Daniel Murillo: biography and creativity

Daniel Murillo is an American musician who was born in 1982, November 21, in Hesperia, USA. He is a member of the Hollywood Undead. Former Lorene Drive frontman. Our hero’s wife is called Theresa Murillo. He also has a daughter named Scarlett. It has its own clothing line called Danny Rose Supply.


Daniel Murillo
Daniel Murillo made his debut in 2002 as the frontman of a group called Lorene Drive. The group released their debut album in 2005. It was called Romantic Wealth. Together with Lorene Drive, our hero took part in the Taste of Chaos, Bamboozle coast and Warped Tour tours. Also appeared on MTV in a competition called Dew Circuit Breakout.


Danielle Rose Murillo
Daniel Murillo, before joining the Hollywood Undead, took part in the ninth season of the American show Idol. He went through the qualifying stage. Then he performed a song by Shy. However, he refused to participate further in order to go to the Vatos Locos tour with the group Hollywood Undead. He worked on the American Tragedy album as a vocalist, replacing Dewes, a former band member. The album was released in 2011, in April. He debuted at number 4 on the Billboard 200. He won the first position in the chart Top Hard Rock Albums. In addition, this work ranked fifth in the official chart of Canada. American Tragedy was more significant commercial success than the first album of Swan Songs. In the first week, 67,000 copies were sold. A song called Been to Hell made it onto the list of ten 2011 rock songs, according to Aol Radio. Da Kurlzz - a member of the Hollywood Undead group - noted that our hero gave the team a new breath, and now the team has something to strive for.


Daniel Murillo Growth
A few words should be said about the appearance that Daniel Murillo possesses. Its height is 163 cm. At the same time, according to the tradition of the Hollywood Undead group, the appearance of the musician was modified due to the mask that he received in 2010, immediately after joining the team. Then he was assigned another integral attribute of a team member - a pseudonym. The mask was originally golden. It was complemented by black spots. But later they disappeared. The slot for the left eye is represented as the center of the Latin cross. In 2012, the golden mask received a more rigorous outline. The Latin cross has been replaced by cartridges. In 2014 and 2015, the mask looked like golden chain mail, but it retained its familiar features.


Danielle Murillo and Lorene Drive recorded several albums. In 2005, Savan In Super Pursuit Mode and Romantic Wealth were released. In 2008, work appeared Out Alive. Then began a joint work with the group Hollywood Undead. In 2011, the American Tragedy album appeared. At the same time, Redux's work was released. She became the band's first remix album. The disc was released at A & M / Octone Records. The history of this disc began with the fact that some time after the release of American Tragedy, the group opened a fan remix competition. The best of them were to be included in the album. The tracks were created by various musicians and DJs. The first single was released in 2011, in October. A video clip was shot on it. Also, our hero took part in the recording of the album Notes from the Underground. It was introduced in 2013, January 8th. This work was created at A & M / Octone Records. The album debuted in second place on the Billboard 200 chart. 55,000 copies of the disc were sold in one week. In addition, the musician worked on the creation of the album Day of the Dead. The work was released in 2015. It's about the band’s first album, recorded at Interscope Records.

Hollywood undead

Daniel Murillo photo
Currently, Daniel Murillo continues to create as part of the Hollywood Undead. Therefore, this group should be discussed in more detail. We are talking about a musical group from Los Angeles. It was founded in 2005. The team chose rap rock as its style. Participants wear masks at photo shoots and concerts. A total of 10 million discs were sold worldwide. The history of the group began with the fact that Aron Erlichman and Jorel Dekker published the song The Kids on the Internet. After receiving positive feedback, they formed a team with their friends Jeff Philips, George Arthur Reagan, Dylan Peter Alvarez, Jordan Christopher Terrell, Matthew St. Clair. In one of the interviews, the musicians noted that the participants in the group were everyone who at some point was in the room and knew how to play instruments. Regarding the name, it was noted that initially the team was supposed to get the name Undead, however, the fact that the first song that was recorded jointly was called Hollywood played a role. It was later renamed No.5. One of the band's friends saw the recording disc and read Undead Hollywood. Then he swapped the words and suggested the final version of the name. The main theme of the songs was love and injustice.

The popularity of the team began to grow. He was noticed in the studio MySpace Records. Song No.5 was released in a special collection. At the same time, the team shot a video clip for this composition. It took a little more than a year for the group to record songs for the album. For about two years the team was looking for a studio that would not censor the future record. Initially, the team had a contract with MySpace Records. However, the company tried to influence the contents of the disc. Then the agreement was broken, the search for another studio began. Now you know who Daniel Murillo is. Photos of the musician are attached to this material.

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