"Femoston 1/5": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Femoston 1/5" is part of a line of hormonal medications that differ in their antimycactic properties. This medicine is available in tablet form. Next, consider the instructions for using this medication, find out what analogues it has. In addition, we find out what women write about the use of this medicine.

Reviews of doctors about "Femoston 1/5" will also be presented.

Indications for the use of the medication

This drug is designed for hormone replacement therapy in the presence of disorders that accompany menopause due to the natural withering of the body. It is also used against the background of disorders that occur after surgical operations.

femoston 1 5

This medication is also prescribed for postmenopausal women, and, in addition, for those patients who are prone to injuries, in this case, the medicine is prescribed in order to prevent osteoporosis, when it is not possible to resort to alternative medication.

The composition of the drug and the medicinal properties of the drug

On sale, you can often find the “Femoston Conti”, and the usual “Femoston” can be difficult to find. Is there a difference between them?

The composition of the drug "Femoston 1/5 Conti" includes estradiol hemihydrate. Auxiliary components are milk sugar, hypromellose, corn starch and aerosil.

According to the instructions for use, “Femoston 1/5” belongs to the group of hormonal drugs that are used to eliminate various disorders that occur due to the onset of a natural or surgical menopause. As a result of changes in the body of women due to natural aging, there is a lack of sex hormones, which, in turn, can lead to the development of various pathologies.

The active components contained in the presented medication can compensate for the resulting deficiency of substances, due to this, various vegetative and sexual disorders are stopped. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the properties of each of its ingredients. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • The substance estradiol is an artificially synthesized component that has the same property as the endogenous hormone that is produced by the ovaries. In this regard, it is he who acts as the main source of compensating for the lack of hormones that occurs with age or against the background of cardinal treatment. The introduction of estrogen into the female body helps preserve the structure of hair and skin, and at the same time slows down their aging. In addition, this component significantly improves the composition of the vaginal secretion and thereby eliminates the discomfort during sexual intercourse and the dryness of the membranes. But the most important thing is that estradiol improves the quality of life during menopause and menopause. For example, tides are eliminated along with severe sweating, insomnia, dizziness, and, in addition, the nervous system calms down.
  • The substance dydrogesterone acts as a progesterone hormone. This component is particularly effective when administered orally. This substance regulates the secretion process in the endometrium, thereby preventing its excessive growth. Dydrogesterone also prevents the occurrence of carcinogenesis, which is often promoted by estrogens. It is for this reason that this substance is included in the composition of the drug "Femoston 1/5".
    femoston 1 5 conti

The combination of both components, among other things, also protects the bones from fragility, while maintaining the necessary tissue density, which can deteriorate due to estrogen deficiency. In addition, the main components of this medicine have a beneficial effect on cholesterol.

Medication Release Format

This medicine is in the form of tablets. The pills are round in shape. The tablets "Femoston 1/5" saturated peach color. The medicine is packaged in twenty-eight tablets in one package. Pills are placed in blisters with printed calendar instructions. In pharmacies, the medicine comes in cardboard packaging with an accompanying description.

How to apply "Femoston 1/5 Conti" in postmenopausal women?

Instructions for use

You need to drink this medication daily, while treatment passes must not be allowed. They take pills regardless of food, but they must be consumed at the same hours. Manufacturers recommend drinking tablets every day in one piece in a twenty-eight-day course. As soon as the tablets end in one blister, they switch to using the next package.

The use of this drug in order to eliminate the lack of estrogen is carried out in lower dosages, which are calculated according to the indications. The course of treatment in such a case should be as short as possible.

The beginning of continuous complex treatment with Femoston is determined on the basis of how much time has passed since the onset of menopause. It also largely depends on the intensity of the manifestation of menopause. Women in whom this phenomenon has occurred due to natural causes should begin appropriate therapy one year after the last menstruation. As for patients with surgical menopause, they should start treatment immediately. The dosage should always be selected individually according to the state of the body. This issue should be addressed by the attending gynecologist.

Women who have not previously undergone hormonal treatment can start taking Femoston at any convenient time. Those who have undergone such treatment begin the next course the next day after completing the previous one.

Reviews about "Femoston 1/5" are most often positive.

What should i do if i miss a pill?

It happens that due to some circumstances, women can not drink a pill according to the established schedule. Replenishment of a missed pill depends on the time that has passed since the last dose:

femoston 1 5 reviews of doctors
  • In the event that the interval is less than twelve hours, then a forgotten pill is taken immediately, as a convenient opportunity presents itself.
  • If more than twelve hours have passed, then the drug is drunk according to the established scheme and the forgotten pill is passed. It is strictly forbidden to take two pills at once, since a double dosage can cause bleeding or spotting.

Pregnancy and hormone therapy

It must be emphasized that “Femoston” is not intended for women who are of childbearing age. This medication should also not be taken during pregnancy.

