Airborne diseases, prevention and severity

Do you know which diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets? If you do not know anything about such diseases, then we will talk about them in the presented article.

airborne droplets

general information

Diseases transmitted by airborne droplets are characterized by the fact that they are infected after close contact with a person who has the infection (for example, during conversation, coughing, yawning, sneezing, etc.). How does this happen? In the process of contact with the patient, microscopic particles of mucous secretion, which contain bacteria or viruses, come from him. It is they who infect the upper respiratory tract and cause the development of the disease.

Very often, diseases transmitted by airborne droplets occur in the autumn-winter period. So what are these diseases? We list them right now.


Influenza is common, as well as swine flu can be picked up already in the first two days after the onset of the first signs in the carrier. What is the danger of contact with an infected person? After damage to the upper respiratory tract, their work noticeably and quite quickly deteriorates, which contributes to the ingress of toxins into the systemic circulation.

Conventional and swine flu are characterized by chills, fever, body aches, discomfort when rotated by the visual organs, and pain in the head. A little later, cough, runny nose, and tearing join these symptoms.

whether transmitted by airborne droplets

Respiratory infection

It is no secret to anyone that ARVI and ARI are also transmitted through the air. After contact with the patient, the patient may experience a runny nose and general malaise. If you do not start treatment on time, then these signs are joined by fever, sore throat, decreased appetite, and so on.

Respiratory infection is the most common disease that occurs when the seasons change. Therefore, after contact with an infected person, it is imperative to carry out all preventive measures in order to prevent the development of the virus.


This is a rather dangerous disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. Few people know, but even after the patient has completely recovered, the risk of infection of the people around him remains very high for some time.

Such a disease causes intoxication. It is characterized by inflammatory processes that develop in the visual organs, pharynx, trachea, larynx and nose.

airborne infection

Diphtheria can be infected not only through the air, but also after using the patient’s items, on which his secret remained.

Meningococcal infection

How should airborne infections be treated? Only an experienced specialist can tell you about this.

The disease in question is quite dangerous. It causes purulent damage to the meninges. With such a disease, a person develops vomiting and lethargy, suddenly rises in temperature, and during the first days a rash forms.

Whooping cough

Is such a disease transmitted by airborne droplets? Of course. This disease is characterized by a spasmodic and rather intense cough. Pathology develops for a very long time. It begins with a banal runny nose, as well as a slight increase in body temperature. Soon a cough joins these symptoms, which becomes intense and proceeds paroxysmally.

If pertussis is accompanied by severe asphyxiation, then treatment should be carried out only in a hospital.

airborne infection


Such a disease begins with coughing and sneezing, as well as a slight increase in body temperature. After that, photophobia, conjunctivitis and some puffiness of the face join the main symptoms of the disease. On the fourth day, pink spots form on the patient's body, which last about three days. All of the listed symptoms last until the patient is fully recovered.

Scarlet fever

Such a disease is characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. Also, the patient has hyperemia of the cheeks, vomiting and pain in the head. After that, a rash is added to the listed symptoms, which is localized on the skin in bending parts of the body.


How does infection happen? By airborne droplets, this disease is transmitted through contact with the carrier. The disease is characterized by damage to the central nervous system and salivary glands. First, the patient feels a sharp deterioration in the general condition, and then loses his appetite and feels pain in the head area. After that, his temperature rises, and painful sensations arise near the neck and ears. At the same time, these areas strongly swell.

airborne diseases


This disease affects the lymphatic system and human skin. It is not accompanied by catarrhal phenomena, but it causes a short-term rise in body temperature. With such a disease, the patient may increase the occipital and posterior cervical lymph nodes (with a pea). As a rule, when palpating, they cause discomfort and pain. After a few days, an infected person develops a rash that begins with the face and neck, and then spreads throughout the body. Very often, such rashes form in the places where the limbs are bent, on the back and buttocks. As a rule, the rash with rubella lasts three days, after which it disappears without pigmentation.


This is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and motor nuclei of the spinal cord. It provokes paralysis of the upper or lower extremities.

As you know, such a disease is divided into two types:

  • Polio is non-paralytic. It is characterized by signs of acute respiratory illness or flu.
  • Poliomyelitis is paralytic. This type of disease is much less common. It leads to impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system and disability. It should also be noted that paralytic polio is the most dangerous form of the disease transmitted by airborne droplets.

respiratory infection

Chicken pox

The source of infection of this disease is only a sick person. The child's susceptibility to smallpox is very high. Therefore, with an outbreak in a kindergarten, almost all children become ill.

Symptoms of chickenpox are a small-spotted rash that spreads very quickly throughout the body. A week after the appearance of the rash, it begins to dry out and exfoliate (there are no traces on the body).

Preventive actions

Now you know the diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The main preventive measures that help prevent infection are:

  • varied and nutritious nutrition;
  • the correct organization of the regime of the day (work and rest);
  • hardening;
  • regular airing of the room.

It should also be said that the prevention of airborne infections consists not only in avoiding places with a large crowd of people (including during an epidemic) and isolating the patient, but also in the general healing of the body and support for immunity. For example, with a lack of sleep and improper planning of the work and rest regime, a person’s immune forces very quickly weaken, which ultimately leads to an increased risk of infection.

It should also be noted that proper and balanced nutrition allows you to get all the necessary minerals and vitamins that heal the body and prevent the infection or virus from developing. By the way, useful substances can be obtained not only from food, but also using multivitamin complexes purchased in a pharmacy.

swine flu

How to treat?

The treatment of infections transmitted by airborne droplets is accompanied by bed rest and complete rest. If the patient's body temperature rises, then he is recommended to take an antipyretic agent. When coughing, the patient is prescribed antitussive drugs, and with a rash, skin gels and ointments.

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