"Terazosin": analogues and substitutes, list of drugs, composition, indications and contraindications

In the article, we consider the instructions for use for the Terazosin medication.

It is a medication that belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic blockers that can directly affect metabolic processes in the prostate gland and normalize urodynamic parameters.


This medical product has found widespread use in the urological field, it is used to improve the process of urination, normalize the function of the prostate gland. In addition, the medication can be used to treat hypertension.

terazosin teva

Some men of reproductive age have pathologies of the urinary or reproductive system that adversely affect the whole body. Eliminate pathological processes allows the use of drugs of the alpha adrenergic blocking group, which improve the condition of the prostate. Analogs at "Terazozin" are also available.

Exposure to alpha-blockers

The pharmacological group of alpha-blockers includes medications that can block various adrenergic receptors for a certain period of time. Such drugs are most effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma, hypertension, pathological changes in the urethra.

Terazosin is a non-selective alpha-blocker. Its main difference, in comparison with other means of this group, is that it does not provoke tachycardia. Against the background of taking the drug, the tone of the veins decreases, the load on the myocardium decreases.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is based on the fact that it slows down the nerve impulses that are passed through the adrenergic synapse. The result of this slowdown is the blocking of adrenoreceptors for a certain period of time.

According to the instructions for use with "Terazosin", the medication is able to effectively normalize the process of urination. This property allows its use for the treatment of prostate pathologies. The medicine allows you to block postsynaptic adrenergic receptors located in smooth muscle fibers.

Against the background of the use of “Terazosin”, the muscle fibers that form the neck of the bladder and the prostate are relaxed, dysuric manifestations are reduced, and the plasma lipid composition is normalized. In connection with this effect of the drug, it becomes possible to use it widely in order to alleviate the clinical symptoms of prostate adenoma.

This alpha-blocker can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a medical prescription. Currently, in pharmacies you can find several varieties of “Terazozin” - various manufacturers produce it. You can meet "Terazozin" Canadian, Israeli, Macedonian production.

terazosin instructions for use

Also in pharmacies you can find "Terazozin-Teva." Indications, contraindications for him are similar, the difference is only in the manufacturer.

The medication has a tablet form, is packaged in foil blisters that are placed in a cardboard box. Tablets can have a snow-white, milky, light yellow color.

Indications "Terazosin" and contraindications

Each package is accompanied by an annotation that contains basic information about the drug.

The medicine has a pronounced lipid-lowering effect, due to which the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the process of urination in male patients who suffer from prostate adenoma is normalized.

Before starting therapy, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use. This will eliminate the possible contraindications of "Terazosin", among which:

  1. Increased individual hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, whether active or auxiliary.
  2. Lactose intolerance.
  3. Urinary tract lesions with an infectious etymology.
  4. The presence of stones in the bladder.
  5. Severe hepatic dysfunction.
  6. The lactation period.
  7. Pregnancy.
  8. Childhood.
  9. Arterial hypotension.

It is important to exercise caution when prescribing Terazosin to patients who are diagnosed with coronary heart disease, circulatory disorders in the brain, angina pectoris, and diabetes mellitus.


To purchase a drug, you should get a prescription for it. You can do this by contacting your doctor. The medication is intended for oral administration. Pills are allowed, both before and after meals. Food has absolutely no effect on the absorption and effectiveness of Terazosin.

The dosage of the medication should be calculated individually. It is important to take the tablet whole, not allowing it to be crushed or chewed. It is necessary to wash down with liquid in sufficient quantity.

Most often, doctors recommend starting the drug with small dosages, gradually increasing them. So, at the initial stages of therapy, the use of 1 mg of the drug per day is indicated, and then, every week, the dose is increased.

terazosin Price

Experts recommend that their patients take the medicine in the evening, before bedtime. After using the pill, the patient must be in a supine position for at least 5 hours, ideally 8 hours.

If the patient accidentally misses the next medication, doctors recommend taking the next pill on the same day, or the next, observing the usual regimen. If for some reason the patient skips several receptions at once, it is better to consult a specialist. He probably recommends returning to the initial dosage of the medication.

In order to treat arterial hypertension, experts recommend starting the use of Terazosin with a daily dosage of 1 mg. After 2 weeks, it should be increased to 2 mg. Subsequently, if a similar need arises, a dose increase of up to 5 mg is allowed. An increased dose can be taken no more than a week. It is allowed to take no more than 20 mg of terazosin per day.

If prostate hyperplasia in a man has a benign character, then the dosage used should gradually increase from 1 mg per day to 10 mg. The therapeutic effect of the use of the drug can be noted after 2 weeks of therapy. A persistent positive effect develops after a month and a half.

The price of "Terazosin" is of interest to many.

