another offal, namely pork lung. Cut it from the trachea and grind it into cubes (approximately 1 cm). We only need red pads, no films. Grind lard in exactly the same way. It is advisable to take what is called a “sponder” in Ukraine, that is, with layers of meat. Squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the filling. Salt and sprinkle with caraway seeds, black pepper, marjoram and basil. Mix and stuff with this stuffing inside-out stomach. Sew the hole with thread. Put in a large pot and fill with water. We salt it and throw about five bay leaves. We cover the pan and cook the cowboy for two - two and a half hours, sometimes turning over and piercing with a needle.

How to cook a pork stomach


Unlike the previous Ukrainian national dish, this is done in the oven. You already know how to cook a pork stomach in order to start stuffing it. The filling of kendyukh, unlike the cowboy, is more “rich”, festive. We will need a pound of pork belly and 200 grams of minced meat. Three onions finely chopped. Cut the breast into small cubes. Mix with onions and raw minced meat. We drive in two eggs, squeeze a whole head of garlic. We fill the filling with ten peas of black pepper and half a teaspoon of dried marjoram. We stuff the stomach, sew up the hole. We bake until cooked, pouring the dish with the allocated juice.

Cougar Shurby

This is a traditional dish of Chuvash cuisine. For him, the offal is not stuffed, so tailor skills are not required here. How to cook a pig’s stomach in the Chuvash way? We rinse offal, fill with cold water and set to cook until tender. We check with a fork: as soon as the blood flow stops oozing from the punctures, and the juice begins to stand out, then you can get it. The broth that came from cooking the stomach can then be used as the basis for the soup. But we will save a small amount of it for cougar shurbi. We cut the boiled stomach into medium-sized cubes, put it in a small saucepan and fill it with broth. Once it boils again, add the sautéed green onions. In a frying pan, fry the same amount of flour on a spoon of butter. As soon as it turns yellow, add to the stomach. Season with crushed garlic. Beat a raw egg, also add it to the dish. Salt, pepper, throw fresh herbs. Cougar Shurby served hot.

How to cook a fried pork stomach

How to cook a fried pork stomach

There are many recipes for cooking this offal in a pan. Including kendyuh - it also can not be baked in the oven, but fried in lard. The most original recipe is Chinese. It turns out very tasty greaves, which you can sprinkle with boiled potatoes or pasta. Before preparing a pork stomach, mix chopped ginger and leek in a bowl, sprinkle them with a pinch of starch, salt, and fill with table wine. While these seasonings are infused, let's take care of the stomach. Clean it thoroughly, cut into cubes. On a high fire, put a pan with a lot of vegetable oil. Fry the stomach in this deep fat. When it reaches softness, we fish it on a plate. Drain excess oil. We leave only a small amount in the pan. In this fat, fry ginger and leek, strained from wine. Then add the stomach, mix, warm and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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