Why is Levothyroxine prescribed? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors about this tool will be presented later. We will also tell you about the form in which this medication is released, whether it has contraindications and side effects, how it can be replaced, etc.
The composition of the drug and its form of release
In what form can I buy Levothyroxine? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors say that this medication is available in tablets. They come on sale in the following volumes: 50, 25, 100.75, 150, 125, 200 or 175 mcg. Their active substance is sodium levothyroxine.
Pharmacological characteristics of the drug
What is Levothyroxine? Instructions for use, reviews about this tool contain information that it is a thyroid hormone that has a synthetic origin.
In small doses, the drug is able to exert an anabolic effect (that is, stimulate protein production). Average volumes of medication increase the activity of the central nervous and cardiovascular system, the need for tissue oxygen, activate the metabolism of proteins, as well as fats and carbohydrates.
As for high doses, with them the drug helps to reduce the production of pituitary and hypothalamic hormones , which are produced by the endocrine glands (in the brain).
Pharmacokinetics of the drug
Where and for how long is Levothyroxine taken? Instructions means that after ingestion, absorption of the drug occurs from the digestive tract and is approximately 49-78%.
Taking the drug on an empty stomach significantly increases the absorption of the active substance. The maximum concentration of the drug is reached in about 5-6 hours.
Communication with plasma proteins is more than 98%.
The distribution of the drug occurs mainly in the liver, as well as in the muscles and brain.
The half-life is 1 week. About 15% of the drug is excreted along with bile and through the kidneys in the form of conjugates and unchanged, respectively.
Indications for use of a medicinal product
Why can the medicine Levothyroxine be prescribed? The instructions attached to this tool contain the following indications:
- mixed goiter;
- secondary as well as primary hypothyroidism;
- complex therapy of toxic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis and euthyroid hyperplasia of the thyroid gland;
- cretinism;
- prevention of relapse after surgery on the thyroid gland (after removal of malignant and nodal neoplasms).
Sodium levothyroxine is also used for the differential diagnostic test of thyroid suppression.
What abnormalities should not be taken with Levothyroxine? The tablets we are considering are forbidden to use for hyperthyroidism, myocardial infarction (acute). It is also contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the main substance (i.e. sodium levothyroxine), untreated adrenal insufficiency.
The drug "Levothyroxine": instructions for use
Reviews about this drug contain information that its effect is manifested only 7-13 hours after the start of therapy. But this is only if the medication was prescribed according to indications and in the correct dosage.
The volume of the drug in question for the treatment of one or another deviation is established individually, depending on the available indications. Usually, at the beginning of therapy, this medication is used in a dosage of 12.5-25 μg once a day (25-30 minutes before a meal). However, as a supportive treatment, this volume can reach 200 mcg per day.
During the differential diagnostic test, the drug is prescribed once in a volume of 3 mg or for 14 days, 200 μg once a day.
For the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism, babies up to 6 months old are given 25-50 micrograms of the drug, up to 1 year old - 60 micrograms, and at the age of 1-5 years old - 100 micrograms. For older children (6 to 12 years old), sodium levothyroxine is prescribed at a dose of 150 mcg. Adolescents after 12 years of age are given 200 mcg per day.
Adults with such a diagnosis as hyperthyroidism are advised to take 25-100 mcg of the drug per day. In this case, the dosage is gradually increased (every two or three weeks by 25-50 mcg). As a result, the volume of the drug reaches a supportive one and is about 125-250 mcg per day.
After surgery to remove a malignant tumor, the drug is taken in an amount of 300 mcg.
With euthyroid goiter, as well as to prevent its re-formation for adults, the medication is prescribed in an amount of 75-200 micrograms, and for children - 12.5-150 micrograms per day.
Side effects after taking the medication
Can I take Levothyroxine and alcohol at the same time? To date, the interaction of this drug with alcohol has not been established. However, during treatment with hormonal drugs, it is not recommended to abuse strong alcoholic beverages.
As for side effects, after taking the drug in question, patients may experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Among them, the following conditions can be noted: palpitation, tachycardia, arrhythmia, headache, angina attacks, tremors, nervousness, feelings of internal anxiety, sleep disturbances, cramps, weight loss, muscle weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, menstrual irregularities.
