Book publishers of Russia: list, rating, addresses

Twenty years ago, the Russian publishing market was very modest. Today, as in other areas of commercial activity, high competition reigns here. Publishing enterprises differ from each other in size, subject matter of published literature, and a number of other features. This article lists the main publishers of Russia. The list of such organizations will primarily be of interest to authors who dream of seeing their creations on paper, as well as entrepreneurs whose main activity is the sale of books.

Russian publishers list

Electronic or paper?

It is believed that electronic devices will soon supersede paper media. The book in the classic version will turn into a rare thing. However, this opinion refutes the extensive list, which includes large and small publishers of Russia. The list of such companies with the development of computer technology is by no means reduced. Publishing is booming, despite the crazy popularity of various electronic media.

Who may be interested in publishing?

Selling books and creating fiction or journalistic works are completely different activities. In the first case, we are talking about product sales. The second is about the creative process. However, in any case, we are talking about making a profit from the sale of printed materials. The first step for both the bookseller and the Russian-language writer should be to study the ranking of organizations known under the phrase “Russian publishing house”. A list of them is given below. However, before proceeding with the description of publishing houses, a few words should be said about the main types and specifics of their work.

Publishing and Shop

Every business has its own rules, the knowledge of which does not guarantee success. Before you decide to open your bookstore, there is a difficult task. The range of printed products is quite wide. And when buying books, one should take into account not his own literary predilections, but the features of modern life. And therefore, bookstore owners have to establish cooperation with a number of suppliers. Some publishers specialize in reprinting classical literature. Others are based on works by contemporary authors. Under the logos of the third type of publishing houses, mainly educational materials are issued.

One of the most popular trends in literature today is fantasy. But if the shelves of a bookstore are filled exclusively with such publications, the businessman runs the risk of going bankrupt in a matter of months. Chekhov and Tolstoy are still being read in Russia. The publication of works by Zweig and Remarque is also engaged in many publishers in Russia. A list of these organizations should be known to a novice entrepreneur first. After all, book products can be classified not only by subject, but by format, and, accordingly, by cost.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" can be purchased for one hundred and two hundred rubles. But the cost of the publication, having the same name, sometimes amounts to three to four times higher. Where does the difference come from? It is all about various indicators of the quality of the products that Russian book publishers produce. The list, which can be seen in the “book catalog” section of the website of one of these organizations, may include products with identical names but different prices. The price is based on the type of binding and the quality of decoration. In addition, there are highly specialized book publishers in Russia. The list of products in such companies is limited to books in an inexpensive softcover. There are also enterprises that produce extremely expensive gift editions.

Russian book publishers list

Publisher and Author

Many beginners and inexperienced authors are in the illusion that their creations are interesting to a wide range of readers. They come to this belief on the basis of positive reviews from relatives and friends. A talented work was read by a close relative of the author and came to the conclusion that this masterpiece must certainly see the light. And the newly-minted writer believes that publishing professionals are looking forward to promoting his book. In reality, the situation is somewhat different.

It is possible to divide into two categories all book publishers in Russia. The list consists of commercial and budget organizations. In this article we consider, first of all, publishing houses of the first category. Even if a novice author wrote a really good book, this does not guarantee that it will be on the shelf of a large bookstore. A publisher is a businessman who seeks to make profitable investments. Spending finances to promote a little-known author is an event that cannot be called profitable.

Books that did not publish

History knows many cases when the insanely popular works of today were published only after repeated painful attempts by their creators. More than ten times, Joan Rowling sent Harry Potter stories to publishers before she became famous. Margaret Mitchell's famous novel has been rejected by publishers more than thirty times. For many years, American representatives of the book business did not want to “Lolita” Nabokov. And the author of "Lord of the Flies" received twenty-one refusals. And only the twenty-second attempt of Golding to publish his work was successful.

Is publishing a book an impossible task? Yes and no. The road will be overpowered by the walking one. But first, he must arm himself. Book publishers in Russia, the list of which is presented in this article, are quite specific organizations. A novice writer should have the most complete information about the activities of the largest and most significant of them. You need to understand that each of these companies is in a constant search for authors whose work can be profitable.

There are many talented people in Russia. But even more graphomaniacs. Therefore, literary editors look through many manuscripts daily. The publication of a new author's work is a huge risk. And therefore, even a talented writer must make a lot of effort in order to pay attention to his creation. He has to get around more than one publisher. At the same time, it is precisely those organizations whose specialization corresponds to the subject of the manuscript.

book publishers in Russia list

Russian Publishers: List

Fiction in bookstores is represented by products under various trademarks. The largest publishers include the following companies:

  • AST.
  • "White City".
  • Eksmo.
  • "Fiction".

Each of the above organizations has its own principles for working with new authors. And, of course, these publishers are not limited to cooperation with representatives of the genre of fiction.


