The best quotes about patience

Patience is a person’s quality that allows him to remain calm in a difficult situation or in anticipation of results from those processes that are not subject to him. This phenomenon, its presence and absence in humans, the ability to develop this quality - all this worried thinkers of various eras.

About goal achievement

This quote about patience belongs to Jean de Labruyere:

Anyone who is patiently preparing for the journey will certainly come to the goal.

At present, one can find statements that such a quality as patience is often harmful to the physical and mental health of a person. In particular, psychologists often write about this. However, in reality, no adult can completely abandon patience. It has undoubted practical benefits.

It is this quality that allows us to successfully overcome difficulties. If a person refuses every goal that is difficult to achieve, it is unlikely that he will succeed in achieving something important and valuable in his life.

About patience in the family

The following quote about patience, owned by S. Smiles, talks about the need for patience in family life:

The golden rule of marriage is patience and condescension.

It is difficult to disagree with these words. A happy family cannot be built without patience. Usually those people who do not know how to show this quality, are unable to build a strong relationship.

family at sunset

After all, when each of the spouses behaves like a child, then sooner or later it bothers the second member of the family union. Those who can condescend to the shortcomings of their lover or lover have every chance to build a strong family relationship.

Aphorism of a Chinese sage

And this quote about patience belongs to Confucius:

Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause.

It is useful to remember these words to everyone who would like to achieve good results in their field. It often happens that to achieve the goal is not enough just a few details that are small things. For example, in sports, fractions of a second are often decisive. It is they who share the champions receiving gold, and those who will have to be content with silver.

philosopher Confucius

This quote about patience shows that this is true for any big deal. If a person shows restraint - for example, a business does it through his sleeves - then this inevitably leads to the fact that he is unable to achieve serious results. What seems insignificant actually affects the ability to achieve a big goal.

Benefits of Restraint

The following quote about patience belongs to Lafontaine:

Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

A person can be passionate, have a great desire to achieve a certain goal. But this does not always allow him to achieve the desired result. Particularly well, this quote about patience is illustrated by the situation when someone begins to study a foreign language. At first, a person can be enthusiastic. He is already thinking about how well he will be able to communicate with foreigners on a journey. Or his imagination can paint pictures of how he is hired for a highly paid position in a foreign company. However, when it comes to boring exercises and the need to exercise on a regular basis, passion loses its effect. If a person does not have patience and time, it will be extremely difficult for him to achieve the necessary results.

Similarly, things are with the force also mentioned in this quote about patience. Even if a person is physically strong, possesses power, or is figuratively strong - possesses talent, this is not a guarantee of his success. Only a patient approach allows the person to achieve the desired.

metaphorical image of patience

Other sayings

Patience is an extremely important quality for a person. Life constantly presents various “surprises”: the necessary thing may break, the train will not arrive on time. The right person may not attend the meeting or become ill. Not everything is possible to control - it happens that trouble falls like snow on his head. To develop a philosophical attitude to life will help various quotes about patience and endurance. Consider a few more such aphorisms and statements.

J. Clavell:

... Karma is the beginning of knowledge. Next comes patience. Patience means to curb the seven senses in yourself: hatred, love, joy, anxiety, anger, grief, fear. If you do not give free rein to these seven senses, you are patient and soon understand the nature of all things, find harmony with eternity.

Bogomil Rainov:

Nevertheless, expectation does not always bring us closer to the goal. You can patiently, to the point of insanity, wait for the train where it does not pass.

Leonardo da Vinci:

If you have patience and show diligence, then the sown seeds of knowledge will certainly give good seedlings.


Any adversity should be overcome by patience.

Ibsen G .:

The real sign by which one can recognize the true sage is patience.

Goethe I.:

Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure who acquired it through labor and patience.

All these words of great people show how important for a person is such a quality as endurance. If you follow, for example, the recommendations of Virgil, then you can overcome absolutely any adversity and trouble. But some quotes about patience and expectation suggest that in reality these qualities do not always justify themselves. For example, these are the words of Bogomil Rainov. Indeed, if a person, figuratively speaking, is waiting for a train where, in principle, rail does not go, this is at least stupid.

philosophy of patience

Words A. Me

Finally - a quote about patience, owned by Alexander Menu - the theologian, preacher and author of books:

Patience is not a condition of livestock that endures everything.

This is not a humiliation of a person - not at all.

This is not a compromise with evil - in any case.

Patience is the ability to maintain the equanimity of the spirit in those circumstances that prevent this equanimity.

Patience is the ability to go to the goal when various obstacles are encountered on the way.

Patience is the ability to maintain a joyful spirit when there is too much sadness. Patience is victory and overcoming.

Patience is a form of courage - that is real patience.

These beautiful words will help everyone in a difficult life situation. They inspire you to be patient, to be able to rejoice even in difficult circumstances, to achieve your goal at all costs.

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