Oatmeal "Nordic": composition, benefits, cooking instructions and reviews

When we begin to think about proper nutrition, the first thing to decide is which breakfast is best. The first meal should be hearty and at the same time light. But how to achieve such a combination? Try to buy Nordic oatmeal. According to fighters for a healthy lifestyle, oatmeal is the best option to start the day.

delicious recipes

A good start to the day!

Dairy-free porridge β€œNordic” - breakfast that perfectly combines pleasant taste, great benefits and speed of cooking (the manufacturer recommends cooking no more than 8 minutes). The shelf life of Nordic oat flakes does not exceed ten months, which indicates the quality of the product unburdened with any preservatives or additives. Such a product is sold in packages of 500 grams. You can buy it in almost all stores, on the shelves usually a sufficient number of packages. The producer of this wonderful breakfast is the Finnish company LLC Racio Newtrichen.

The composition and nutritional value of oatmeal

Nordic flakes are made exclusively from whole grains.

Calorie content per 100 grams is 370 kilocalories.

Nutrition value is represented by the following values ​​of BZHU and dietary fiber:

  • fats - 8 grams;
  • proteins - 14 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 55 grams (including sugar 1.2 grams);
  • dietary fiber - 11 grams.

In addition, Nordic oatmeal contains vitamins and minerals (figures per 100 grams):

  • Vitamin B1 (or thiamine) - 0.4 mg;
  • magnesium - 131 mg;
  • iron - 5.1 mg;
  • zinc - 3.2 mg.

It is very pleasing to buyers a large amount of magnesium in this product, since this element is responsible for our vitality, good mood and overall tone. Unfortunately, many people suffer from a lack of this substance. Doctors in such cases recommend taking vitamins not only in the form of tablets, but also as food products, including oatmeal. It is difficult to dispute the use of Nordic oatmeal, as, indeed, of any similar product without artificial additives.

Appearance of the packaging

According to reviews of Nordic flakes, people like the packaging of the product, it is easy to distinguish it among other items in the store. It opens from above with scissors or a knife (or you can just push it with your finger in the specified location). On the packaging you can consider all the details of interest, from the composition to the manufacturer, as well as methods for making porridge.

beautiful packaging

Oat flakes of this brand look a little lighter than those that people of the Soviet training are used to seeing.

Two cooking methods

The packaging indicates the amount of product for children and adults, as well as the cooking time.

The first method of cooking is cooking porridge in a pan. The second is microwave cooking.

The total cooking time usually takes no more than 3 minutes.

The process is phased as follows:

  • We take 500 ml of milk or water and 250 grams of Nordic oatmeal.
  • Pour oatmeal into milk or boiling water.
  • Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  • Cover the porridge with a lid, leave it to β€œreach” for another 2 minutes.

If desired, you can add salt, sugar, jam, yogurt to the porridge. The manufacturer indicates that oatmeal can be an excellent basis for buns.

How to cook in the microwave? Usually people do not bother with cooking, prefer to use a microwave.

delicious oatmeal porridge

So, you need to pour milk into the plate, warm it for 20 seconds in the oven, then pour oatmeal into the eyes there, cover with a plate and cook in the microwave for one and a half minutes.

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, instead of salt or sugar, you can add dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) to porridge. People enthusiastically talk about adding fresh berries to oatmeal, because this way porridge acquires a delicate berry taste, carries maximum benefit. Not everyone loves oatmeal on the water, because it turns sour. Next, let's talk about what can be cooked from oatmeal.

Quick Cupcake Breakfast Recipe

You will need a simple list of ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • some milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • half a banana;
  • half an apple.

The recipe is for the microwave.

Peel the apple from the peel, finely three on a grater. Chopped banana. You need to take a mug of thick glass, pour oatmeal there, introduce an egg, add a little milk to the eye. Throw prepared fruit there.

A tablespoon thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The result should be a homogeneous mass.

oatmeal muffins

We send the resulting dough in a cup to the microwave for 4 minutes. We shift the finished cupcake onto a plate, turning it over with the back side. If you spread such a simple and wonderful breakfast on top with Ricotta curd cheese, it will turn out to be magically delicious and beautiful.

By the way, you can add to such a cupcake whatever your heart desires: dried fruits, berries, nuts. If you do not add a banana, make up the sweetness with sugar or honey, otherwise it will turn out fresh, this is often said by housewives.

Oatmeal Broccoli Cutlets

This is a recipe for a healthy and light dinner, which many girls on a diet will surely appreciate.

broccoli cutlets

So we need:

  • 300 grams of broccoli (preferably fresh);
  • 150 grams of mozzarella (you can other cheese);
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • spices, pepper, salt - all to taste.

We wash the broccoli, cook for 20 minutes until soft, then finely chop, rub the cheese on a fine grater. Mix everything, add the egg, cereal, spices.

So, then you need to heat the pan, pour sunflower oil on it. We begin to sculpt the cutlets, fry them until a golden crust appears.

The recipe is characterized by maximum simplicity and speed. He will not cause difficulties even for a novice hostess. On the table, cutlets can be served with sour cream, unless, of course, your daily calorie allows.

According to reviews of losing weight girls, oatmeal and broccoli cutlets are an excellent substitute for meat offal. A tasty and healthy dish will appeal to all who can not stand fresh dinners from low-fat cottage cheese.


Nordic oatmeal is firmly established in supermarket shelves and in people's memory. Bright and practical packaging attracts the buyer. Among those who have been eating this porridge for a long time, there have been no complaints about the quality of the product. Among the advantages, the following are noted:

  • healthy and natural product;
  • pleasant delicate taste;
  • affordable price;
  • the possibility of cooking in the microwave.

The minuses included high calorie oatmeal (but in fact morning was given to eat the most high-calorie meal of the day). Also, people do not like that after opening the package, closing it normally will not work anymore, and air gets into the porridge.

Among all the varieties from the manufacturer Nordic, buyers respond well to Nordic oatmeal with oat bran. Bran significantly softens the structure and taste, and also enrich it with a large number of useful minerals and vitamins. From such oatmeal, you can make simple porridge, as well as sweet and salty pastries.

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