Books about space: scientific and fiction

The secrets and mysteries of space attract not only scientists, but also writers and poets. Such creations take the reader into an unforgettable world of fantastic adventures. The cosmic theme is very often touched on in world and Russian culture. There are science fiction, fiction, documentary books about space. Many of them have already become an artistic value. Such masters as Kir Bulychev, G. Wells, Burroughs, S. Lem, R. Heinlein, G. Harrison, R. Bradbury and others addressed this topic. Books about space and astronauts attract adults and children.

space books

Popular space fiction

What is up there? Many are interested in this question. In search of an answer, people pick up fantasy books. The space is incredibly mysterious and alluring. Here are the books whose authors turned their eyes to the sky:

  • The ironic saga "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams). The author sends his fun hero on a journey through the galaxy. A lot of thrills, exciting adventures await him. The book contains not only science fiction, space, but also a thin philosophical line.
  • A work about the smart, cruel and dangerous criminal of the XXVI century entitled "Glass Jack" (Adam Roberts). All space inhabitants know that there is nothing impossible for the killer and criminal of Glass Jack, who even tries to compete with the speed of sound.
  • Fantastic epic "Dune" (Frank Herbert). This saga has won many fans, is considered the best science fiction novel about a sand planet. Herbert created an original picture of the distant future.
  • The book of the popular science fiction writer Stanislav Lem "Invincible." A plausible depiction of human contacts with other civilizations is a topic on which this writer was remembered. The modernized spaceship Invincible is sent to the mysterious planet Regis III, on which there is no civilized life, but it is very dangerous.
  • The novel of the Strugatsky brothers about a bright, interesting, clean world - "Noon. XXII century." This is the most memorable work of famous authors, refers to utopian fiction. He managed to fall in love with several generations of readers.
  • Space Detective Jack McDevith "The Flying Dutchman." A luxury spaceship flies to observe a collision of two stars. The ship’s crew mysteriously disappears somewhere. The hero of the detective has to find out the secret of their disappearance.

science fiction space

Space theme for the little ones

The heroes who explored the universe always attracted the smallest readers. Secrets of the solar system, stars, planets - all this is the most accessible language stated by many authors for children. Fiction, space are interesting even in preschool years. What can be recommended to young readers? Here are the most famous books about space for children:

  • Narration by I. Ivanov "The Extraordinary Adventures of Petit in Space". It is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight. From it, children learn about the heroes who have accomplished scientific achievements. The hero of the book, Petya, sets off on an exciting journey, discovering an unknown world.
  • Fascinating stories by K. A. Portsevsky "My first book about space." From it, the children will be able to find out why day is replaced by night, why it is cold in winter, and warm in summer, what are galaxies, asteroids, meteorites, comets.

books about space for children

  • Novelty of space subjects - "Star Tales" by E. Levitan. This collection in a very accessible form will be able to convey to the kids the mysteries of the universe. Also very popular is the publication of Levitan "Fairytale Universe".
  • Illustrated Atlas of Nicholas Harris "The Luminous Book of Space". It simply and clearly tells about complex things. Useful facts children learn with all sorts of mazes, stickers, games. The creators paid great attention to large illustrations.

Children's Encyclopedias

Very accessible about spacecraft, the work of astronauts in orbit, space stations and spaceports tell modern children's encyclopedias. Modern encyclopedias and books about space for children are very colorful and vibrant. There are a lot of them.

  • Encyclopedia for elementary schoolchildren S.V. Zhitomirsky "Cosmos". In it, young readers will be able to explore the constellations, planets, starry sky, distant galaxies. Here are a lot of interesting facts, wonderful photos.
  • Edition of John Farndon "Children's Encyclopedia of Space." Young readers will be able to learn about the stages of space exploration, hypotheses about extraterrestrial civilizations. There is a description of the International Space Station and the stay of astronauts on it.
  • Entertaining encyclopedia of V. I. Tsvetkov "Cosmos". In it, children will be able to learn about the solar system, black holes, the speed of light, celestial bodies. All information is accompanied by vivid interesting illustrations.

books about space and astronauts

Works for schoolchildren

When astronomy seriously interests a student, he can recommend the following art and non-fiction books about space:

  • Ya. I. Perelman "Entertaining astronomy". This book explains complex concepts and discoveries in simple terms.
  • Nick Gorky's collection "Celestial Mechanics". With the main characters - Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein - students will be able to travel to amazing space tales.
  • Bestseller astrophysicist Stephen Hawking "George and the Secrets of the Universe." The book is rich in information and a detective-fantastic plot. The student will be able to learn about the vacuum, the spacesuit, the theory of relativity and the origin of stars.

fantasy books space

Classics of the genre

Fiction about space includes novels, novels, short stories, tales, poems. Many works related to the theme of space have already become classic. It is worth remembering about them.

  • Tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Travels and thoughts of the little prince won the hearts of many readers. It makes you plunge into a special touching and beautiful world.
  • Books of the Russian science fiction writer Kira Bulychev. Here are some of the huge list: Alice's Journey, The Secret of the Third Planet, One Hundred Years Ahead, Girl from the Earth, Purple Ball.
  • The legendary works of Herbert Wells. These masterpieces are heard by many: “War of the worlds”, “Time Machine”, “First People on the Moon”.
  • Works of the great American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. He is the father of many fiction genres. The most famous novels: Martian Chronicles, 451 Fahrenheit. Also, stories on this topic: "Asleep in Armageddon", "Alpha Centauri."
  • Remarkable masterpieces of Robert Heinlein determined the development of modern science fiction. It is worth recalling the cult books: “Citizen of the Galaxy”, “Stepsons of the Universe”, “Moon is a harsh mistress”, “Tunnel in the sky”.

space fiction

Popular science literature about space

The topic of space has been addressed by many domestic and foreign scientists who have documented their materials. Here are the most significant works:

  • The documentary work of the classic American master Tom Wolfe, "The Battle for Space." The author tells of the conquest of space in the Cold War.
  • The project of Fred Adams and Greg Laughlin "Five Ages of the Universe. In the depths of the physics of eternity." This creation covers the history of space from the very first steps.
  • The scientific and documentary work of Anton Pervushin "108 minutes that changed the world." The author talks about the preparation for the flight of the first person - Yuri Gagarin.

Flashback books

Many astronauts who had been trained before the flight wrote books about space. The following recollections are worth mentioning: Valery Sharov "Invitation to Space", Yuri Baturin "Everyday Life of Russian Cosmonauts", Yuri Usachev "Cosmonaut's Diary".

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