Typical manifestations of a hay runny nose (allergic rhinitis) include frequent sneezing, water from the nose, nasal congestion, itching in the nose, and “nose accent” when talking. Frequent blowing of the nose leads to redness of the skin around the nose and its soreness. Several handkerchiefs are used throughout the day, as water from the nose runs almost continuously.
Is it a disease?
No doubt a disease. Indeed, another outdated name - hay fever - indicates that a runny nose is accompanied by common symptoms: fever, pain. This reaction is based on the emergency response of the immune system to allergic irritants. The latter lead to the release of various substances that cause the phenomena described above. Many children suffering from an allergic rhinitis, that is, children who have running nose water, can be recognized from afar by the so-called “allergic greeting” (typical position of the hand with itching in the nose). They palm up their nose, trying to resist itching. Although most children suffer less than their parents, who are annoyed by the constant blowing, because water constantly runs from the nose. But there are also children who carry this disease as hard as the flu.
The picture worsens when a bacterial or viral disease is stratified, since pathogens find favorable soil for themselves in loose and moist mucous membranes. During the season of acute manifestations of hay rhinitis (allergic rhinitis), many children also develop upper respiratory tract diseases. If suddenly there was yellow water from the nose, instead of the usual colorless, immediately consult an allergist and ENT.
What happens in the nose with a hay runny nose (allergic rhinitis)?
Substances causative agents of allergic diseases cause thickening and loosening of the mucous membrane, excessive formation of mucus, there is water from the nose and itching. As a result, other allergens can comfortably settle in a moist and thickened mucous membrane, supporting the process. The cleansing function of the nose, carried out by millions of cilia, is disrupted, and allergens calmly remain in the places where they fall.
Typical manifestations of hay rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) occur very quickly. Within a few minutes after contact with the allergen, all signs of the disease develop.
When examining the nose (rhinoscopy), the doctor sees either a reddened swollen mucous membrane, or (in the chronic process) a pale, but also swollen mucosa. In both cases, the nasal passages are closed and do not allow air to pass. Some children develop typical eye symptoms at the same time, or itch in the throat or palate.
Is hay runny nose caused only by hay?
Of course not, although it bears such a name. Therefore, in medical terminology it is referred to as “allergic rhinitis”, that is, an allergic rhinitis.
Depending on the pathogens, two forms of allergic rhinitis are distinguished:
- the seasonal form that occurs in spring or summer and is caused by pollen from grasses, bushes and trees, the influence of other allergens, such as molds or animal hair, is also possible;
- a year-round form in which the disease lasts all year round with more or less strength, assuming a chronic nature; this form may, for example, be caused by apartment dust mites.
In seasonal form (true hay fever), sneezing, itching and watery discharge from the nose predominate. In rainy and cold weather, the manifestations of the disease are sharply reduced.
With a year-round form, nasal congestion prevails with difficulty in nasal breathing, which leads to the habit of breathing through the mouth.