In childhood, we all face various diseases and problems. Parents have to make every possible effort to recover their child. An ingrown toenail in a child’s leg can cause a lot of concern.
Why do pathologies arise?
Let's dwell on this in more detail. Many people suffer from various nail pathologies. These include, inter alia, the problem of ingrowth. It can affect all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger. However, not everyone knows that the structure of the nail plate plays a decisive role in the development of this pathology. This statement is true in relation to children. They are even more than adults, subject to various pathological effects. Their nail plates are not yet able to withstand adverse environmental factors.
Why does the nail grow in a child? According to statistics, the edges of the sinus can grow even in infants. Therefore, it is best to begin to study issues related to the formation of plates, even when the baby is in the womb. The size and structure of future nails in a child depends on the diet of the mother during pregnancy. The length of the plate depends on the size of the bed. It is determined by the size of the baby’s finger. The stratum corneum completely changes over a period ranging from 3 to 6 months.
Nail structure
What is its feature? Specialists distinguish the following components of the structure of the nail:
- Cuticle: in appearance resembles a dense roller of leather. In fact, it is a continuation of the matrix. This is one of the most sticky tissues of the human body. The cuticle serves as a barrier that stops the ingress of fungi and infections into nearby tissues.
- Nail bed: The magnitude of this component determines the shape of the nail. The bed is called the part that is located directly behind the nail plate. A huge number of vessels and nerve endings are concentrated here. The bed is formed from the epithelium. This tissue is responsible for the direction of growth of the nail in relation to the phalanges. It also includes the papillary dermis. It is he who gives the surface of the nails a unique pattern.
- Eponychium: a layer of the epidermis located in the area of ​​the nail roller. Responsible for the formation of a thin film behind the matrix. As the plate grows, it gradually tightens.
- Nail surface: consists of a number of keratinized layers that fit tightly together. If you look at this fabric under a magnifying glass, it looks more like a tile made of tiny scales. A nail plate is characterized by a porous structure. It can absorb various substances that fall on its surface. The strength of the layers of the nail plate is directly related to the protein creatine. Shine and elasticity are given to it by water and fats, which are part of the composition.
- Root: visually this part of the nail can not be seen. It is located directly behind the rear roller. This element is responsible for the formation, strength and growth of the nail plates. It also produces creatine.
- Lunula: this part of the nail is at the base and looks like a bright crescent. It is formed due to those cells that have not yet glued. This area is particularly susceptible to injury. Its damage may threaten a change in the shape of the sinus.
- Paronychial or nail roller: formed from dead skin. When thinning forms agnails.
For all people, the listed components of the structure of the nail will be the same. The plates differ mainly in shape, width and length.
Nails in children
What is the peculiarity of their structure? Many parents immediately begin to worry, having noticed an ingrown nail on the thumb of the child. In children, they are characterized by rapid growth, flexibility and elasticity. In fact, this is a natural extension of the skin that protects the most vulnerable parts of the fingers. Finally, all elements of the nail will form only when they reach the age of 15 years.
Causes of ingrown sinuses in children
The baby's nails are too tender. They are easily exposed to negative environmental factors. Every parent should know that if a child has a nail on his finger, it is not just that.
Most likely, the causes of this phenomenon are as follows:
- Vitamin deficiency: with a lack of calcium, phosphorus or zinc, the edges of the nail can change and become uneven. As a result, they begin to crash into the skin and grow.
- Lack of proper care: nails can grow if they are irregularly shaped when trimmed. If this procedure is carried out too rarely, an ingrown nail on the thumb of the child may also appear. Therefore, it should be done at least once a week.
- Congenital pathologies: in rare cases, the cause of nail ingrowth is a genetic feature. In this case, the nails do not grow forward, but in the inner part of the finger. As a result, they begin to cut into the skin and deliver an extremely unpleasant sensation.
- Anatomical features: often in children suffering from flat feet or clubfoot, ingrown toenails appear.
- Incorrectly selected shoes: children, due to their age characteristics, are not always able to understand whether they are size-appropriate or not. In this case, too tight shoes will put pressure on the toes, which will lead to ingrown nails.
- Injuries to the feet, fungus.
As already mentioned, the nails in children are too delicate and not always able to withstand the negative effects of the external environment. Therefore, the main task of parents is to carefully monitor the condition of the child in order to timely detect the problem. If the baby complains that it is uncomfortable for him to walk or other signs are noted, it is urgent to take all possible measures.
How to understand that a child’s nail grows? There are a number of signs by which parents can always establish the presence of this problem.
Here are the main ones:
- redness in the area of ​​the periungual roller;
- the appearance of pain when touching or pressing on the nail plate.
- swelling in the area of ​​the nail.
When one of the above symptoms appears, it is worth immediately starting treatment for an ingrown sinus.
This issue needs to be given special attention. Treatment of an ingrown nail in a child can be carried out in two ways: operational and conservative. Surgical intervention is considered an extreme method, which is resorted to only if conservative therapy has not yielded results. After surgery, the likelihood of relapse. In addition, in the future, abnormal nail growth may be observed.
Better to start with conservative treatments. For this purpose, the funds available in each house are quite suitable. However, it is worth remembering that any treatment should begin with a consultation with a qualified doctor and should be carried out only in strict accordance with the recommendations of physicians. Only in this case can we count on a quick recovery.
Fighting inflammation
If a child’s nail grows, then the first thing that can never be done is to cut off the corners that cut into the skin. This can only aggravate the situation, and the problem will appear again. Therefore, it is necessary to act consistently. First, you need to remove the signs of inflammation. This step is worth taking, both to prevent the development of the inflammatory process, and if there is one.
Best for this are foot baths with antiseptic agents, for example, a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or sage. Such procedures will help remove swelling and inflammation, and also help soften the tissues that surround the ingrown nail. Additionally, glycerin or aloe can be used to soften the skin. Ingrown corners should be completely freed in a few procedures. If necessary, gentamicin or tetracycline ointment is applied to the affected area. You can also use the ichthyol mixture or Vishnevsky liniment.
We fix the problem
The next step to take after releasing the corners of the nail is to fix them. It consists in enclosing a small piece of cotton wool. To achieve maximum sterility, it is recommended to treat a cotton swab with a small amount of an antibacterial agent. After that, a bandage is applied to the finger or simply sealed with adhesive plaster.
Some time later, overgrown corners will appear over softened tissues. After that, they can be cut. This must be done horizontally, the tip of the nail should protrude outward by about 2 mm. So that the growing area is not exposed to external stimuli, the child should not walk around the house barefoot. In the future, try to choose shoes according to foot size. It is best to buy special orthopedic models.
Home remedies are far from always effective. How in this case to cure an ingrown nail in a child? What to do? You can try using medication. It consists in the use of "Vishnevsky Ointment", non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic and analgesics, namely "Analgin". Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor in case of infection. As an antibacterial solution, it is worth using Dimexide.
Treatment of an ingrown nail in a child on the thumb with burnt alum is sometimes very effective. The drug is in the form of a powder. It has an antiseptic effect on the affected area, and also accelerates tissue regeneration.
In this review, we examined why a child’s nail grows, how this condition can be treated. In order not to worsen the situation, try to carefully monitor the state of your child. Make sure that he does not wear tight shoes. If signs of an ingrown nail appear, consult a specialist.