Carpet burn: causes and treatment

Carpet skin lesions are burns, or abrasions on the skin that are caused by friction on a rough surface, for example, on synthetic carpets (hence the name). Carpet burn is not a medical term.


This type of burns can have varying degrees of severity. Single redness or abrasion is possible, and, in addition, damage to several layers of the skin with open bleeding and painful wounds. In most situations, a carpet burn is treated at home. But in the event that an infection is brought into the wound, or if the damage covers a large area of ​​the body, you should consult a doctor.

damage to the skin

First aid for carpet burns

As part of first aid, a number of actions should be taken:

  • Wash your hands before treating the resulting burn. Any of them damages the skin, which is the main base for the protection of the human body. Through abrasions and burns, infection can easily enter the body. How to treat a burn at home, consider below.
  • Next, clean the damaged area. Rinse the burn very carefully using a clean, soft washcloth and warm water, and it is also advisable to use an antibacterial soap. Using the above tools, you need to remove all visible debris and dirt, which will certainly help prevent the occurrence of infection.
  • After cleansing, the wound should be disinfected. In this case, thorough treatment with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or iodine is suitable - this is especially necessary if there are signs of dirt on the abrasion, or bleeding continues. It is necessary to soak a cotton swab in iodine, alcohol or peroxide, and then dab it with a carpet burn. This procedure can be slightly painful. The use of alcohol can be harmful, and in addition, cause extremely unpleasant sensations, therefore it is worth using it or alcohol iodine tincture only in extreme cases.
    synthetic carpets

Next stage

The next step is to apply any antibacterial ointment to the damaged skin. You need to pay attention to whether there are deep damage, for example, any cuts or lacerations. In the event that there are any, you must definitely seek medical help.

What to do next?

Next, cover the carpet burn with a band-aid or bandage. You can remove the bandage and check the wound after twenty-four hours. In the event that scabs (crusts) began to appear on the skin surface, this means that the healing process of the burn goes well, that is, it is no longer necessary to cover it, it may come in contact with air. But if the skin still remains red and oozes, and no crusts form, you should apply a fresh bandage for another day.

carpet burn

Burn treatment

To treat such burns, the following measures should be taken to eliminate them:

  • First you need to place the affected surface under cold water. In the event that a person experiences a burning sensation, or other painful sensations, it is also advisable for him to place the part of the body on which the burn is located under a stream of cold water. You can repeat this procedure every hour for five to ten minutes. It is important to note that in no case should you apply ice or butter to the site of damage to the skin.
  • It is forbidden to put on clothes at the wound site. The fabric irritates the affected area. In the event that you definitely need to put on clothes on the burn site, you must first cover the wound with gauze or bandage.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that the damaged surface always remains dry, and try to prevent drops of water from getting on the burn, since any humidity contributes to the rapid spread of infection. You need to wipe the burn with a cotton swab if it suddenly becomes wet.
  • If it turns out that the wound is oozing, you should not rub it, so as not to cause irritation of the inflamed area. Instead, it would be better to remove the gauze or bandage and let the wound dry out in the open. But if suddenly pus or blood oozes from the affected area of ​​the skin, you should immediately consult a specialist.
    how to treat a burn at home
  • Next, aloe juice can be applied to a burn from a synthetic carpet or other rough surface. This will certainly help speed up the healing process. Aloe, as a rule, is sold in different forms: in the form of a gel, lotion, spray or cream. In addition, you can use the leaves of this plant. Cutting off a small piece, you need to squeeze the juice to the sore spot.
  • You can also use honey, which should be applied to the wound. This will reduce pain and itching.
  • Another recipe that can help is a paste of parsley leaves and calendula flowers. It is necessary to grind the grass to the state of the paste and apply to the damaged area. This tool will speed up the healing process.
  • In addition, turmeric paste is suitable, as it stimulates the regeneration of the skin and helps cleanse the wound.
  • Using essential oils will speed the healing process. As you know, lavender has regenerative and antiseptic properties that reduce pain. Thyme also has similar functions. Apply two or three drops of the ether composition to gauze and apply to the burn site. You need to change the bandage from two to three times a day. In addition, you can wash the burn with a mixture of five to six drops of essential oil, previously diluted in a glass of water.
  • It is forbidden to use lotions and powders, as some of these funds can aggravate the condition. Also, you should never apply sunscreen to the damaged area of ​​the skin.
  • It is necessary to increase the daily intake of vitamins, which will contribute to a speedy recovery. It is necessary to include vitamin C in the diet, it will strengthen the immune system. Eat as much strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, and tomatoes as possible.

We have described in detail how to treat a burn at home.

carpet burn causes and treatment


The skin area, on which scabs appear during the healing process of the burn, causing itching, should in no case be combed or, moreover, peeled off. This will greatly slow down the process of tissue regeneration, and in addition, there may be a risk of infection.

The causes and treatment of carpet burns, we examined in this article.

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