Negative impact

Against the background of the use of the medication, some negative effects may develop, among which:

  1. Severe headaches, drowsiness.
  2. Tinnitus, blurred vision.
  3. Shortness of breath, runny nose.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Deterioration of general health, apathy, weakness.

Negative symptoms such as hypoproteinemia, leukopenia, myalgia, vomiting, pharyngitis, cough, arrhythmia, hypotension, paresthesia, anxiety, fatigue, hypoalbuminemia, decreased levels of hematocrit and hemoglobin in the blood, arthralgia, bronchitis, peripheral decreased libido, allergic manifestations.

tamsulosin instructions for use price reviews analogues

Reception "Terazosin" may be accompanied by dizziness and chest pain. They occur, usually when a person rises from a sitting or lying position. It is this feature that determines the recommendations of specialists to take the drug before bedtime.

At the initial stages of therapy using "Terazosin", the phenomenon of the first dose may develop. In this regard, it is recommended to begin treatment with minimal doses. This will prevent the development of orthostatic collapse.

If the patient reduces the amount of salt and fluid consumed when taking the drug, the risk of postural hypotension increases. It should be remembered that such symptoms can develop if therapy is resumed after a short break. Therefore, it is recommended to resume taking the medicine, returning to the original dosage.

When taking "Terazosin" in parallel with calcium antagonists, myotropic drugs, adrenergic blockers, diuretics, their hypotensive activity increases.


An overdose of the drug is accompanied by the development of symptoms such as tachycardia, hypotension, orthostatic collapse.

You can eliminate such symptoms by moving the patient to a supine position. It is important to lower the head of the bed. Then, intravenous fluids and hypertensive drugs should be administered.

The specific antidote is currently unknown to medicine. Hemodialysis in this case is ineffective.

The price of "Terazosin"

The average cost of a drug depends on the dosage of the drug, its manufacturer, region of sale, as well as the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain that distributes it. The lowest cost are domestic preparations based on terazosin, they will cost, on average, 400 rubles.

terazosin composition

Terazosin-based preparations

The main active ingredient in Terazosin is terazosin hydrochloride. In addition to it, as auxiliary components, the medicine uses: dyes, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearic acid, anhydrous lactose, and starch.

The modern pharmacological market offers analogues of "Terazosin", which have the same substance in their composition. These drugs are Kornam, Setegis and Tamsulosin.

They are produced by the manufacturer in tablet form. The tablets are white in color, rounded in shape. The dosage may be different: 1, 2, 5, 10 mg. Tablets should be taken orally. Absorption occurs in the intestines. The activity of drugs is noted 20 minutes after their administration. The highest concentration of the active substance occurs after 3 hours. Evacuation of the drug metabolites is carried out together with urine and bile.

Consider in more detail the analogues of "Terazosin".


This analogue belongs to the group of alpha-blockers, it is effective when used to relax smooth muscle structures that form the neck of the bladder, as well as some other organs.

The main active ingredient in its composition is terazosin hydrochloride. Against the background of its use, peripheral vessels expand, the load on the heart muscle decreases, and the level of blood pressure decreases.

So it is said in the instructions for use to Setegis.

The main indications for the use of the drug are:

  1. BPH.
  2. Arterial hypertension.

The duration of the course of therapy, as well as the necessary dosage, should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathology and its form.

Instructions for use with Setegis are very detailed.

The average cost of a package in a dosage of 2 mg, containing 30 tablets, is at the level of 750 rubles, in a dosage of 5 mg - 1200 rubles.

setegis instructions for use


This analogue can be used to treat many diseases that are associated with fluctuations in blood pressure, disorders of the urogenital function in men.

Patients "Corn" is prescribed once a day, 1 tablet. You can take it, regardless of meals. It is allowed to increase the daily dose of the Terazosin analogue, if there is a reason in the form of a severe pathology. The main indications for the use of Kornama, contraindications, special instructions coincide with other drugs.

The average packaging cost in a dosage of 2 mg is about 300 rubles, in a dosage of 5 mg - 600 rubles.


Next, consider a brief instruction for use with Tamsulosin. Price and reviews to the analogue will also be presented.

The drug slightly affects the systemic blood pressure, is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaches a maximum concentration after six hours. It is prescribed according to the results of an examination of the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The general area of ​​use of the drug is considered to be the treatment of dysuric disorders (difficulty urinating) with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Currently, data have been identified that suggest the promising use of the drug for the treatment of urolithiasis.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Tamsulosin. According to reviews, the price of an analog is quite reasonable. For packaging, funds will have to pay 450-480 rubles.

terazosin indications


Reviews about "Terazosin" and its analogues are mostly positive. The product is effective, suitable for most patients, well tolerated, rarely causes side effects.

True, some men complain that relief is temporary. But it depends on the stage and neglect of the process.

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