Why do children have Edwards syndrome?

Edwards syndrome implies the second most common (after Down syndrome) chromosomal disease, which is directly characterized by multiple malformations of the fetal development, as well as the underdevelopment of some systems of internal organs. According to available statistics, the frequency of diagnosis of this ailment is approximately 1: 5000. In this article we will talk in more detail about why infection with Edwards syndrome occurs, and what are the main methods of its treatment.

edwards syndrome
general information

So, according to experts, due to numerous developmental defects, children with this diagnosis, as a rule, die at an early age. Despite the fact that babies are born approximately on time, their motor activity is very low. Moreover, in children with Edwards syndrome there is practically no physical or mental full development, as a result, boys die within the first ten days of life, and girls within six months (they rarely can live up to one year).

Primary symptoms

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • low body weight;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • delayed physical / mental development;
  • special appearance (wide nape, skull squeezed on the sides, small jaw, narrow eyes, deformed auricles and limbs);
  • clitoral hypertrophy in girls;
  • anomaly in the structure of the penis in boys.

Edwards syndrome diagnosis
Edwards Syndrome. Diagnostics

The definition of this disease primarily consists in carrying out special chromosomal tests. Taking into account the fact that during the entire pregnancy an ultrasound examination is done for the future woman in labor, it is still not always possible to determine the presence of this disease. So, Edwards syndrome on ultrasound can be detected only indirectly, that is, by related signs (for example, by the absence of the so-called "umbilical artery" in a special channel, by the relatively small size of the placenta itself, etc.). In addition, literally in the first three months of bearing the fetus, according to experts, it is completely impossible to identify any gross anomalies in the development of the fetus. That is why we are not talking about artificial termination of pregnancy at an acceptable time for this. Most women tend to

ultrasound syndrome
carry the fetus and give birth to children with Edwards syndrome in due time for this.


Unfortunately, at the moment, doctors cannot offer effective solutions to how to cure this disease. Almost 90% of children with Edwards syndrome die in the first year of their life (about 30% in the first month). Those who still manage to survive, throughout their short existence, constantly suffer from various kinds of somatic diseases, and are also distinguished by deep mental retardation.


In conclusion, it should be noted that today scientists are still trying to find the necessary cure for such an unpleasant problem by conducting numerous studies in this area. However, so far, unfortunately, all the efforts are being made in vain. Be healthy!

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