Contraindications to treatment

The use of the drug "Femoston" is associated with a number of various restrictions and contraindications, in this regard, before the appointment of a medication, a woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist. The doctor must decide on the advisability of using this hormonal drug only after receiving complete information about the patient’s health status. So, the drug "Femoston 1/5" can not be prescribed to women in the following cases:

femoston 1 5 conti postmenopausal women reviews
  • The presence of pregnancy, which is confirmed by ultrasound or is suspected.
  • Against the background of identified or possible breast cancer.
  • In the case of diagnosed or suspected tumors, which depend on the level of progestogen.
  • In the presence of oncological tumors of the endometrium.
  • The presence of vaginal bleeding, the nature of the origin of which is not clear.
  • The patient has thromboembolic diseases at the time of going to the doctor.
  • Disorder of blood supply to the brain.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Untreated uterine endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Against the background of porphyrin disease.
  • The patient has an individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Presence of the body's innate immunity to galactose.
  • Against the background of lactase deficiency, and, in addition, with glucose and galactose malabsorption.

When should a drug be taken with caution?

The use of the presented medicinal product requires a special and careful approach, if the patient has:

  • The presence of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia in the anamnesis and fibromyoma.
  • A woman's predisposition to estrogen-dependent neoplasms (we are talking about the closely related heredity of the development of breast cancer).
  • Presence of liver adenoma, gallstone disease, headaches or migraines.
  • Renal Function Disorder.
  • The patient has bronchial asthma, epilepsy, otospongiosis, or multiple sclerosis.
  • The presence of congenital hemolytic anemia that develops as a result of abnormalities in the structure of hemoglobin.
  • Prerequisites for the occurrence of a thromboembolic state in the form of prolonged immobility, severe obesity, angina pectoris, etc.
  • The presence of hypertension or diabetes.

In the presence of at least one of the above factors, treatment must be carried out under the strict supervision of relevant specialists.

Drug Interaction

No scientifically confirmed information on the interaction of "Femoston 1/5 Conti" with other medicines is currently missing. But, given the properties of the active substances of this drug, we can assume the occurrence of the following phenomena in violation of hormonal efficacy:

  • St. John's wort phytotherapeutic drugs increase hormone metabolism.
  • Strengthening the processes of metabolism of these substances can affect the nature of bleeding.

This drug has a lot of possible side effects, then we find out what undesirable reactions can occur during treatment with this agent.

femoston 1 5 reviews of women after 50

Side effects from the use of a drug

According to women, “Femoston 1/5” can cause a lot of side effects, for example:

  • A medicine can provoke the growth of leiomyoma.
  • The occurrence of individual hypersensitivity.
  • The occurrence of increased nervousness along with a violation of sexual desire.
  • The appearance of headaches, thromboembolism or varicose veins, increased pressure.
  • The presence of nausea, the occurrence of attacks of vomiting, bloating, indigestion, disturbances in the liver and gall bladder.
  • The appearance of rashes, urticaria and back pain.
  • The occurrence of soreness, tension or enlargement of the breast along with a change in the composition of the vaginal secretion.
  • The occurrence of weakness, lethargy, fatigue, swelling. In addition, weight changes are also possible.
  • The development of hemolytic anemia along with an increased risk of dementia among women over sixty-five years of age, activation of exacerbation of epilepsy.
  • Possible visual impairment along with hypersensitivity to contact lenses.
  • The development of thromboembolism of arteries, pancreatitis and erythema.
  • The appearance of leg cramps.
  • The occurrence of spontaneous urination.
  • Exacerbation of an existing porphyrin disease.
  • The development of mastopathy along with the appearance of cervical erosion.
  • An increase in the concentration of thyroid hormone.
    femoston 1 5 women reviews

Drug overdose

It should be noted that the development of intoxication after a large number of Conti 1/5 Conti pills is unlikely, since the active components of the drug have extremely low toxicity. Information on cases of overdose with this drug has not yet been reported, but theoretically it can be assumed that excessive use of Femoston can cause intoxication, which will manifest itself in the form of headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, weakness and tension of the mammary glands. In addition, abdominal pain is likely. To remove the signs of an overdose, you only need to carry out symptomatic therapy. Serious events are unlikely to be needed.

What is the difference between “Femoston 1/5 Conti” and the usual “Femoston”? At Femoston Conti, estradiol is presented in the form of hemihydrate.

Analogues of the drug

In order to replace the drug with another identical remedy, you should contact your doctor. The most suitable analogue in this case is a tool called "Klimonorm."

Next, we find out what women write about taking the tablets of this drug in their reviews.

Consider the reviews of women about "Femoston 1/5" after 50 years.

femoston 1 5 conti contrast

Reviews on this drug

About the use of this drug there are mostly positive reviews. Women report that he quickly and effectively normalizes the condition, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and allows you to lead a full life.

In reviews of Conti's “Femoston 1/5” during postmenopausal women, it is noted that a large number of all kinds of side effects, at first very frightening to patients. But in general, undesirable reactions are observed quite rarely, and if they arise, they pass on their own and do not require replacement of the drug.

Negative comments about the drug

But there are also negative reviews about Conti's "Femoston 1/5", in which patients claim that he was ineffective. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the peculiarity of the body and non-compliance with the rules for taking the drug.

In any case, this hormonal drug is quite heavy and moderately dangerous medicine. In this regard, immediately before using the treatment, doctors strongly recommend that you undergo a full examination and strictly follow the rules of appointment in order for the therapy to be successful.

We reviewed the reviews on the use of "Femoston 1/5".

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