Homemade wine can be easily prepared from any seasonal berries. For each variety, there is a special technology that will reveal the taste and aroma of the drink. Today we will present you the best recipes for homemade wine from different berries.
Blackberry wine
This drink has an amazing smell and original taste. We offer you a simple recipe for homemade wine from berries, which you can easily put into practice:
- Put 2.5 kilograms of berries in a wooden tub and rub them thoroughly.
- Pour the blackberry with six liters of water and place in a cool place for four days.
- Strain the mass through a fine sieve. Leave the liquid in a separate bowl, and mash the berries with your hands and again fill them with water (you need four liters).
- After six hours, strain the blackberries, and then the berries need to be squeezed and discarded.
- Combine both infusions together, add to them 250 grams of honey and a half kilogram of sugar.
- Pour the resulting mass into a wooden barrel, close it tightly and place in a cool place.
After six months, you can enjoy a wonderful aromatic drink.
Rosehip Wine
Here is a simple recipe for wine from berries at home. Read our instructions carefully and repeat exactly the sequence of actions:
- Thoroughly clean one kilogram of ripe wild rose and rinse it in running water.
- Remove all the seeds, and then transfer the berries to a five-liter jar.
- Pour sugar syrup (three pounds of sugar per kilogram of water) into the pan and cover with a light cloth.
- Put the future wine in a warm place for three months. Remember to periodically shake the contents of the jar.
- When the specified time has passed, strain the juice, pour it into bottles and place in the basement (you can also put them in a box with sand).
Remember that the longer the wine is stored, the stronger it becomes.
Strong redcurrant wine
This drink will remind you of the bright sunny days of last summer. Read the recipe for homemade red currant wine here:
- Grind six kilograms of berries, and then mix them with 1.5 kilograms of sugar and a liter of water. If you want the wine to have a tart taste, then the branches do not need to be removed.
- Wait for the currant to ferment, and then drain the liquid into a separate container.
- For ten liters of wine you will need one kilogram of sugar and one liter of vodka (you can replace it with brandy). Stir the ingredients and let them brew for seven weeks.
- After this, the wine should be filtered and bottled.
The drink will be ready in four months.
Frozen Berries Homemade Wine Recipe
If there is a strawberry with cherries in your freezer, then you can easily make a delicious invigorating drink from them. Recipe for its preparation, read below:
- Combine 500 grams of cherry (seedless) and 400 grams of strawberry in a blender bowl.
- Pour one glass of water and add 250 grams of sugar.
- Beat products and transfer them to a jar.
- Stir two grams of yeast and a spoonful of sugar in a glass of water, and then pour the liquid over the berries.
- Add another glass of water to the future wine, cover the jar with gauze, folded in several layers, and put in a warm place for three days. Shake dishes at least once a day.
- When the specified time has passed, strain the liquid, pour it into a new jar, add 250 grams of sugar and place it under a water lock in a dark place.
- Repeat the filtering process after two weeks. Try the wine and, if necessary, add some more sugar.
After that, the wine can be bottled or immediately consumed as intended.
Homemade Blackcurrant Berries Recipe
Winemakers are very fond of currants, as this berry wanders well, and the taste of the drink turns out to be unusual and tasty. Wine from blackcurrant is very tart, and therefore it is often prepared with the addition of other components. But we want to offer you a classic recipe for homemade wine from berries. For him you need to prepare the following ingredients:
- Three parts of water.
- One part sugar.
- Two pieces of berries.
How to cook:
- Sort the berries and put them in a container with a wide neck. Grind it with a blender, mixer or any improvised means.
- Dissolve half the sugar in warm water, and then add the syrup to the currant.
- Cover the dishes with gauze and leave alone for several days. Do not forget to occasionally shake up the liquid or mix it with a wooden spatula.
- Strain the future wine, pour it into cans and close with a water lock. Try the juice and, if necessary, add sugar.
- After two or three weeks, when the fermentation stops, pour the wine into new cans and close it with water locks. Put the wine in a cool place.
