Barberry Jam: recipes for every taste

Today we will talk about how to make jam from barberry berries. In the article you will also find recipes for desserts and drinks. We wish you culinary success!

Barberry Jam Recipes

Barberry Jam: Useful Properties

In winter, our body especially needs vitamins. The source of nutrients can be not only fresh fruits, but also preparations. A vivid example of this is barberry jam. Recipes for drinks and desserts from bright red berries, we will consider later. In the meantime, discuss the beneficial properties of barberry. Here are some of them:

  • berries have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects;
  • barberry contains berberine. This substance helps to normalize blood pressure. It is used for the manufacture of choleretic drugs;
  • barberry jam, the recipes of which will be discussed in this article, has a soothing and antibacterial properties;
  • with the regular use of berries, drinks and dishes from them, blood coagulability and bile secretion improves;
  • barberry jam helps with coughing, fever and pneumonia.

Barberry Jam for the winter


  • 1-2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg of barberry berries.
    Barberry Jam for the winter

Preliminary preparation:

First you need to sort out the barberry. We remove seeds and garbage. Pour the berries into a deep bowl and fill with cold water. Leave for 4-7 hours. After that, we recline in a colander and wait until the liquid drains.

Cooking Jam:

1. Take a pot of water. Pour sugar and put on the stove. You can cook barberry jam in a slow cooker. But many housewives prefer to strictly follow the traditional recipe. So, cook the syrup on the stove, setting medium heat. Be sure to stir. When the syrup becomes thick, it is necessary to increase the fire.

2. Now you can put the barberry in the pan. Cook the berries until they settle to the bottom. The syrup must acquire transparency.

3. We sterilize the jars on which we will pour the jam. The lids also need to be boiled.

4. Determining the readiness of jam is very simple. Take a teaspoon. Scoop the jam with it and put it on a plate. If it does not blur and keeps its shape well, then you can turn off the fire. It remains only to distribute the berry mass in banks and close the lids.

Jam with barberry and apples

Grocery list:

  • 0.5 kg of apples (preferably sour);
  • 300-350 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of barberry.

Practical part

We prepare the berries: rinse with water and remove the seeds. Now we start processing apples. Wash them well and cut them into slices. Barberry and apples are placed in a pan, pour a little water and cook until fully cooked. Add sugar in the middle of the process.

Beverage Recipes

Now you can easily make jelly and barberry jam. The recipes described above are designed for both experienced and novice housewives. Do you want to surprise your household with delicious and healthy drinks made on the basis of barberry? Then we offer you some interesting options.

Barberry Jam beneficial properties

Kvass from barberry berries

Required Products:

  • 100 g sugar (per 1 liter of tincture);
  • 1 kg of barberry;
  • 5 liters of water.


Step number 1 - put the berries in a tub of water and close the lid. Leave for exactly one month.

Step number 2 - Separate the infusion. Dilute with water, increasing the volume by 2 times. Add sugar. We remove kvass in a dark place. He must wander one day.

Barberry Compote


  • 750 ml of water;
  • 0.9 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of barberry.

Cooking process:

We sort through the berries, rinse them in running water and remove the seeds. Now you need to make syrup. To do this, take water and sugar. Cook these ingredients until the syrup is thick. We lay the berries in pre-warmed jars. Top with syrup. We sterilize at 100 degrees. A container of 1 liter - 20 minutes, and 500 ml - 15 minutes.

Dessert Recipes

Barberry Sorbet

Grocery set:

  • ยฝ tsp pink syrup;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • half a tablespoon of barberry juice;
  • 6 tbsp. l sugar.

How to prepare sorbet:

1. We put a deep pan with water on the fire. Add sugar. Cooking syrup. Then cool it to 40 degrees.

2. Pour pink infusion and barberry juice into the resulting syrup.

3. Put the mixture in the refrigerator. It should cool to 8 degrees. We spread the sorbet on the bowls and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Barberry Jam



  • 300-350 g of sugar;
  • 1 kg of barberry berries.

The practical part:

1. As in previous recipes, first you need to sort through the berries, wash them and pour water. Cook until soft. Wipe the barberry through a sieve. Puree the mashed potatoes on a plate, where we mix with sugar. Now put the berry mass in the pan, put on the fire and cook. Marmalade by weight should be 2 times the amount of sugar used. The maximum cooking time for marmalade is 1 hour.

Barberry Jam


  • sugar - 1-1.5 kg;
  • 1.2 kg of berries.
    Barberry jam in a slow cooker


1. Rinse barberry, remove seeds and debris. Send the berries to a pot of water. As in the previous recipe, barberry must be passed through a sieve. In the puree, add sugar and cook, setting a small fire. As soon as the berry mass decreases by a third, remove the pan from the stove. Jam is hot distributed in sterilized banks.


Now you know how to make drinks and barberry jam. The recipes that we offer cannot be called complicated and time consuming. Using a minimal set of products, you can prepare delicious and healthy treats for the whole family. But do not forget that when using any sweets, you must comply with the measure.

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