The pain in the ear is so unpleasant and painful that they try to get rid of it as soon as possible. But the fact is that the cause of it is most often inflammation - otitis media. This disease affects both adults and children. It can appear from getting into the ear canal of a foreign body, due to trauma or bacterial infection. To reduce ear pain, you need to eliminate the cause of inflammation. And only a doctor can prescribe drugs for treatment. Most often, ear drops are used for otitis media. For pain in the ear, they are most effective, since most of them not only have a local anesthetic effect, but also affect the cause of inflammation. There are not so many drugs for otitis media, but you should not use them yourself, especially for treating children. After all, they have not only their contraindications and side effects, but with the wrong choice they can be useless.
What are the drugs for otitis media
Earlier, inflammation and pain in the ear were most often treated with compresses and warmings. Now there are many local drugs that effectively cope with this problem. All ear drops from pain in the ear can be divided into several groups:
- antibacterial preparations containing an antibiotic, most often of wide action;
- drops with anesthetic effect;
- antihistamines, which mainly affect itching in the external auditory canal;
- drops with anti-inflammatory effect can be used for otitis media of various etiologies;
- as an aid in the complex treatment of the disease, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose are often used.
In addition, all drugs for earache are divided into local remedies - drops and system-wide medicines - pills needed to treat bacterial infections or relieve severe pain. In recent years, ear drops for pain in the ear are produced most often with a complex composition. Such drugs can not only treat inflammation, destroy bacteria, but also have a strong analgesic effect. This allows you to not use any drugs other than them.
The most popular drops in the ear for colds
Quite often, otitis media develops as a complication of colds.
Young children are most susceptible to this because of the structural features of the auditory canal. This can also happen if the mucus is removed incorrectly from the nose, when it enters the ear or when bacterial infections complicate viral diseases. In mild cases, when an ear hurts with a cold, ear drops may not be used. Dry
warming compresses, warming with a blue lamp or other folk remedies help. In this case, most commonly used are vasoconstrictor drops in the nose or a solution of sodium sulfaclate, which helps the outflow of mucus. You can also instill heated camphor oil or boric alcohol into your ear. Of the special drugs for colds, the most effective is Otinum, which contains an anti-inflammatory substance that enhances the effect of antiviral drugs.
Antibiotic Ear Drops For Ear Pain
1. "Otofa" is used for long otitis media, when it is caused by microorganisms insensitive to penicillins. The drug contains an antibiotic rifampicin, which is very effective for inflammation of the external auditory canal. But these ear drops with pain in the ear do not help right away, since they do not contain painkillers.
2. "Polydex" is used for otitis externa. The drug contains polymyxin and neomycin, which have an antibacterial effect. A special feature of Polydex drops is their antihistamine effect.
3. With otitis media, drops "Garazon" are prescribed. They include the antibiotic gentamicin and the strong anti-inflammatory substance betamethasone.
4. Very effective drops for pain in the ear - Sofradeks. But they can not be used for a long time and without consulting a doctor. Indeed, in addition to the antibacterial components - framecitin and gramicidin, the drug contains the hormonal component dexamethasone, which has strong side effects.
5. Quite often, with pain in the ear, ophthalmic drops “Tsipromed” are used. They are very effective for bacterial otitis media, as they contain the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
Features of Otipax and Otinum preparations
These are topical agents used for external otitis media. Basically, they have an analgesic effect and a weak anti-inflammatory. These drops are ineffective with bacterial otitis media and inflammation caused by a fungal infection. Also, both of these drugs are not used for perforation of the eardrum. It relieves pain in the Otinum ear. It includes salicylate holim - a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance, in addition, lidocaine has an additional effect.
Otipax ear drops for pain in the ear are the most popular with both doctors and patients. They have almost no contraindications and have no toxic effects. The drug is well tolerated even by young children, but it relieves pain and inflammation very effectively. Its phenazone and lidocaine are disinfected, remove swelling and itching. Otipax is effective for external otitis media caused by water or a foreign body entering the ear, barotraumatic otitis media, or complicating colds.
Why do many choose Normax
Quite popular drops for otitis media of any etiology is Normax. The drug contains a strong antibiotic norfloxacin, which has a wide spectrum of action. It is well tolerated and quickly copes with bacterial infection. Therefore, many doctors prescribe "Normax" to their patients. And patients like him because of its effectiveness and low price.
Antifungal drugs
Sometimes ear pain is caused by a fungal infection. Such diseases have recently become more common, so they began to include antifungal active substances in the ear drops for pain in the ear. The name of these drugs can be obtained from your doctor. The most commonly prescribed drops are:
“Anauran.” This is a complex drug that affects almost all bacteria that cause otitis media. It contains polymyxin and neomycin, which are powerful antibiotics. In addition, it includes lidocaine, which relieves pain and itching, as well as antifungal components;
- “Candibiotic” is also a combination product containing substances that help cope with pain, itching and inflammation. The drug is used for external and secondary otitis media caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. It contains clotrimazole, beclamethasone, lidocaine and the antibiotic chloramphenicol.
Ear drops for pain in the ear in a child
Children are most prone to otitis media. After all, their auditory canal is short and the infection easily penetrates into it from the respiratory tract. Inflammation progresses rapidly and, without proper treatment, can lead to serious complications and even hearing loss.
Therefore, ear drops from earache for children are used only as directed by a doctor. There are no special children's preparations for the treatment of otitis media, just fewer drops are dripped. But not all medicines can be used by children. The smallest are shown only "Otipaks", "Otinum", "Polydex" and "Otof". After a year, children can drip Anauran, Tsipromed and Sofradeks. “Candibiotic” and “Garazon” are used only after six years, and “Normax” - after 12.
Features of the use of ear drops
All medicines that are buried in the ear should be warm. Therefore, you need to warm the bottle a little in your hands.
In some cases, otitis media is accompanied by perforation of the eardrum. However, not all drugs can be used, as some of them can have a toxic effect and lead to hearing loss. When perforating the eardrum , the following are safe: Normax, Otofa and Tsipromed.
Not all drugs are also used for otitis media, some of them are indicated only for inflammation in the ear canal. For otitis media, the following drugs are suitable: Otinum, Anauran, Otofa, and Candibiotic.
How to drip an ear
The use of such drops will require help. The patient should lie to one side.
He needs to pull the auricle slightly back and up to straighten the ear canal. The pipette tip is carefully inserted into the outer ear and the required number of drops is dripped. After this, you need to lie down a little more so that the drug is distributed in the ear canal. But some drops should not penetrate inside. These include antifungal agents and strong antibiotics. In the case of using such drops, you can immediately get up, but plug the sore ear with cotton wool so that the drug does not leak. Sometimes doctors also recommend that you do not drip the medicine into the ear, but soak it with a cotton swab and insert it into the ear canal.