The drug "Flexid". Instructions for use

The antibiotic "Flexid" includes levofloxacin. This component has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action. The substance blocks the synthesis of DNA from cells of pathogenic microbes. When taken orally, levofloxacin is absorbed quite quickly and almost completely. The bioavailability of the component is approximately 100%. Within an hour after penetration into the body, the highest concentration of the substance is noted. Eating practically has no effect on absorption. Excretion of levofloxacin occurs slowly through the kidneys.

flexid instruction Price

The medicine "Flexid": instructions for use, indications

The medication is prescribed for pathologies of internal organs, tissues, joints and bones, provoked by pathogenic bacteria sensitive to the active substance.


The drug is not prescribed during lactation, during the period of bearing a child, in children (up to the age of seventeen years) age. Contraindications include lesions in the tendons that occurred when taking previously fluoroquinolones. The drug "Flexid" does not recommend instructions for use for intolerance to components and other quinolones, for epilepsy.

Adverse reactions

antibiotic flexid

During treatment, allergies, hepatitis, increased liver transaminases, photosensitivity are likely. The drug provokes shortness of breath, hyperbilirubinemia, anaphylactic shock, paresthesia, hearing and vision disorders. To the undesirable consequences of taking Flexid, the instructions for use include enterocolitis, skin rashes, anxiety, diarrhea, tactile, taste sensitivity, tachycardia disorders. Against the background of treatment, erythema multiforme, allergic pneumonitis, dyspeptic manifestations, disorders, tendonitis, hypercreatininemia. The drug causes muscle weakness, arthralgia, impaired renal activity before the development of renal failure. In rare cases, vasculitis, thrombocytopenia, tendon rupture, and fever may occur.

flexid instructions for use

Medication "Flexid": instructions for use

The medicine is recommended to be taken in breaks or during meals inside. An intravenous drug is administered slowly. Against the background of acute sinusitis, the recommended dose is 500 mg once a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days. With exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, 250-500 mg are prescribed once a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days. In the treatment of infections in the urinary tract of the uncomplicated type, the drug "Flexid", the instructions for use recommend 250 mg once a day for three days. With complicated lesions - seven or ten days. With community-acquired pneumonia , 500 mg is prescribed 1-2 r. Per day. The duration of therapy is from a week to two. For bacterial chronic prostatitis, 500 mg once daily is recommended. The duration of treatment is 28 days. With tuberculosis, 500 mg is prescribed 1-2 times a day for three months. In acute conditions, intravenous administration is used. After alleviating the condition, the transition to oral medication is recommended.

Means "Flexid": instructions, price

The cost of the medication is within 500 rubles.

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