"Pyobacteriophage polyvalent": instructions for use and reviews

The preparation "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified" from "Microgen" is widely used in the prevention and treatment of infections that can cause inflammatory processes in the body. This medication stimulates the human immune system and has a wide range of effects. Next, we find out what indications this drug has, and also find out its composition. In addition, we consider the basic rules for the use of "Pyobacteriophage purified multivalent." At the end of the article, we will get acquainted with the reviews of consumers who took it for treatment, and find out how effective this medication is, in their opinion.

pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified instructions for use


The active ingredient in the composition of the drug is a sterile filtrate of the phagolysates of various bacteria (staphylococcus, Klebsiella, streptococcus, and, in addition, the cignae and Escherichia coli).

An oxyquinoline, an antimicrobial substance, is used as an additional ingredient of the “Polyvalent Pyobacteriophage”.

Release format

This medicine is produced in the form of a solution intended for oral administration. Among other things, this solution is also suitable for local or external use.

The drug is supplied in glass bottles of 10 or 20 milliliters each. Vials are placed in five or ten pieces in plastic packaging. Such packages are placed in cardboard boxes. It is in this form that the medicine is supplied for sale to all pharmacy points.

Indications for use

A drug called "Multivalent Pyobacteriophage" is widely used as part of prevention in order to prevent diseases caused by various bacteria. This medication is suitable for the treatment of disorders of the digestive system, including in the presence of inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach or intestines.

polyvalent purified pyobacteriophage

The presented drug is prescribed for the treatment of bladder diseases of the epidermis, inflammation of the umbilical ring and inflammatory ailments of the skin, which are accompanied by the release of pus. In addition, this drug is applicable in a number of the following cases:

  • in the presence of blood infections;
  • in case of inflammation of the stomach, pancreas or intestines in young children;
  • with infections of a surgical nature (for example, when a lesion of the epidermis occurs, which is accompanied by purulent inflammatory processes);
  • in the presence of inflammation of the abdominal region, mammary glands or bone marrow;
  • in the presence of burn wounds;
  • in case of infection of the genitourinary system and with inflammation of the bladder including;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, uterus and female genital organs (this drug is often taken against the background of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes);
  • in case of inflammation of the otolaryngological organs of a purulent nature;
  • with the appearance of inflammation of the outer shell of the eyes and cornea.
pyobacteriophage multivalent instruction for children

There are no clinically reliable information about the presence of the drug "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent" of any side effects and contraindications to date.

During pregnancy

Given that the bacteria of the drug act selectively on infected cells and have almost no effect on other molecules of the body, doctors can use this medication during pregnancy. It is allowed to take this medication during breastfeeding.

How to use the drug?

Before you start taking the "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified" you need to observe a number of elementary rules, they are as follows.

polyvalent pyobacteriophage
  • Shake the glass vessel with the medicine in order to detect sediment in it. In case of detection of such, the use of this drug is strictly prohibited. The treatment solution must be completely transparent without any impurities.
  • Immediately before opening, wash your hands thoroughly. Next, the upper part of the bottle is disinfected with alcohol, after which the cap is removed.
  • Following removal of the cap, carefully remove the cork from the bottle.
  • It must not be placed on the inside of any other objects to prevent bacteria from entering it.
  • Immediately after use, the bottle is closed with a stopper and put into the refrigerator for storage.

If all the above rules are observed, it will be possible to keep the solution in an open vessel for the entire shelf life.

Method of using the medication for children and adults

The drug "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent" can be used orally, by irrigation, enema, or by injection into infected areas of the body. Dosage intended for internal administration is calculated depending on the age of the patients. For example, for children under one year of age, the optimal dosage is 10 milliliters of the drug. Kids up to three years old - 15 milliliters. Children under eight years of age are prescribed 20 milliliters. From eight years, as well as adult patients, from 20 to 30 milliliters of the drug are prescribed. Take the drug inside on an empty stomach an hour before meals. When entering an enema, the following dosages should be observed, according to the instructions for "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent":

  • children up to a year can be prescribed 20 milliliters;
  • under the age of three years - 30 milliliters;
  • up to eight years - up to 40 milliliters;
  • from the age of eight years and adults are prescribed from 40 to 50 milliliters.

