Ointment "Sustavit-Forte": composition, instructions and reviews

Diseases affecting the joints are an extremely unpleasant problem. And therapy often involves the use of special ointments and gels that reduce pain and accelerate the treatment process. Many doctors prescribe "Sustavit-Forte" ointment to patients. Of course, before you start using it is worth learning more about the properties of the drug.

Information on the composition of the drug

joints forte

The tool "Sustavit-Forte" is available in the form of a cream gel with a characteristic pleasant odor. The medicine is placed in aluminum tubes. In the pharmacy you can buy a bottle of 75 ml. This drug is used if the patient needs an additional source of chondroitin and glucosamine.

As for the composition, the preparation contains chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in the form of hydrochloride. There are other active components, in particular, capsaicin and a complex of vitamins of group B.

By production other components are used. In particular, lanolin, petrolatum, cetearyl alcohol, emulgin, nimesulide, beeswax are used to make the emulsion. In addition, the composition of the ointment contains purified water, flavorings, an anti-inflammatory biostimulating complex.

Quite often, the ointment is used in combination with Sustavit-Forte capsules - this therapy gives a more pronounced effect.

How does the medicine affect the human body?

This biologically active agent has a number of valuable therapeutic properties. For example, chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate belong to the group of chondroprotectors. These components protect cartilage cells, stimulate their regeneration processes, and also slow down tissue degradation. When using this product, cartilage tissue is more quickly saturated with active beneficial substances.

In turn, capsaicin acts on enzymatic reactions, accelerating them. This component also improves metabolic processes, provides tissues with sufficient oxygen and nutrients, as it positively affects the microcirculation of the blood. Capsaicin has been proven to relieve soreness and increase the elasticity of connective tissue elements and muscles.

B vitamins have a positive effect on neuro-reflex regulation and also stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses. These substances are also components of important redox reactions in the human body.

The main indications for use

joint forte ointment instruction

โ€œSustavit-Forteโ€ is an ointment that is widely used in modern medicine in order to relieve discomfort and pain in the joints. By the way, it is recommended for patients with meteorological sensitivity.

The ointment is effective in case of age-related changes in the spine and joints - the drug really helps to relieve pain and restore mobility. The drug is widely used as a prophylactic - regular use prevents the development of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle or the specifics of a profession.

The drug "Sustavit-Forte" (ointment): instruction

Joints forte instruction

If you have problems, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist after diagnosis can recommend the use of ointment "Sustavit-Forte." The instruction contains general recommendations that can be found.

Using the medicine is simple. An appropriate amount of ointment should be applied to the skin in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the affected joint or spine. It is recommended to rub the product in soft circular movements until it is completely absorbed (about 2-5 minutes). After this, the affected area must be wrapped in woolen cloth in order to maintain heat. Patients repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts about 1-1.5 months, after which you need to take a break for at least two months. Further, it is recommended to repeat the course of therapy for prevention.

Contraindications and possible complications during therapy

joint forte ointment

According to reviews, the ointment "Sustavit-Forte" is well tolerated by patients. But some restrictions still exist. Before starting therapy, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and check if you have hypersensitivity to its constituent components.

In some patients, redness, irritation, and a rash appear on the skin when the ointment is used. This may indicate an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to stop using the ointment and consult a doctor. The product should not be used to treat areas of skin with wounds, scratches or ulcers. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible only after consulting a specialist.

Ointment "Sustavit-Forte": reviews, prices and analogues

joints forte reviews

Of course, patients want to learn more about the drug firsthand. Reviews about him are positive - experts say that the ointment is well tolerated, while patients note that after several days of therapy they feel much better. It is worthwhile to understand that in most cases this drug is used as an adjuvant, so you should not try to treat the disease yourself, especially when it comes to joints.

Another interesting question is the price of the medicine, because this indicator is important for many people. A bottle of ointment with a volume of 75 ml will cost about 65-80 rubles, depending on the policy of the pharmacy. As you can see, the cost of the drug is quite affordable, and you can buy it without a prescription.

If necessary, the ointment can be replaced with another drug. There are no absolute analogues of the medicine, but you can always choose an ointment with the same properties, even if the composition is different. For example, a good result is provided by the Chondroxide gel. Substitutes also include Ultraflex, Espol, and Reanimator thermal gel. Of course, the choice of a quality medicine should be left to the attending physician.

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