"Bacteriophage streptococcal": indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The medication "Bacteriophage streptococcal" is an immunobiological drug.

This medicine is available in the form of solutions for oral, external and local use. It is a yellowish clear liquid (20 ml in a transparent bottle, in a cardboard package of 10 or 4 bottles of 100 ml). The active component is a sterile filtrate of phagolysates of streptococcus strains, an auxiliary component is 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate monohydrate. In the form of tablets "Bacteriophage streptococcal" is not released.

streptococcal bacteriophage

Pharmacological properties

The pharmaceutical preparation has a specific lysis of the bacteria of this variety.

According to the instructions for use, “Streptococcal bacteriophage” is a specific type of virus that affects the cells of streptococcus bacteria, causing their selective destruction. So the medication quickly eliminates the manifestations of the infectious process. Moreover, this bacteriophage specifically affects only the cells of Streptococcus representatives, without destroying other body cells, without affecting the quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora. Thus, this medication can be considered safe for humans.

Indications for appointment

As indicated by the instructions for use, "Streptococcal bacteriophage" is recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases, the development of which is provoked by Streptococcus bacteria, as part of a comprehensive treatment. Such pathologies include:

streptococcal bacteriophage reviews
  • urogenital diseases: pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, salpingoophoritis, colpitis, endometritis;
  • surgical infections: carbuncles, hydradenitis, boils, panaritiums, mastitis, abscess, purulent wounds, phlegmon, burns, paraproctitis, osteomyelitis, bursitis;
  • pathology of ENT organs, lungs and respiratory tract: otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy;
  • generalized septic diseases; purulent and inflammatory pathologies in newborns and infants: conjunctivitis, omphalitis, pyoderma, sepsis, gastroenterocolitis, etc .;
  • enteric infections, intestinal dysbiosis; cholecystitis, gastroenterocolitis;
  • other diseases caused by infection with streptococci.

For prophylaxis

For preventive purposes, “Bacteriophage streptococcal” is used for external treatment of infected wounds and sutures after surgery, as well as to prevent the development of hospital infections. One of the main conditions for effective therapy with this immunobiological medication is the preliminary establishment of the phagocytic sensitivity of the pathogen.

Many people wonder how to take Streptococcal Bacteriophage? The use of this medication is contraindicated in the case of high sensitivity to its components.

treatment with bacteriophage streptococcal

Dosage and administration

The tool “Bacteriophage streptococcal” is used rectally, orally, in the form of applications, irrigation, by introducing into the nasal cavity, in the wound cavity, vagina, sinuses, uterus and drained cavities.

Recommended dosages depending on the age of the patient for rectal administration:

  • 0-6 months - 6-10 ml;
  • 6-12 months - 10-20 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 20-30 ml;
  • 3-8 years - 30-40 ml;
  • 8 years or more - 40-50 ml.

In the treatment of purulent and infectious phenomena with a localized lesion by the Bacteriophage streptococcus, this medication should be used simultaneously topically and orally for 7-21 days (depending on clinical indications).

If certain chemical antiseptics were used before using the medicine for the treatment of wounds, the wound should be thoroughly washed with a sterile sodium chloride solution.

The method of use and dosage of the bacteriophage streptococcal medicine, depending on the location of the infectious focus (pleural, articular or other limited cavities), is as follows: up to 100 ml is introduced and capillary drainage is established, with the help of which the medication is administered for several days. With purulent wounds, this tool is used in the form of applications, dressings, irrigation in a volume of up to 250 ml, taking into account the area of ​​the inflamed area. In case of an abscess, after opening the cavity and removing its contents by means of a puncture, the medicine is administered in a smaller volume than the volume of the removed pus. With the development of osteomyelitis, 10-20 ml are poured into the wound cavity after surgical treatment through drainage or turunda.

Streptococcal bacteriophage how to take

With cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, liquid "Streptococcal bacteriophage" is taken orally. In cases where the cavity of the bladder or pelvis of the kidney has been drained, the medicine is poured 2 times a day by means of a cystostomy or nephrostomy.

With inflammatory phenomena of ENT organs, it is administered 3 times a day in a dosage of up to 10 ml into the nasal cavity or middle ear. The medication can be used in the form of instillations, rinses, rinses and the introduction of turundas, which are left in the inflamed cavity for 1 hour.