In the publishing market, this company occupies a leading position. AST began its activities in 1990. Annually the publishing house issues about forty million copies. The main directions of AST:

  1. Fiction
  2. Children's literature
  3. Applied literature.

The publishing house has a department specializing in finding new authors. First of all, the employees of this company are interested in sentimental and action-packed prose. Computer and educational literature may also be of interest to specialists in the editorial department. Manuscripts are reviewed up to three months and, like in other similar organizations, are not reviewed. If the work of the new author is not interested in the publisher’s staff, they won’t call, write, and even more justify their refusal.

Russian publishing houses list of fiction

"White City"

This organization is not involved in promoting novice authors. But "White City" has a special place in the print market. Publishing houses of Russia, whose rating over the years consistently includes such names as “AST” and “EKSMO”, are based on the activities of the twenty largest representatives of the book business. The White City is also among the twenty. This publisher specializes in producing gift items. The assortment of products of the White City is dominated by various albums and collections. The cost of a leather-bound gift edition can reach two hundred thousand rubles.


Books on the covers of which this brand is present are filled with shelves of bookstores throughout the country. Eksmo is included in the list of "Best Publishers of Russia". The list of “Textbooks and other cognitive literature” consists of books published by various companies. But far from the last place in it is Eksmo. And this despite the fact that the publisher publishes books of various genres. The range of his activities is extremely wide. Below is a list of genres. In terms of the variety of books, Eksmo leaves far behind other Russian publishers.


  • Educational literature.
  • Fiction.
  • Literature in foreign languages.
  • Cognitive literature.
  • Home and leisure.
  • Children's literature.
  • Business literature.

Children's publishers in Russia deserve special attention. Their list is small and consists of companies that produce not only literature for young readers. You can also include Eksmo in this list. One of the largest publishers regularly replenishes its range with new book products for children. As a rule, these are works by Russian, Soviet and foreign classics. New authors writing in this genre, Eksmo publishing house employees are of little interest. However, according to the statement of book professionals, children's literature, along with poetry, is the most unpromising genre for beginning authors.

In addition to the above enterprises, other Russian publishers deserve attention. The list of “Training literature for open source software” is most fully represented in the assortment of the organization, which will be discussed below.

Russian publishers list of educational literature for sports

"Secondary vocational education"

This publisher is classified as non-profit. Specialization "ACT" - the release of educational and methodological literature. Scientific publishing houses in Russia, the list of which is not so extensive compared with the list of companies publishing fiction, is headed by the nonprofit organization Secondary Professional Education. The directions of activity of this publishing house are the publication of literature for scientists, teachers, university students and graduate students.

What else should be called the publishers of Russia? The list, addresses and main focus of the most popular of them is presented below.

Children's Literature Publishers

Children's Literature is the oldest organization that specializes in producing books for children. The range of products includes cognitive, fiction and books for the smallest. Organization address: Moscow, 2nd Donskoy proezd, 4.

Veche is a publishing association created in the nineties of the last century. The organization specializes in cognitive literature. A special achievement of the publishing house is the release of a series of books in the genre of historical and documentary literature, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Organization address: Moscow, st. Red pine, d. 24.

“ABC” is a publishing house whose main activity is the production of illustrated dictionaries and works of domestic and foreign authors. Under the well-known logo on sale you can see not only children's books, but also the works of world classics of fiction. Especially popular is the ABC-Classic series, aimed at the re-release of well-known softcover short stories and novels. Organization address: St. Petersburg, ul. Reshetnikova, d. 15.

Russian publishers list textbooks

Other publishers

More than thirty percent of the educational literature on the Russian market is made up of books published by the Enlightenment publishing house. The organization was founded in the early thirties of the last century. It has a long history and was once the main Soviet enterprise in the field of book publishing. Almost a century-old existence has changed a bit. And today, Enlightenment is a leading educational and pedagogical publishing house.

Literature on economic issues is published by the publishing house "Peter". In addition, under this brand in bookstores you can find books on many professional topics, as well as textbooks and reference materials.

One of the oldest publishers is Progress. This organization was founded in 1931. The publishing house publishes literature in foreign languages.

The publication of literary translations of foreign authors is carried out by the company "Foreigner". This publishing house was founded in 2000. It was thanks to his work that Russian-speaking readers learned about the work of J.K. Rowling, J. Moyes, Frederic Begbeder and other representatives of modern foreign prose.

Russian publishers address list

Hummingbird Publishing House has existed not so long ago. It was founded in 2006. The specialization of this organization is the publication of non-fiction literature.

For managers, medium-sized business owners, students, and ordinary readers seeking self-development, Mann, Ivanov, and Ferber publishes marketing and management literature. In addition, the organization publishes books on psychology, cooking and sports.

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