- Every three weeks, the wine should be filtered and checked for sweetness.
After a couple of months, pour the drink into the bottles and put them in the cellar. Such wine will be stored for no more than one and a half years, since we did not use preservatives for its preparation.
Blueberry and Mint Wine
The recipes of homemade wine from berries are so varied that it is difficult to make a choice from them. But we offer a wonderful option that is easy to prepare and does not take you much effort.
- Cook syrup from two kilograms of sugar and three liters of water.
- In a small container, put the zest of one lemon and a large bunch of mint. Pour food into the syrup and cover with a lid. Wait for the liquid to cool.
- Rinse three kilograms of blueberries, sort it and grind it with a blender to a puree condition.
- Transfer prepared foods to a large bottle and pour syrup. Leave the wine to ferment at room temperature for seven days, remembering to stir it regularly.
- When the right time has passed, carefully drain the liquid so as not to disturb the berries.
- Close new dishes with a lid equipped with a long tube. Place the end of the tube in water and leave for another ten days.
After that, bottle the wine and let it brew for four months.
Strawberry wine
All recipes for making homemade wine from berries are similar to each other, but there are some differences between them. Therefore, carefully read our instructions:
- Take a kilogram of strawberries, remove the stems from the berries, and then put them in a pan.
- Grind the strawberries with a blender or rub through a sieve. Add a kilogram of sugar to it and mix.
- Transfer the mashed potatoes to a wide-necked container, pour 500 ml of hot water and leave for four days in a warm place.
- When the desired time has passed, remove the foam and strain the liquid through paper filters and a sieve.
- Add half a liter of vodka to the drink, shake, pour into clean bottles and put them in the cellar.
In just a few days, you can taste delicious strawberry wine.
Red Rowan Wine
This unusual autumn drink will surely please you. Read the recipe for homemade wine from rowan berries below:
- Separate the rowan berries from the branches and place in the freezer for 12 hours. After that, fill them with boiling water and warm for half an hour.
- Drain the juice (you need to save it) and again fill the berries with hot water. This time they need to be left for five hours.
- Combine the strained liquids. For each liter of wine, take a liter of water and a kilogram of sugar.
- Add yeast to the wort and wait for the wine to ferment. Do not forget to shake it periodically.
- After a few weeks, strain the liquid and pour it into clean bottles.
Store wine in a cool place.
Aronia Wine
Here is a very simple recipe for a delicious drink:
- Sort the berries and mash them with your hands. You can also use a meat grinder or a blender.
- Add sugar (1 to 3) and water (3 to 1) to mountain ash.
- Pour the resulting mass into a jar and put a water lock on it . Lower the end of the hose into the water and make sure that it does not dry.
- Place the container in a cool, dark place.
- After three months, strain the wine and bottle.
Wine from viburnum
Make a great strong drink with a tart taste. The recipe for homemade wine from berries is simple:
- Separate the berries from the branches, chop them and pour water (200 ml per kilogram of pulp) and add sugar (100 grams per kilogram).
- Wait for the viburnum to ferment (after about three days), then strain the juice and add more water and sugar.
- Next, the wine must be prepared according to conventional technology.
If you want to make dessert wine, then for one liter of juice, take 500 ml of water and 350 grams of sugar. If you decide to make a table, then you will need to take 1.7 liters of water and 300 grams of sugar.
Rosehip Wine
Thanks to our simple recipe, you can make an original drink:
- Take a kilogram of fresh berries, rinse and sort them out.
- Make a syrup of six liters of water and 500 grams of sugar. Mix it with bread yeast (you need 10 grams) and a teaspoon of citric acid.
- Put the wild rose in a bottle and fill it with syrup. Leave the future drink alone for a week.
- Strain the liquid and bottle it.
If you want to make sparkling wine, then pour the drink into champagne bottles and add sugar and raisins to each spoon. Do not forget to screw the plugs to the neck with a wire. Store the bottles in a sandbox by loading them up to the neck.