Pink salmon cutlets. Fishcake Recipe

In addition to the usual meat cutlets, there are other recipes - from vegetables, cheese, fish ... The latter will be discussed.

Pink salmon cutlets . Zucchini Recipe

For 8 servings of pink salmon cutlets, you will need the following products: 900-gram pink salmon, 1 chicken egg, 200 grams of zucchini (pulp), 1 large onion, 1 teaspoon of tea salt (only the main thing without top), a little black pepper on the tip of the knife, 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, half a glass of sunflower oil.

This dish is very tasty - pink salmon cutlets. The recipe is quite simple: pink salmon must be thawed, cut and separated from the skin and bones, that is, fillet. Then chop the fillet on the board into small pieces. Zucchini peeled seeds and peels. Peel the onion. Then cut the zucchini and onions into pieces (small) and pass through a blender or meat grinder. Now you have two parts of minced meat - meat and vegetable. They need to be mixed with each other, add pepper, salt and 1 chicken egg. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

Minced meat divided into 8 parts with wet hands; it should be thick enough to not stick to them. To fashion cutlets in the shape of an oval from these blanks and to each roll in breadcrumbs. It is very convenient to roll and give the sides of the cutlets a flat surface with a wide knife to cook not only delicious, but also beautiful cutlets of pink salmon. The recipe also involves the use of some other seasonings, except for pepper: they need to be strewed in minced meat. Choose them at your discretion.

Now you need to fry the salmon cutlets. The recipe involves frying at least in sunflower oil, at least in olive oil. But it’s better to use sunflower - olive will give an unnecessary flavor in this case.

Cod cutlets. Cognac Recipe

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of northern cod, 1 small and 2 large onions, sunflower and cream butter, white bread (but bread without crusts), gherkins, provencal mayonnaise and ketchup spicy, black salt and ground pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon tea cognac, dill.

Defrost the northern cod carcass and separate from the skin. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder. White bread, separated from the crusts, soak a little in milk, squeeze and skip again with the fillet through a meat grinder. But before that you need to add a small onion and two large ones, previously fried in a pan in a mixture of vegetable cream and oils. Beat two chicken eggs separately and then pour them into the minced meat. Add ground black pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything and place in the refrigerator for an hour - stand still. Before forming cutlets from minced meat and roll them in breadcrumbs, place a small piece of butter (only solid, from the freezer) there.

Now - making the sauce. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup, cognac, finely chopped dill and gherkins.

Burbot cutlets

Composition: 650 grams of burbot fillet, 200 grams of rice, 400 grams of sour cream, 30 grams of vegetable oil, 100 grams of milk, 40 grams of flour, onions (if desired, you can replace it with fresh green), red pepper and salt - to taste.

Fillet is pure meat, without any bones, cartilage, tendons, skin and the like. So, this is the burbot fillet that you must pass through a meat grinder or through a blender along with the onion that you prefer. Add boiled rice, milk, salt and pepper to this stuffing, and then mix everything thoroughly. Form round patties from the resulting mass, breaded in flour and then fry in a pan in vegetable oil until a crust of a pleasant ruddy color appears. Then pour sour cream and simmer for 5 minutes. Serve with a side dish of fried potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Enjoy your meal!

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