When colpitis is carried out 2 times a day, irrigation with this tool in a volume of 10 ml or plugging. With purulent-inflammatory pathologies of the female genital area, it is administered daily 5 times ml into the vagina or uterus once a day.

With intestinal dysbiosis and enteric infections, the medication is taken orally one hour before meals, 3 times a day, 7-21 days according to clinical indications. It is allowed to combine the oral administration of a medical product with the rectal administration of a single age-related dose in the form of an enema after mandatory bowel movement.

For children

Recommended dosages of Streptococcal Bacteriophage for children - at the age of less than six months with sepsis and enterocolitis, this medication is administered 3 times a day, 10 ml in the form of high enemas (via catheters or vent tubes). If the child does not regurgitate, the bacteriophage is prescribed orally, while it must be mixed with breast milk, parallel rectal administration and oral administration of this medicine with a course of 5-14 days are also possible.

Undesirable adverse reactions during therapy with this drug have not been established.

Special recommendations

Before using this medication, shake the vial and check for sediment or turbidity. Only a clear, sediment-free solution is allowed. Due to the fact that in the medicine “Bacteriophage streptococcal” there is a nutrient medium in which bacteria can multiply from the external environment, it becomes cloudy and a precipitate forms.

bacteriophage streptococcal liquid

Open the bottle with the following rules:

  • wash hands thoroughly;
  • wipe the cap and hands with an alcohol solution;
  • remove the cap;
  • Do not touch the inside of the cork to the table or other objects;
  • always leave the bottle closed;
  • An open bottle should be kept in the refrigerator.

You can extract the required volume of a medical device using a sterile syringe by piercing the cork.

There are no data on the possible effects of this pharmacological agent on the ability to drive cars and other mechanisms.

Use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy and lactation, “Streptococcal bacteriophage” is used to treat infectious diseases caused by species of bacteria sensitive to it. Use the drug should be under the supervision of a doctor.

bacteriophage streptococcal analogues


This medication has an approximate cost of 800-900 rubles. It depends on the region and the pharmacy network.

Analogs of the “Bacteriophage of Streptococcus"

Other bacteriophages can be considered similar in effect, including:

  1. "Bacteriophage polyvalent dysentery" - a product that is produced not only in the form of a solution, but also in the form of tablets and is an antibacterial and immunostimulating drug that provides a specific lysis of bacteria that stimulate dysentery.
  2. "Klebsiella bacteriophage" - a drug that has activity against several varieties of Klebsiella, causing certain infectious processes in the body of various localization and severity. The bacteriophage does not show activity against other bacteria, does not lead to dysbiosis and does not adversely affect the cells of the body.
  3. “Bacteriophage coli” - a drug that is a filtrate of the phagolysate of E. coli strains, is mainly used in the treatment of dysbiosis in the intestine, as well as other pathologies caused by this pathogen (digestive tract diseases, urological ailments, ENT organs pathologies, etc.).
  4. "Pseudomonas bacteriophage" - a medicine with a specific antibacterial effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa microorganisms. The effect of this medication is based on its property of being fixed on the membranes of pathological microbes and penetrating through them. After the death of bacteria, a yield of mature phage particles is observed, which can infect Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. This tool is used for all infectious diseases provoked by the spread of this infectious agent in the body.
    streptococcal bacteriophage for children

Reviews about "Streptococcus bacteriophage"

The medication has proven itself quite well in the treatment of pathologies such as purulent tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, in particular during pregnancy. Most patients find this medicine a good alternative to antibacterial drugs.

Many positive reviews were left by women to whom this remedy was prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological pathologies. They noted that already in the first days of treatment they noticed favorable results and they were able to quickly get rid of the disease, especially with combination therapy with other drugs.

Negative reviews

There are no reports of unwanted side effects. Nevertheless, in separate reviews of the “Streptococcal Bacteriophage” there are indications that, with the advanced stages of tonsillitis, the therapeutic effect could not be achieved. Some patients complain about the lack of this pharmacological agent in most pharmacies, as well as its high price.

Experts say that bacteriophages are quite effective drugs in the treatment of various infections, but they do not recommend using them on their own.

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