The drug "Metipred". Reviews and application

Medication "Metipred" refers to the category of drugs with glucocorticosteroid activity. The active substance is methylprednisolone. The drug has an immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory effect, exhibits anti-allergic effect. Means "Metipred" (reviews of experts indicate this) reduces the yield of lysosome enzymes by stabilizing the membranes of the latter.

metipred reviews
The medication slows down the synthesis of hyaluronidase, inhibits the formation of inflammatory exudate, reduces capillary permeability, and enhances microcirculation. The medicine has a pronounced effect on metabolic processes. In particular, protein breakdown and synthesis increase in muscle tissue, hyperglycemia develops and fat is redistributed, glycogen level rises in muscles and liver, and bone mineralization is prevented. With oral administration, rapid and almost complete absorption is noted. The drug is able to pass the placenta and the BBB, penetrate into milk. Excretion in the form of decay products is carried out by urine.

The medicine "Metipred". Application

The medication is recommended for adrenocortical insufficiency of a secondary or primary type, Addison's disease, non-purulent thyroiditis, hyperplasia in the adrenal glands of a congenital nature, hypercalcemia caused by cancer processes. Indications include burn, anaphylactic, cardiogenic, traumatic shock, severe injuries, and swelling in the brain.

metipred application
The drug "Metipred" (reviews of doctors confirm this information) is recommended as an additional tool for exacerbation or acute course of rheumatic pathologies. In particular, the drug is prescribed for rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis (subacute or acute), tendosynitis (acute nonspecific), post-traumatic osteoarthritis, epicondylitis. Indications include systemic lupus erythematosus, skin pathologies, serum sickness, rhinitis (year-round or seasonal), herpetiform dermatitis of the bullous type. The drug "Metipred" (reviews of doctors also indicate this) is effective for ophthalmic pathologies, optic neuritis, pathologies in the respiratory system, pulmonary tuberculosis, and aspiration pneumonia. Indications also include lesions in the digestive system. In particular, the medication is prescribed for Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, local enteritis.
metipred when planning
Prescribe Metipred when planning or during pregnancy. In this case, the dosage of the medication should be carefully selected by a specialist. Recommended remedy for diseases of the nervous system. Prescribe a medicine for multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, vomiting or nausea due to cytostatics.


The Metipred drug is not recommended (doctors' comments warn about this) in case of viral, bacterial pathologies of acute or chronic course without chemotherapeutic protection. Contraindications include AIDS, hypersensitivity, intestinal anastomosis, hypertension, congestive heart failure, gastritis, liver disorders, polio. No medication is prescribed for premature babies, nursing patients.

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