The drug "Nebilet", reviews of doctors and patients about which will be given to your attention in this article, is a representative of a new generation of cardioselective beta1-blockers with vasodilating (vasodilating) properties.
Today we will try to consider its qualities, especially the effects on the human body and methods of application in more detail so that you can make your own opinion about the advantages of this drug.
The drug "Nebilet": reviews on the effectiveness of this drug
The drug "Nebilet", as already mentioned above, has the ability to selectively block adrenoreceptors, as well as conduct nerve impulses.
Selectivity (in this case, cardioselectivity) is the ability to selectively block beta1-adrenergic receptors, which reduces the heart rate, and not have an effect on beta2-adrenergic receptors in order to exclude narrowing of blood vessels and bronchi. For this, in due time, namely in 1988, the scientists who developed beta-blockers were awarded the Nobel Prize for "the greatest breakthrough in medicine in the fight against heart diseases."
Although, according to researchers, in large doses of any drug containing beta1-blockers, the mentioned selectivity is still partial. Since some beta2-adrenergic receptors may still be blocked as a result of exposure.
How does the drug "Nebilet" affect the body
The drug "Nebilet", reviews of which are presented to your attention in this article, reduces the power of heart contractions, reduces their frequency, and also minimizes the risk of arrhythmia.
It is also worth mentioning the antianginal (analgesic for angina pectoris and myocardial infarction) and hypotensive effects of this drug, achieved by normalizing the release of nitric oxide. Moreover, the steady effect of lowering blood pressure at rest, with stress and physical exertion occurs with regular intake of tablets after one to two weeks.
Due to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand by reducing the number of contractions and reducing pre- and afterload, the Nebilet drug reduces the severity and number of angina attacks and inhibits the pathological automatism of the heart.
The advantages of the drug "Nebilet" in comparison with other antihypertensive drugs
As mentioned above, the named tool has an effective antianginal, anti-ischemic and hypotensive effect. Taking the drug has an effect on reducing heart rate and vascular resistance, in addition, Nebilet tablets (expert reviews confirm this) reduce systolic and diastolic pressure smoothly and physiologically.
It is important that with prolonged therapy with this drug, there is no development of resistance (resistance) of the body to the named drug, in addition, there is no dependence of its effect on the body on the age, sex of the patient or the time of eating. It should be noted the effect of stopping the development of atherosclerosis, which provides treatment with the drug "Nebilet."
The drug "Nebilet": indications for use
Reviews of experts on the described tool confirm its effectiveness in coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, in the complex therapy of heart failure and arterial hypertension, where this drug is used both in monotherapy and as a supplement to other drugs that reduce blood pressure.
By the way, its use in parallel with Amiodarone, Verapamil and Diltiazem is unacceptable!
Hypertension dosage
Tablets "Nebilet" reviews of experts refer to drugs that well reduce blood pressure. For this, the drug is taken orally once a day. Doctors advise doing this at the same time, do not chew and drink the medicine with a large amount of liquid, and there is no need to coordinate the drug intake with the meal time.
In order to get the effect of lowering blood pressure, you need to take from 2.5 to 5 mg of the drug. Improvement usually occurs no later than a month after the start of treatment.
Side effect of the drug
But, referring to the opinion of patients taking this drug, as well as specialists, it should be noted that treatment with Nebilet tablets can also cause negative manifestations. Such as, for example, insomnia, dizziness, which appear most often. Much less likely the development of depressive states, convulsions and hallucinations.
At one time, occasionally occurring disorders on the part of blood vessels and the heart were also described: slowing of heart contractions, manifestations of orthostatic hypotension (a condition when pressure drops when the body is upright), the appearance of edema, etc.
Taking the drug "Nebilet", reviews of which are presented to your attention, can cause allergic reactions of the body. They, as a rule, are manifested in rashes on the skin, increased photosensitivity and in rare cases bronchospasm.
With a sharp cessation of taking the indicated drug , withdrawal syndrome may be observed . Therefore, a decrease in its amount should be carried out gradually and under the supervision of a physician.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
The described agent is not used in cases of impaired liver function, arterial hypotension, with bronchial asthma, severe heart failure and hypersensitivity to the drug "Nebilet".
Contraindications to the use of this drug are also cardiogenic shock, AV blockade of the second and third degree, depressive states, muscle weakness and outflow disorders in the peripheral vessels.
Pregnancy and lactation
With special care, the drug "Nebilet" is used during pregnancy. The reviews of the monitoring experts confirm that treatment with the indicated remedy in pregnant women should be interrupted no later than two days before the start of delivery. If this is not possible for any reason, the newborn must be closely monitored, since he is at high risk of developing arterial hypotension, bradycardia, hypoglycemia and respiratory paralysis.
If necessary, the appointment of Nebilet tablets during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.
Why are reviews about the Nebilet drug so mixed
Of course, everyone who first encountered the need for admission will want to know the opinion of patients who have long been using the Nebilet medicine. Reviews, most likely, will turn out to be very different, but the causes of diseases also vary!
Immediately, we note that it is impossible to judge whether a worthy remedy is before you, only by the impressions of the patient, whose medical history and characteristics of the body are a mystery to you.
However, the drug that was described in the article is most often effective. And at the same time, it is important to understand that the treatment regimen and the selection of a method of therapy are the prerogative of a specialist. This is the only way Nebilet tablets will help to improve well-being and not cause new health problems.