Serozocele - what is it? Description, symptoms and treatment of serosocele

Surgical operations, especially to remove internal organs or their fragments, rarely do without side effects and some complications. The latter includes such an unpleasant phenomenon as serosocele. What it is? This term refers to the accumulation of serous fluid under the skin. Most often, it is formed at the site of the surgical incision or where the part of the tissue was removed. Serozocele does not always appear immediately - sometimes the patient notices an increase in compaction only some time after the medical procedure. In such cases, it may take several weeks before the swelling becomes really noticeable.

serozocele what is this treatment


The fluid may begin to accumulate in one place, even after a simple surgical operation. Most often, however, serocele of the pelvis, whose photo is not very attractive, and some other types of the pathology under consideration develop after a long and large-scale intervention in the body structure, including the removal or violation of the structure of a large volume of tissue.

Surgeons place special tubes inside and around the surgical wound to drain excess fluid. As a rule, such a preventive measure helps prevent the appearance of serosocele. In order to increase the effectiveness of prevention, drainage tubes remain fixed on the patient’s body for several hours and even several days after surgery.

Even if the drainage procedure was performed by highly qualified doctors, after one and a half to two weeks, the patient may notice swelling of the skin around the surgical wound. This does not mean that specialists approached their work with carelessness; the individual characteristics of the organism may have affected, because of which the accumulation of serous fluid began.

Most surgeon patients do not even suspect that they may be at risk of serosocele before surgery. What it is, why it happens and how it is treated - people will learn all the key information after the complication develops.

pelvic serosocele

Potential hazard

Most often, serous fluid accumulates at the incision site after the following operations:

  • Body contouring, including liposuction and tightening of the chest, buttocks, thighs or arms.
  • Breast augmentation or mastectomy.
  • Hernioplasty (hernia repair).
  • Abdominoplasty.

Risk factors

Some circumstances significantly increase the likelihood of postoperative pelvic serosocele. Of course, not all patients at risk will be completely susceptible to this complication, however, it should be borne in mind that the following facts pose a potential danger:

  • conducting an extensive abdominal operation ;
  • violation of the structure of a large volume of tissue during the procedure;
  • past cases of serosocele after surgery.

How to determine serosocele

What is it in appearance? In most cases, the accumulation of serous fluid looks like a swollen lump, similar to a large cyst. Touching it may cause mild pain or discomfort. When forming such a cone-shaped compaction, transparent discharge from the surgical wound is often noted. If the discharge acquires a different shade or smell or becomes bloody, this means that the infection has got into the wound.

In rare cases of serosocele, treatment with folk remedies or a complete lack of therapy can lead to calcification, and then a solid knot is formed at the site of the cone.

serozocele what is it


Although serosocele in itself is a complication that developed after surgery, it can also lead to other complications based on the very nature of the accumulated fluid. Most often, patients suffer from periodic release of serous fluid to the surface of the skin. The emitted substance must be transparent or contain slight traces of blood. If you notice symptoms of infection in yourself, perhaps the serosocele has developed into an abscess that requires timely professional treatment. An abscess almost never goes away on its own. Moreover, it can significantly increase in size, cause pain and cause serious discomfort. Infection with an infection significantly affects the well-being of the patient.

When to see a doctor

serozocele treatment by folk methods

As a rule, only in rare cases do people suffer from the severe or protracted consequences of serosocele. What is it, how to recognize the deterioration of one’s condition and when to hurry to an appointment with a specialist? Be very attentive to your health and immediately seek emergency medical attention if you notice the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the cone-shaped compaction acquired a white color or became more like blood;
  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • redness of the skin spreads around the serosocele;
  • compaction quickly swells and increases in volume;
  • the pain becomes more intense;
  • the swollen area became noticeably warmer to the touch;
  • heart rate increased.

In addition, it is necessary to seek professional help as soon as possible if, due to swelling, the surgical wound has opened, or if you notice that pus has started to stand out from it. Most often, patients with a weakened immune system suffer precisely from these complications of serosocele.

serozocele treatment with folk remedies


Small, small seals usually do not require specific therapy. The human body is able to independently redistribute excess fluid for several weeks or several months.

Taking medications will not help the liquid dissolve faster, however, some experts recommend that their patients purchase conventional painkillers sold in pharmacies on non-prescription conditions. The most popular drug is Ibuprofen. It helps to reduce pain and discomfort, and also effectively fights inflammation caused by serosocele.

Treatment with alternative methods is highly not recommended, since lotions from medicinal herbs and other alternative medicine can cause infection of the surgical wound with harmful microorganisms and lead to its infection. If you are willing to take a chance, you can try to take a decoction from the root of the frankincense for a month or tincture of marin root and grass of morinda lemon leaves.

Large seals should be shown to a specialist. If the serosocele has significantly increased in volume or causes pain, it may be necessary to install a drainage tube and pump out the accumulated serous fluid. In some cases, the tumor site is completely removed; for this, a simple surgical operation will be required.

serosocele treatment


During a series of procedures, surgeons install special drainage systems to drain excess fluid. This measure is usually sufficient to prevent the development of serosocele. Nevertheless, no one is safe from unforeseen complications after surgery, and therefore it is advisable to discuss with the doctor in advance all the details of the operation and the likelihood of serozocele. What is it, treatment with what methods will help get rid of adversity and what preventive measures you can take yourself - the specialist will certainly tell you about all this.

Particular attention should be paid to such a question as the need to wear compression underwear. This is a special medical clothing designed to promote the speedy healing of skin and tissues. The use of compression underwear will significantly reduce the risk of developing serosocele.

These simple preventative measures will help prevent the formation of serosocele after surgery. However, if subcutaneous swelling has nevertheless begun, it will be worthwhile to visit a doctor and clarify whether you need to take any action to suppress possible complications. If the specialist does not prescribe specific methods of treatment, do not worry: most often, the serosocele passes on its own.

Pelvic serosocele photo

Life style

If you lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly, after surgery, you will most likely have to revise your training schedule. Follow your doctor’s instructions or just refrain from doing strength exercises for at least a week after the procedure. Even if you have completely drained the serosocele using the drainage method, do not rush to return to the sport: it is possible that the drainage will need to be repeated several more times. Take this opportunity and give the body a little rest from physical exertion, thereby significantly reducing the risk of serosocele and relapse, not to mention the complications.

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