Aerosol "A-Par": instructions, reviews, application and composition

What is A-Par aerosol? Instructions, reviews, the use of this drug will be discussed below. You will also learn about the composition of this tool and its pharmacological features.

aerosol a steam instruction

Packaging, composition, shape

"A-Par" is an aerosol whose instructions are enclosed in a cardboard package containing the following active substances: piperonyl butoxide (2.5%) and esdepalletrin (0.3%).

It should be noted that the composition of this drug does not include freon. It goes on sale in aerosol cans with a volume of 200 cubic centimeters (or 125 g), which are equipped with continuous valves.

Pharmacological features

What is A-Par aerosol? The instruction claims that this tool is used for infection with head, body or pubic lice, as well as bedbugs, fleas and ticks (scabies).

This product was developed specifically for the disinfection of household items, premises and textiles that are not washable or heat treated. It is forbidden to use for the treatment of skin and hair.

As mentioned above, the active component of the drug in question is esdepalletrin. This substance is a powerful neurotoxin for parasites. It is harmful to them even in small concentrations. As for piperonyl butoxide, this component only enhances the effect of esdepalletrin.

and steam aerosol instruction

Aerosol "A-Par", the instruction of which will be presented below, is recommended to be used in conjunction with the drug "Spregal". This combination is very effective in antiparasitic treatment. It is used to prevent re-infection after the main treatment of the disease has been carried out.

Indications for use of a spray

When should you use a product such as A-Par (aerosol)? Instructions, reviews report that this drug is intended to destroy ticks (scabies) and lice on the clothes of infected people and their bedding. Also, the medication in question is well suited for the disinfection of textiles and household items that are not subject to heat treatment.

The combined use of this aerosol with Spregal reduces the risk of reinfection with a parasitic disease by 97-99%.

Prohibitions to use

When can’t you use A-Par Aerosol? The instruction says that this tool has no contraindications for use. At the same time, experts argue that it is undesirable to carry out treatment with this drug to lactating and pregnant women. It is also necessary to be especially careful for those who are hypersensitive to the active ingredients that make up the aerosol, as well as people with obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

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Aerosol "A-Par": instructions for use

How should I use the medication in question? According to experts, such an aerosol must be sprayed from a distance of 35-40 centimeters. At the same time, the cartridge head with an antiparasitic agent should be pressed periodically.

Only those things that the infected patient used for four days before the direct diagnosis of the disease are subject to treatment with this drug.

What surfaces can A-Par aerosol be sprayed onto? The instruction indicates that the use of this drug is highly effective in disinfecting things of an infected person that cannot be ironed or washed, including pillows, mattresses, blankets and outerwear. Also, walls, floors, door handles, cabinet and upholstered furniture and others are often treated with the considered agent. Double spraying with the drug is subject to bedding, creases on clothing and stitches.

According to the instructions, in order to avoid a relapse of the infection, the personal belongings of those who were next to a person infected with scabies or pediculosis are treated with an aerosol.

aerosol and steam instructions for use

Drug dosage

How much do you use such a product as A-Par (aerosol)? The instruction (the price of this drug is indicated below) states that approximately 14 g of the medication in question should be consumed per 1 square meter of space. This volume is sprayed while holding the cylinder head for 14 seconds.

As practice shows, one cylinder with an antiparasitic agent is enough to process 9 square meters of a room or a set of things of several people.

According to patient reviews, after using this product, there are no traces or spots on the treated surface. In this regard, things that have passed antiparasitic processing do not require additional washing. However, they can be used for their intended purpose only 3 hours after disinfection (that is, when the specific smell of the drug completely disappears).

It should also be noted that “A-Par” aerosol should be sprayed only at a temperature of +10 degrees and above.

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Side effects

What negative effects does the use of A-Par aerosol contribute to? When treating things and objects with this tool in an unventilated room, the patient may experience such local allergic reactions as burning, tearing and redness of the mucous membranes. In some cases, this medication can cause irritation of the respiratory tract.

Special information

What should an ordinary person know before using the medication in question? According to the instructions, processing with this product should be carried out only in a strongly ventilated area, having previously opened all doors and windows.

Before using processed objects and things, it is recommended to place or hang them on the street and wait for the complete disappearance of the smell of an antiparasitic agent.

It is forbidden to use “A-Par” near heating appliances (still not cooled down) or open fire. If the drug gets into the eyes or on the skin, then they should be thoroughly washed with water.

Analogs, price, reviews

The price of the funds in question is approximately 670 rubles per cylinder. Analogues of the drug that cause the death of lice and scabies mite are such external medicines as tincture hellebore, "Benzyl benzoate", "Sulfodecortem", "Spregal", "Bensocril", Wilkinson's ointment, "Antiskab".

aerosol and steam instruction reviews application

As for consumer reviews, most of them are positive. They argue that the use of such an aerosol contributes to the complete disinfection of all things and objects that a sick person used. Also, this medication prevents the development of secondary infection of the patient and the infection of people around him.

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