The scheme of treatment depending on the disease

The use of "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent" should be careful. The treatment regimen depends on the specific disease. Purulent ailments are treated simultaneously by irrigation of the infected area and orally. Treatment of otolaryngological organs should be performed by rinsing three times a day. A single rinse is carried out with a drug volume of not more than 20 milliliters with a therapeutic course of seven days.

In the presence of pneumonia, “Pyobacteriophage” is taken orally three times with a volume of not more than 20 milliliters. In case of inflammation of the ears, the medication is delivered to the ear cavity up to three times a day, 5 milliliters for a two-week course of treatment. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses is treated by washing the nasopharynx with 5–10 milliliters of the drug. It is also recommended to introduce 3 milliliters of the drug into the paranasal sinuses. The course of therapy in this case should not last longer than ten days.

instruction for use

In the presence of stomatitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity, you should resort to four rinses with a dosage of 10-20 milliliters. The course of therapy should not exceed ten days. Eye pathologies are treated by instillation of three drops of the drug up to five times a day with a duration of therapy of up to ten days.

Against the background of peritoneal inflammation, the reception of "Pyobacteriophage" is carried out daily with a volume of not more than 70 milliliters. The drug is administered through a drainage tube for two weeks. In the treatment of purulent wounds, the medication presented is used through irrigation and dressings with a dosage of 5 to 50 milliliters once a day. The duration of therapy can be up to two weeks. In diseases of the genitourinary system, depending on the age category, the medicine is used orally three times one hour before meals. The course of therapy should be continued for up to twenty days.

Digestive system diseases are treated with the prescribed dosage three times an hour before meals, depending on age. The course of therapy should be two weeks. In the postoperative period, in order to avoid infection of the operated areas of the skin, they must be treated with this drug in a volume of 5 to 50 milliliters every day for one week.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no clinically reliable information about the joint use of alcohol-containing drinks during the therapeutic course with this drug.

In addition, the use of "purified polyvalent pyobacteriophage" does not constitute a limitation for the use of other medications that have anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effects.

Use for children

What else does the instruction to the “Pyobacteriophage Polyvalent” tell us?

The use of this drug in children under the age of one year is carried out according to the following standards.

  • In the presence of pneumonia, this medication is administered orally three times a day up to 5 milliliters half an hour before meals. The course of therapy should not exceed fourteen days.
  • With a purulent lesion of the epidermis, the medicine is applied to the problem areas three times a day, while a volume of 5 to 10 milliliters is used. The course of therapy in this case should not exceed two weeks.
  • As part of preventive measures against infectious nosocomial pathologies in children, the medication presented is used with a dosage of 5 milliliters half an hour before the start of feeding. The course of therapy should correspond to the time spent in the hospital.

Instructions for use with the "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified" should be strictly observed.

pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified use

Analogues of the drug

Pharmacological properties similar to the drug, and at the same time, the composition of the drug "Piopolifag" and "Sextafag".

So, let's move on to consumer reviews and find out what people on the Web write about this drug.

Drug Reviews

Patients who used the presented drug for treatment on the Internet leave a lot of positive reviews. It is reported that with its help it is possible to combat pathogenic intestinal microflora in adults and in very small patients.

The benefits of this medication include its safe effect on the body, and in addition, the absence of any adverse reactions and proven effectiveness. To the big plus of the drug, consumers attribute its naturalness. But immediately before using it, it is necessary to obtain recommendations from a competent specialist.

Some consumers complain about the cost of this medicine in their reviews and write that when you need to purchase a large amount of medicine, you have to pay a lot of money. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the price of this drug in pharmacies reaches eight hundred rubles. There are also such comments in which people report that, against the background of taking this medication, the condition may even worsen, thus, the described drug is far from suitable for everyone, despite its naturalness and safety.

Another disadvantage is the fact that the “Pyobacteriophage” is not included in the list of free medicines for children under three years of age. Another inconvenience is the need to store this medicine in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it can deteriorate quickly.

pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified microgen

Nevertheless, the medicine "Piobacteriophage", according to most consumers, is considered effective and safe. People especially like the fact that it has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.

The main disadvantage is its cost and inconvenience of storage.

We reviewed the instructions for use with the "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent."

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