Medical overdose
In case of an overdose of this drug, the patient has signs that are characteristic of severe or moderate hyperthyroidism. As a treatment for such conditions, symptomatic therapy is used. In this case, the medication is immediately canceled.
It is also possible the appointment of beta-blockers. When using extreme dosages, plasmapheresis is performed. It is impossible not to say that hemodialysis in this case is ineffective.
Interaction with other drugs
Can I take Levothyroxine and calcium at the same time? This element, as well as aluminum hydroxide and sucralfate, reduce the absorption of the active substance of the first medication from the gastrointestinal tract.
It should also be noted that the main element of the drug potentiates the effect of indirect anticoagulants and reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents (oral).
Patients with diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism at the beginning of substitution treatment with thyroid hormone medications have a chance of increased need for hypoglycemic agents (oral) or insulin.
Dicumarin, salicylates, clofibrate and furosemide can quite easily displace sodium levothyroxine from its association with plasma proteins.
Colestyramine reduces the absorption of the active substance from the digestive tract.
When using Ritonavir, there is a high probability of an increase in the need for Levothyroxine.
During the use of "Sertraline" in people with hypothyroidism, the effect of sodium levothyroxine decreases.
With the simultaneous use of "Chloroquine" there is a chance of increasing the metabolism of levothyroxine, as well as the concentration of TSH.
Breastfeeding Period and Pregnancy
During lactation and during gestation, the drug in question should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. The use in combination with thyreostatic drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated. This is associated with an increased risk of developing hypothyroidism in the fetus in the womb.
Special instructions for taking the drug
Why is Levothyroxine and hair loss related? The fact is that in case of impaired thyroid function, hair can fall out quite a lot in patients. However, after taking the medication, this symptom of hormonal imbalance is almost completely eliminated.
The drug in question is prescribed with extreme caution to people with cardiovascular diseases, including those with arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and heart failure. In these cases, the medication should be taken in a low dosage, increasing it very slowly and with a large gap.
An elderly patient with a long course of a disease such as hypothyroidism, therapy should be started gradually.
With thyroid replacement treatment in people with insufficient work of the adrenal cortex without adequate therapy (supporting) with corticosteroids, there is a chance of developing an adrenal crisis (acute).
This drug is prescribed with caution in diabetes.
In some cases, thyroid hormones cause or aggravate myasthenic syndrome (previous).
Preparations "Levothyroxine" and "Eutiroks": difference, reviews
Despite the fact that both drugs presented have the same active element, each of them has its own characteristics. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the additional components that make up their composition are completely different.
There is also some difference in the effect of medicines. According to patient reviews, the therapeutic effect of the drug "Levothyroxine" is observed after 7-13 days, and from the means of "Eutiroks" - after two weeks.
With proper use, the last medication has no side effects. As for the first, in rare cases it nevertheless leads to undesirable consequences. Moreover, side effects can occur even with small changes in dosages.
In children suffering from epilepsy, or with convulsive seizures, the use of Levothyroxine causes a worsening of the condition. As for the Eutirox drug, after its use, such deterioration is not observed.
Analogues of a medical device
What can replace the drug "Levothyroxine"? Analogs of this drug are sold in all pharmacies. Among these drugs, the following can be noted: “L-Thyroxine-Farmak”, “L-Thyroxine”, “Bagotyrox”, “L-Tyrok”, “Sodium levothyroxine”, “L-Thyroxine Hexal”, “Eutirox”, “L- Thyroxin-Acre "," Tyro-4 "and so on.
Patient Reviews
According to the reviews of those to whom the drug in question was prescribed, it copes quite effectively with the task. Although in some cases, a medication can cause a number of side effects.
According to experts, it is strictly forbidden to use the hormone Levothyroxine alone. It can be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, depending on the health of the patient and his individual indicators. This is due to the fact that hormonal drugs can have a very powerful effect on the human body and its hormonal background as a whole.
It should also be noted that alternating medication is highly not recommended. After all, this can easily cause distortion of the results of therapy.