"Sinupret" for adenoids in children: reviews, instructions for use, treatment regimen

Adenoids in children is a very dangerous pathology, characterized by abnormal proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the area of ​​the nasopharyngeal tonsils. About 6-8% of children aged 3 to 7 years are faced with such a diagnosis. Although in fact the disease can be detected in both infants and adults.

A little information

Adenoids are very dangerous due to possible complications. Ill children have numerous health and well-being problems. The child is faced with hearing impairment, speech impairment, bone deformation, which are the basis of the facial skeleton. In addition, children with this diagnosis are regularly ill, are tormented by the inability to breathe through their nose. If you ignore the presence of adenoids, then in the future it is unlikely to be able to avoid surgical intervention.

It is with this diagnosis that Sinupret comes to the rescue of parents. This is a combination product, which contains only herbal ingredients. The drug has an antiviral effect, strengthens the immune system, reduces the severity of inflammation and helps thin the viscous, thick mucus. The complex activity of Sinupret allows you to prescribe it for the treatment of adenoids in children.

Composition and form of release

Sinupret is a herbal medicine. This drug is produced in the form of dragees and drops intended for oral administration.

The composition of both forms of the drug does not differ in the main active ingredients:

  • Bitter Sorrel. The substance has a secretolytic effect, arrests the inflammatory process in the sinuses, and kills pathogens. In addition, the sorrel in the composition of the drug stimulates the activation of general and local immunity.
  • Gentian root. The extract of this plant is able to thin thick mucus, making the process of its exit from the respiratory tract easier. The hood, which is part of Sinupret, is made from dry roots.
  • Black elderberry. This ingredient controls the process of liquefaction and release of sputum, has a diaphoretic effect, which is especially important at elevated body temperature in a child.
  • Primrose. This substance is also responsible for liquefying viscous mucus, and also reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and destroys pathogenic microflora.
  • Verbena. The plant has an antiviral effect, enhances the effectiveness of the remaining ingredients.
Sinupret Release Form

The medicine is produced in two forms: drops for oral use and dragees. The liquid form has a brown tint, translucent texture. The taste drops a bit bitter. The drug is available in transparent bottles equipped with special dispensers.

Dragees have a round shape, are produced in blisters of 50 pieces. On top of the medicine is covered with a green shell.


According to reviews, "Sinupret" with adenoids in children acts very delicately, since its composition is based only on plant components. None of the ingredients are addictive. In addition, the medicine quite rarely provokes the development of undesirable reactions, which is especially important in the treatment of young children.

If the child has adenoids at the first or second stage of development without concomitant complications, the drug will give this result:

  • significantly reduce inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils, eliminate puffiness in this area, thus ensuring a decrease in pressure on closely spaced structures;
  • facilitate nasal breathing, eliminate night apnea;
  • will increase immunity, which will allow the body to fight bacteria and viruses more effectively;
  • facilitate the removal of thick mucus located on the mucous membrane of the inflamed tonsils;
  • will clean the inside of the sinuses.
How does "Sinupret" with adenoids in children

Besides the fact that Sinupret is used for adenoids, it can also cope with colds, which are accompanied by inflammation in the sinuses. It is advisable to take the drug not only in the acute form of the disease, but also in the chronic course.

"Sinupret" with adenoids in children: treatment regimen

The amount of medication that must be taken at a time is determined by the age of the small patient, his condition, as well as the chosen form of release of the drug itself.

  • Dragee. This type of "Sinupret" is usually prescribed for children over 6 years old. Starting from this age and up to 16 years, it is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day. Adults need a double dosage. Dragees should be washed down with a large amount of liquid and swallowed as a whole. The course of treatment can last 1-2 weeks. During this time, the child should fully recover.
  • Drops. With adenoids, Sinupret in this form should be pre-diluted with water. It is not necessary to wash down the prepared solution. Children from 6 to 16 years old are most often prescribed 25 drops of the drug three times a day. Babies from 2 to 6 years old are recommended to take 15 drops as many times. Adults can drink 50 drops three times a day.
Instructions for use "Sinupret" for children

In some cases, doctors prescribe Sinupret for inhalation adenoids. But you can not use the medicine in a nebulizer. The method of the procedure in each case is selected by the doctor individually, since in the official instructions there is no information on how to properly carry out inhalation.


