Canapes with mozzarella and cherry: recipe, serving

Many of us know such a famous Italian dish as caprese. It perfectly combines mozzarella with tomatoes and a gentle basil dressing. However, its appearance is already a little outdated. Many modern restaurants serve this canapé dish with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes. As a result, the familiar dish gets a new life for everyone.

Canapes with mozzarella and tomatoes

A simple recipe for cooking

In fact, everything is very simple and unpretentious. If you need to cook canapes with mozzarella and cherry for a small banquet with eight people, then you need to take 400 g of cheese and 600 g of tomato.

For each skewer, string tomato, then cheese, then tomato again and cheese again. Thus, from a given number of products you should get 16 skewers. It is recommended that you buy mozzarella in the form of small balls. In this case, it will be much easier for you, and not cut each piece of cheese yourself.

You can also arrange canapes a little differently. To do this:

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes in half (across).
  2. Cut the mozzarella ball into circles, about 1 cm thick.
  3. To put on a skewer half a tomato, then a circle of mozzarella, and then again a tomato. It looks like such a small tomato stuffed with cheese. A very original appearance, which is quite suitable for the banquet design of the dish.
    Canapes with Cherry and Cheese

How to make the sauce

When the skewers are ready, you need to start cooking sauce from fresh basil. For this you need: basil - 50 g, olive oil - 100 ml, mint - 30 g, salt. Grind all these products in a blender to a uniform consistency, the mass should be dense, green. If desired, you can add a few cloves of garlic, it will give the sauce a pleasant smell and more spicy taste. But how much garlic is relevant for the banquet performance of the dish is up to you.

You can also cook a more advanced version of basil sauce. In addition to the ingredients described in the recipe above, you must also add grated parmesan. But in this case, the consistency will be too thick, so you will have to add about 50-70 ml of olive oil.

If you don’t have time and desire to cook such a sauce, you can just use olive oil and decorate the dish with basil leaves. Indeed, in the original recipe, basil gives an incredible aroma of canapes with cherry and mozzarella. In the photo you can see how the dish should look after serving.


Since this dish will be served to guests, it should be properly decorated. We take a large plate, on the bottom of which it is necessary to put lettuce, arugula and other greens, the main thing is that there are a lot of it. Pour over greens with pre-prepared sauce or olive oil, but also leave about 1/3 of the skewer sauce.

Canapes with basil and tomato cheese

On top, beautifully lay the canapes with mozzarella and cherry, pour over the rest of the sauce. Watering must be done carefully so as not to touch the base of the skewer, because then people will take it with their hands.

As you can see, cooking canapes with mozzarella and cherry will take no more than half an hour, and the canapes will turn out to be very tasty and original in appearance. Try it, all guests will love it.

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