Today we will tell you about who is contraindicated in green tea. In addition, from the presented article you will find out what composition the given product has and what healing properties it has.
general information
Before telling you about who is contraindicated in green tea, you should talk about this drink in more detail.
Green tea is tea that has undergone minimal fermentation (i.e. oxidation). However, few people know that both green and black drinks are obtained from leaflets of the same tea bush. Then what is the difference between the two? The fact is that the leaves for obtaining the mentioned teas are obtained in completely different ways. Without going into details, I want to note that the raw material for a green drink is pre-oxidized by 3-12%.
Green Tea: Benefits, Composition
The properties, contraindications and harm of this drink we will present a little further. Now I want to tell you about what its chemical composition is. After all, it is the elements that enter into it that determine its benefit to the human body.
Answering the question about who and what is the benefit of green tea, one cannot but say that one third of this product is made up of various compounds of polyphenols, tannin, catechins, as well as derivatives thereof. Moreover, these substances are contained in such a drink twice as much as in black. That is why it should be included in your diet for those who regularly suffer from constipation and other problems with the intestines.
It should also be noted that the combination of caffeine with tannin forms the substance caffeine tannate. It is it that acts stimulantly on the cardiovascular and nervous system.
Contraindications of green tea, as well as benefits, are due to its composition. As we found out above, such a drink has caffeine. As a rule, its amount is about 1-4%. Its exact content depends on many factors (for example, the size of tea leaves, processing method, growing conditions, water temperature when brewing, etc.). In addition to caffeine, this product also contains other alkaloids in the form of theobromine and theophylline, which contribute to the expansion of blood vessels.
Enzymes and Amino Acids
If we talk about the presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in green tea, then it contains only substances such as enzymes and amino acids. Moreover, the best composition is observed in the Japanese variety.
Calorie content of the product
What is more remarkable green tea? The benefits and harms of losing weight are also due to the composition of this product. It should be noted that green tea is a low-calorie product. In this regard, it can be included in your diet, even for those who are overweight.
Experts say that the calorie content of green tea without the use of granulated sugar is close to zero. In some cases, it can equal about 10 calories in one small cup. Therefore, you can safely make delicious and healthy green tea for your family.
The benefits and harms of green tea
The advantage of this product is that it contains many useful substances. For example, green tea leaves contain four times more vitamins P and C than citrus fruits. Moreover, these substances mutually enhance the healing properties of each other. They protect cells from destruction, and also help strengthen the immune system.
It should also be noted that green tea includes such an important vitamin as vitamin A (or carotene). As you know, this substance has a beneficial effect on vision, and also enhances the elimination of free radicals.
Vitamins of group B occupy a very important place in this drink. So, B1 helps regulate the carbohydrate balance of the body, and B2 fights viruses and bacteria, helps strengthen hair and nails. As for vitamin B3, it lowers cholesterol and enhances red blood cell production.
Among other things, green tea is very rich in vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect on the human body. It also positively affects the reproductive system - both men and women.
What is the harm?
Why are some people not recommended to include green tea in their diet ? The benefits and harms of green tea are closely related to the composition of this drink. After all, it contains a lot of substances that contribute to the expansion of blood vessels. In this regard, it should be drunk with caution to those who have any problems in this area.
To whom is green tea categorically contraindicated? Few people know, but a fairly small number of people are allowed to drink the drink. This is due primarily to the fact that it is very rich in minerals and vitamins.
So, we consider the contraindications of green tea in more detail:
- First of all, the drink presented is not recommended for people in adulthood or old age. This fact is due to the fact that green tea negatively affects the joints and can quite easily provoke gout.
- Specialists claim that the said drink is able to enhance the acidity of the juice of the stomach. That is why the question of who is contraindicated in green tea, may well answer that people with an ulcer in the main digestive organ, as well as gastritis and erosion.
- It is highly undesirable to drink green tea for kidney diseases, especially if they have stones or sand.
- Green tea should be forever abandoned to those who regularly suffer from insomnia, as well as arrhythmias, anxiety and high blood pressure. This fact is due to the fact that the presented drink has exciting properties, due to the content in it of a substance such as caffeine.
- Green tea is also contraindicated at high temperature. In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not drink it.
How not to drink green tea?
Now you know who is contraindicated in green tea. However, it should be noted that before buying this product, you need to pay attention not only to its harm, but also how to use it correctly. Indeed, even in the absence of contraindications, incorrectly drunk tea can cause significant harm to the human body.
- Green tea, which was drunk on an empty stomach, can quite easily upset digestion.
- You can not drink the presented drink with glaucoma.
- If you decide to give green tea to your child, you should remember that children under 12 years old can only drink it in a low-brewed form.
- Green tea is also contraindicated for people with an enlarged thyroid gland.
- You can not drink low-quality tea or with an expired shelf life. That is why you should not save on it, but rather spend money and buy a real and fresh product.
- Green tea should not be too hot during consumption. After all, the high temperature of such a drink can contribute to the appearance of inflammation of the internal organs due to burns.
- A strong brewed green drink can easily trigger a severe headache.
- Tea should be brewed only before drinking it. Moreover, in the future it is not recommended to re-fill it with water. Indeed, he loses so much in beneficial properties and in taste.
- Tea that was drunk before eating can reduce protein absorption.
Brewing process
Making any tea drink, including green one, is called brewing. To do this, take about 2 g of dry matter and fill it with about 100 ml of boiled water.
It should also be noted that the brewing process can vary significantly depending on what kind of product you purchased. For example, high-quality tea uses a large amount of dry leaf, which can be brewed several times in a short time.
The preparation time of the drink and the water temperature are also different for different varieties of tea. The highest brewing temperature is 81-87 ° C, and the longest time is 2-3 minutes. As for the smallest value, it is 61-69 ° C and 30 seconds respectively.
As a rule, low-quality tea is brewed at higher temperatures and much longer than high-quality. It is from this observation that you can determine which product was sold to you in the store.
Finally, I would like to add that if green tea is brewed for too long and in boiling water, it will become astringent and bitter, regardless of its variety and quality.