The filmography of Baruna Sobti is well known to all fans of Indian cinema. This is one of the most popular actors of our time in Bollywood, whose fame was brought to the participation in the series "What should I call this love?". We will tell about his fate and acting in this article.
Actor Biography
The filmography of Baruna Sobti so far has not many works, but they are all bright and memorable. This famous Indian artist was born into a poor Punjabi family.
He started working as a manager in a large company, but he soon realized that this was not his mission, because the soul required creativity. He decided to try himself as an actor. The first experience on television was successful. Talk about the filmography of Baruna Sobti, you can start with the serial film "Sraddha." Then he appeared in a cameo role in another series, and after that he already got the opportunity to play the main character in the multi-part film "This is ours." So the career began to take shape successfully, and the filmography of Baruna Sobti - replenished.
In recent years, he has become in demand outside of India, having recently played in one Uzbek film.
Personal life
It is necessary to tell about the personal life of the actor, and not only about his filmography. Barun Sobti and his wife Pashmin Manchanda got married in 2010. They had been familiar since childhood and were still friends at school. Pashmin is far from cinema and generally from creativity. She is an employee of an international company.
The celebration took place in the circle of relatives and close friends, without much noise, which the young people do not like. While the couple have no children.
The actor himself admits that his favorite places on Earth are the Maldives and Melbourne. All his free time, which he has very little, he spends with his family, or at parties with friends.
Star role
The biggest success of the hero of this article is shooting in the series "What should I call this love?". In the filmography of Baruna Sobti and Sanai Irani, who played the main roles, this picture occupies a special place.
The television series tells about the life of characters belonging to a variety of social classes. Following the trend of Indian soap operas of recent years, it seeks to draw the attention of viewers to the relationship of the couple in love, their communication and conflicts with relatives and friends. One of the main topics is remarriage, which is very important for modern India.
The main storyline resembles the plot of the famous fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast." This is the love story of Krishna and Radha, who play Irani and Sobti. Based on this series, several remakes were shot. By the way, this is one of the few Indian TV series that has become popular not only in the homeland, but also abroad, including in Russia.
The character played by Barun is an arrogant businessman who was left an orphan as a child because his parents committed suicide. At the same time, he suffers from diabetes, despite his considerable age and status status, is still not married, since he does not believe in marriage or religion.
The role in this series became so popular for Sobti that after she was invited to work in Hollywood.