Kimmerly's cervical anomaly

What is a Kimmerley cervical anomaly? We will examine in more detail in this matter. The first cases of this disease were noted in 1923, however, the study of this disease continued until 1930, when the Hungarian doctor A. Kimmerli completely studied the disease and came to the conclusion that it was caused by an anomaly in the first cervical vertebra. With such violations in this vertebra there is a bone septum, which grows, as a rule, with the back of the vertebral joint, as well as with the edge of its process. This anatomical feature forms an additional hole in which the fusion of the occipital nerve and vertebral artery begins.

kimmerli anomaly

Description of the disease

With this pathology of the first vertebra, people have a variety of disorders of the spinal functions, as well as a change in blood circulation in the brain. Such anomalies have their own definition, and today the fusion of the vertebrae in the craniovertebral section is called Kimmerli anomalies. This syndrome, in addition, is called "compression of the anterior vertebral or spinal artery."

So, Kimmerleyโ€™s syndrome is a partial or complete formation of a bone process near the vertebral artery in the region of the posterior part of the atlas, which occurs as a result of ossification of the atlantooccylipital ligament.

Pathological manifestations

Pathological manifestations of this anomaly appear in cases when the vertebrae that are fused have a very small lumen of the bone ring. The normal size of this hole is 2-4 mm, and the thickness of the jumper of this ring may vary depending on what degree of neurological pathology occurs in each case. This jumper may look like a solid bone body or have an intermittent structure.

The frequency of Kimmerley anomalies is approximately 10% of all currently known neurological disorders in the human body.

kimmerli cervical anomaly

The pathogenesis of this neurological disorder

According to most medical experts and doctors involved in the study of this neurological pathology, its occurrence is directly related to the genetic code of each individual patient, which determines the morphological features of the structure of the craniovertebral zone. Some well-known scientists from Germany, France, the USA and other countries came to the unified conclusion that the Kimmerley anomaly is an incomplete anomaly of the cervical vertebra, which does not have certain symptoms, and also can not affect the duration of human life.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms with this type of vertebral anomaly strongly resemble other neurological abnormalities in the body, for example, manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis. These symptoms include:

complete anomaly kimmerle
  • frequent occurrence of headaches;
  • noise in ears;
  • Dizziness
  • discomfort with motor activity of the eyeballs;
  • pain in the neck and neck;
  • impaired sensitivity of conductor activity in the shoulder.

Inadequate blood circulation

These neurological manifestations may be due to insufficient circulation of the vertebrobasilar basin of the first vertebra. There are rare cases when a neurological pathology of this kind is accompanied by bulbar syndrome, which is characterized by the fact that a certain lesion of the cranial nerves occurs and a syncope occurs (attacks of short-term loss of consciousness).

Causes of occurrence

There are a number of specific factors, the presence of which can lead to the development of Kimmerley anomaly. We include:

  1. Atherosclerotic changes in the vascular system, in particular in the cervical region and the brain.
  2. Inflammatory changes in capillary and arterial vessels.
  3. Degenerative and dystrophic destruction of the vertebrae of the neck, which are osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, etc.
  4. A variety of mechanical effects on the cervical spine. They can be all kinds of fractures, bruises and bumps.
  5. The consequences of traumatic brain injury.
  6. Pathologies of a concomitant nature, which can affect the anatomical features in the craniovertebral department.
  7. Increased intracranial as well as blood pressure.
  8. Scars in the craniovertebral zone.
Kimmerly anomaly how to treat

Diagnostic methods for determining

Diagnostic measures are to determine the causes of the occurrence and development of such a neurological disorder. Most often, the pathology is detected by chance, when there is an urgent need to consult a neurologist due to complaints of headaches, dizziness, increased pressure and other symptoms of Kimmerley anomaly.

Instrumental diagnostics may include ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries, as well as an X-ray scan of the skull and cervical vertebrae. On an X-ray, this anomaly is visualized, as a rule, very clearly, therefore this examination is the most common method for determining anomalies of the craniovertebral zone.

In some cases, the severity of the disease in people has a lack of coordination of movements, muscle tic on the face, hypertension, as well as tremors of the upper or lower extremities. The most negative consequence that this disease can cause if untreated is ischemic stroke.

incomplete anomaly of kimmerli

Full diagnostics

A complete diagnosis of Kimmerley anomaly should include activities such as:

  • spondylography, as a result of which the severity of the pathological situation is functionally assessed;
  • selective angiography;
  • dopplerography;
  • computed tomography of the neck tissue.

Contrast angiography helps to detect the presence of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels, the arteriovenous state, and also to determine if there are aneurysms and other vascular pathologies in the brain. In addition, this study shows volumetric formations of the brain - all kinds of cysts, abscesses and tumors.

anomaly kimmerle operation

Kimmerley Anomaly Treatment

Treatment of such neurological pathologies should be aimed at improving blood flow to the posterior regions of the brain. In some cases, the symptoms of such anomalies are treated with conservative methods, but often doctors are forced to resort to surgical methods to solve this problem.

In cases where an anomaly of the vertebrae of the neck was detected by chance, in the absence of symptoms and the patientโ€™s normal condition, the treatment consists in physiotherapy and prevention of further development of the disease, which will be aimed at minimizing the compression of the vessels carrying blood to the brain by the abnormal vertebra. The patient in such a situation is recommended to visit a neurologist as planned. In addition, the patient may be prescribed procedures such as therapeutic massage or manual therapy with a complete Kimmerley anomaly.


Medical treatment consists of taking vascular drugs that help normalize the cervical circulation and prevent spasms of the vessels. Among such medications, the following can be distinguished:

kimmerli anomaly life expectancy
  • "Actovegin", the action of which is to transport and utilize glucose, as well as to stimulate oxygen metabolism and nutrition of cell membranes in the brain.
  • "Sermion" is a medicine that improves cerebral as well as peripheral blood circulation.
  • "Stugeron", which is a selective blocker of calcium saturation of the arterial canals, and also affects the muscles of arterioles.
  • "Vinpocetine" is a drug that has vasodilating properties and has an antihypoxic effect on brain cells. This tool also helps improve blood microcirculation.
  • Pentoxifylline.
  • "Trental" - provides normalization of blood circulation.
  • Vitamin preparations of group B, which contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex, and also prevent the occurrence of hypoxia in its tissues.
  • Medicines based on gingko biloba leaf extract.

A procedure such as acupuncture helps, which, in addition, reduces the likelihood of developing various neurological diseases, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Operation with Kimmerley anomaly

Surgical methods of treating the anomaly consist in the fact that specialists remove the patient's bone arches, which have grown on the vertebrae, thereby freeing up his lumen. In this case, compression of the vertebral arteries stops and normalization of blood flow to the brain begins. This is followed by a recovery period when the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation measures.

What is the lifespan with Kimmerley anomaly? A person with such a pathology is no different from ordinary people. And lives as much.

Disease prevention

There are currently no specific preventive measures to prevent the development of such anomalies. Nevertheless, if you follow the usual rules of organizing a lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of this pathology. Such measures include the same as for the prevention of osteochondrosis:

  • avoidance of too much stress on the cervical spine;
  • organization of an active lifestyle;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely treatment of diseases caused by various glad infections.

In addition, in cases where the patient already suffers from some forms of neurological diseases, he is recommended to visit his doctor regularly and undergo a medical examination once a year, which should be aimed at identifying problems with vessels in the cervical vertebrae.

We looked at how to treat Kimmerley anomaly.

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