The drug has some limitations, in the presence of which children should not be given a drop or dragee:

  • Too high susceptibility to the ingredients in the composition. Even if the baby is allergic to only one plant, contained in dragees or drops of Sinupret, it is strictly forbidden to use it.
  • Epilepsy, liver pathology, past brain injuries, deviations in its work. These restrictions are not considered absolute. In other words, in some cases, Sinupret can still be used, but only with the permission of the doctor.
  • Dragees are not prescribed for babies under 6 years of age and for those who are diagnosed with lactose intolerance.
  • During the period of breastfeeding, the medicine is not prescribed, since its effect on the body of the child and mother has not yet been studied.
  • In the form of drops, "Sinupret" is not recommended for people with alcohol dependence, as well as for those who have undergone rehabilitation. In addition, the drug is prohibited for children under 2 years of age. This ban is explained very easily: a small amount of alcohol is present in the drops.
Contraindications for the use of Sinupret

For women during pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed, but exclusively in the form of dragees. True, even in this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Side effects

According to reviews, "Sinupret" with adenoids in children is usually well tolerated by weakened organisms. But nevertheless, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing some side effects. So, during treatment, the baby may experience such problems:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • severe itching;
  • rashes;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling.
Side effects of Sinupret

If the parents gave the child an excessively large dose of the drug, all the described reactions can manifest themselves quite strongly. In case of an overdose of drops, even poisoning is not excluded. So do not deviate from the instructions for use. Sinupret for children should be used with exact dosage. Remember that the consequences can be unpredictable.

Therapy Features

Before measuring the required dosage of drops, the bottle must be shaken. This is necessary so that all active components are evenly distributed throughout the liquid.

The bottle is equipped with a special dispenser. This is what makes it very convenient to use the drug for adenoids in children. According to reviews, Sinupret syrup is really easy to give to a child. So, in order to measure the next dose of the product, you should turn the bottle over and leave it in an upright position. The dispenser makes it possible to easily squeeze out exactly the amount of medicine that is needed.

Do not worry if you notice a little sediment or suspension in the drug bottle. Such an admixture is the norm.

Having opened a new bottle, put a date on it. Such marking is necessary in order not to inadvertently use the expired drug. After opening, the beneficial properties of the medicine last only six months.

This medication is considered effective for the treatment of adenoids. Sinupret not only eliminates the signs of the disease, but also fights its causes. But doctors are much more likely to prescribe the drug as part of complex therapy. This is necessary to speed up the healing process and alleviate the condition of a small patient.

Despite the fact that the medicine is designed to treat inflammation in the sinuses, it is strictly forbidden to bury it in the nostrils.

Reviews about "Sinupret" with adenoids in children

What do the parents who gave it to their babies say about the drug? You can find out about this from the reviews of Sinupret.

With adenoids in children, this drug is most often prescribed as part of complex therapy. But users still managed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the drug. According to parents, Sinupret has a combined therapeutic effect, which allows it to be successfully used not only to treat the symptoms of adenoids, but also to eliminate other problems. This is an important advantage, because the medicine does not only stop the signs of the disease, but also destroys the pathogenic microflora.

Advantages of Sinupret

Another advantage of the drug, according to reviews, parents consider the presence of two forms of release, each of which is convenient in its own way. In addition, the medicine has a herbal, safe base.


But Sinupret has several drawbacks. So, users sometimes complain about the development of side effects in children in the treatment of adenoids. Most often, babies develop rashes and itching.

Some parents are unhappy that alcohol is present in the drops, because of which the drug should not be given to infants.

An inconvenience is considered a short shelf life after opening the bottle. Yes, and the parents call the cost of the drug a bit overpriced - 350-400 rubles, depending on the form of release.

Does "Sinupret" help with adenoids in children


Does Sinupret help with adenoids? Definitely yes! This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of parents. The components of the drug really facilitate the withdrawal of sputum and strengthen the immune system as a whole. In addition, the use of the drug prevents the attachment of a secondary infection. But it is worth remembering that it is unrealistic to completely get rid of adenoids in children with the help of Sinupret alone, since it is an antimicrobial agent. Therapy should be comprehensive and include antibiotics and other additional drugs.

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