Cake decorating at home: semi-finished decoration.

Homemade cake always causes delight of the household and compliments to the hostess.

Decorating cakes at home will require a little experience and a little imagination. Ready biscuit, sand, puff cakes need to be soaked in syrup. Having laid a filling on each cake, the last stage remains - decoration.

Homemade cake decorating can be done quickly with the help of chocolates, marshmallows, nuts, dried fruits, canned pineapples and peaches, and crumbs. But if you want to surprise people, then you need to work hard and prepare finishing semi-finished products with your own hands.

Candied fruits - boiled fruits - are used not only for decorating cakes, but also for cakes and muffins. Candied fruits are boiled as jam, and then removed from the syrup and dried. Some of them are sprinkled with sugar. For this decoration, for example, oranges, apples, pears, mountain ash, watermelon peels are suitable.

Tasty and beautiful decoration of cakes at home is fruits and berries. Fresh fruits are selected, washed, drained, laid on a cake and poured jelly. In this case, the berries do not dry out, their appearance does not deteriorate.

Fruit from compote is also thrown onto a sieve, and jelly is boiled from compote. Fruits are placed on the surface of the cake, filled with jelly, put in the refrigerator for solidification.

Before decorating the cake with fruit from jam, it is recommended to grease the surface with jam, and then lay the fruits along the contours marked with a knife.

Decorating homemade cakes with marmalade gives brightness to the confectionery . You can use both ready-made marmalade in the form of various figures, as well as marmalade of your own preparation. For decoration, sometimes glaze the surface of the cake with a hot marmalade mass and level it with a spatula.

To make marmalade, five hundred grams of the prepared fruit is boiled in one glass of water with the addition of two glasses of sugar until thickened. If you get the finished marmalade with a spatula, then the layer should be two centimeters thick. At the end of cooking, you can add flavoring and food coloring.

No less interesting will be decorating cakes at home using plain or multi-colored jelly . Figures are cut out from the frozen jelly and laid on the surface of the cake.

Glaze can be prepared from powdered sugar with the addition of liquids and aromatic substances: lemon juice, chocolate, cream. Lubricating the surface of the cake with jam to close all the pores, spread the icing on top, level it with a long knife and dry it.

To prepare lemon glaze, you need to mix 200 g of powdered sugar with two tablespoons of lemon juice and two tablespoons of hot water. Next, you need to grind the mass with a wooden spoon until then, until it turns into a uniform shiny glaze.

Lipstick is another type of finishing semi-finished products. The lipstick is flavored with fruit juices, liquors, wines, painted in various colors.

A fascinating process is decorating cakes at home with a mass of rice (protein, fruit). For decoration, a cornet is used.

As a decoration for cakes, try making marzipan. Dried peeled almonds are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with powdered sugar and whipped proteins. A few more times the mass needs to be passed through a meat grinder until it becomes homogeneous and pasty. Cognac or wine is added to the mass, mixed. From viscous, plastic marzipan, you can cut out figures and fashion jewelry.

Cream jewelery looks very attractive. To get beautiful ornaments, borders, flowers, you will need confectionery devices: scallops, cornets, a pastry bag with tubes.

Used Books:

  1. Home baking / comp. S. Parunova; - n .: Harvest LLP, 1997. - 556 p.
  2. Stanislavskaya S.A. Cakes, pastries, waffles. - Partnership UNI-ROSS, 1992.

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