The movie Red Lights, reviews of which you will find in this article, is a popular thriller directed by Rodrigo Cortes. The main roles in this picture were played by Sigourney Weaver, Killian Murphy and Robert de Niro. The tape was released in 2012.
The plot of the picture
The film "Red Lights" reviews from viewers and critics received mostly positive. At the center of the story is the researcher Margaret Matheson, who is engaged in the study of paranormal phenomena. Thus she manages to expose all kinds of scammers. In this work, she helps a physicist named Tom Buckley. He turns to her with a request to check whether the popular psychic Simon Silver, who is preparing to triumphantly return to the scene after being absent for several decades, is a charlatan.
Margaret opposes this, since Silver left the profession after the mysterious and mysterious death of a journalist who began to actively criticize him. Tom does not listen to his mentor, he secretly penetrates Simon’s performance. However, the psychic fails to demonstrate everything that he is capable of; at the most crucial moment, the equipment fails. After this incident, Buckley goes to Margaret, but she lies unconscious in her room. Doctors who arrived on the spot urgently fail to save her. Then Tom decides that it will be a matter of honor for him to expose Simon.
Problems on the way of the hero
In the comments on the movie Red Lights, viewers note that Buckley’s efforts to expose Simon are accompanied by mysterious incidents that he cannot explain. The equipment constantly fails, unknown people attack the laboratory, dead birds appear everywhere.
Margaret's colleagues and associates at the institute help organize a scientific study of the abilities that Silver possesses. Buckley seeks to join this work, he succeeds. The psychic overcomes with dignity all the trials prepared for him, scientists are almost ready to admit that he actually has inexplicable paranormal powers. Only Tom is still convinced that Silver is the most common quack and a trickster. He tirelessly double-checks the results and videos of the experiments.
Success comes quite unexpectedly when his assistant, by a lucky coincidence, discovers a solution to how Silver managed to pass all the trials.
Buckley personally once again goes to the performance of a psychic, where publicly declares that he is a charlatan. Simon is amazed; he cannot answer in defense. At the same time, it turns out that Tom himself has paranormal abilities. He writes a letter to the deceased Margaret, in which he admits that their joint work on his part was an attempt to find his own kind, to explain what was happening to him.
Killian Murphy
Positive feedback in the movie "Red Lights" deserves the work of Killian Murphy. He played the role of Thomas Buckley.
This is an Irish actor who was born in the town of Douglas in 1976. He made his debut in the little-known in Russia films "The History of Sweet Barrett", "Sunburn" and "In July 1916: The Battle of the Somme" in the late 90's.
Fame brought him the main role in the comedy drama Neil Jordan's "Breakfast on Pluto." For her, he received several prestigious acting awards, and in 2006 was even recognized as an actor of the year according to GQ UK.
Sigourney Weaver
The role of Professor Margaret Matheson was performed by the famous American actress Sigourney Weaver. She was born in New York in 1949.
Weaver made her debut in 1977 in the Woody Allen comedy "Annie Hall." In total, she played on the screen several tens of roles, was nominated three times for the Academy Award. In 1987, for the role of Ellen Ripley in James Cameron's fantastic action movie "Aliens", in 1989 for the image of Diane Fossey in Michael Epted's biographical drama "Gorillas in the Fog" and Catherine Parker in Mike Nichols' melodramatic comedy "The Business Girl" (as the actress of the second plan).
But she did not manage to get a single figurine.
Robert DeNiro
The psychic and quack Simon Silver in the film is played by a popular American actor of Italian origin Robert de Niro. He was born in New York in 1943.
His film debut took place in 1965 in Marcel Carne’s drama Three Rooms in Manhattan. He was awarded the Academy Award twice - in 1975 for the best supporting actor in the drama Francis Ford Coppola's “The Godfather 2”, and in 1980 for the image of Jake la Mott in Martin Scorsese’s biographical drama “Raging Bull”. Five more times, De Niro was nominated for this prestigious film award.
Impressions of the film
About the film "Red Lights" (2012) reviews can be found mostly positive. The audience especially liked him, which cannot be said about film critics.
Ordinary cinema lovers in reviews of the movie "Red Lights" noted that the tape turned out to be very witty, mystical, creepy, but at the same time melodramatic. It even touches on philosophical issues related to the immortality of the soul, faith and religion. This is a deep work, which allows not only to rapturously observe the brilliant work on the screen of stars of the first magnitude, but also to get food for thought about a place for a person in this world. About whether everything really lends itself to explanation or is there a line beyond which begins a blind and absolutely limitless belief in miracles. In any case, according to most who saw him in theaters, the tape turned out to be fascinating and intriguing, clearly deserving of seeing it on the big screen.
At the same time, film critics in reviews, reviews about Red Lights did not give such high ratings. The genre of the thriller, which was declared by the creators, does not, in their opinion, correspond to reality, because you do not feel either excitement or trepidation when viewing this picture. In addition, the director's work received negative assessments because Cortes was unable to demonstrate anything outstanding to the viewer, although he claimed that he had studied paranormal phenomena for six months before starting this shoot. In reality, on the screen we see only ordinary ordinary seances familiar from tapes of the 30s of the last century.
Reviews for the film "Red Lights" for the most part boiled down to the fact that the picture did not live up to its expectations.