Streptoderma: how to treat children and adults, symptoms and possible causes

This article will talk about how to treat streptoderma.

This is a skin lesion that is caused by the multiplication of streptococci, harmful microorganisms that are common in our environment. Streptococci attack in most cases smooth skin, while staphylococci tend to settle on the hair follicles, as well as sweat and sebaceous glands. Due to the pathogenic effects of streptococci, primary elements or the so-called conflicts are formed. They look like bubbles with a clear liquid inside, showing a tendency to gradual growth. How to treat streptoderma in the nose, we learn further.

Streptoderma how to treat


It was mentioned above that the main cause of streptoderma are microorganisms called streptococci. These bacteria are able to secrete extracellular toxins and hyaluronic acid, which reduces the impermeability of capillaries at the site of injury. In this case, a liquid is released from the vessels, namely, blood plasma, which leads to the appearance of edema, which subsequently transforms into bubbles filled with inflammatory fluid.

For the development of streptoderma, certain conditions are necessary. Women and children are most susceptible to the disease, as they have very thin and delicate skin. There are also a number of factors due to which streptoderma appears. Among them:

  1. Combing affected skin with pruritic dermatoses such as scabies or atopic dermatitis.
  2. Damaged skin epithelium, which occurs against a background of severe rhinitis with rhinitis or otitis media.
  3. Decreased immunity against the background of chronic alcoholism, exhaustion, damage to the digestive system associated with impaired absorption of nutrients entering the body.
  4. Seborrhea.
  5. Improper child care.

Many people have a question about the infectiousness of streptoderma. Studies have shown that a disease can be transmitted through a household route from one person to another. However, the person to whom the disease was transmitted will fall ill only if the factors listed above contribute to this.

Infection pathways

Most often, streptoderma affects children aged two to seven years. Kids often comb insect bites, get abrasions, scratches and other injuries. It is through such microtraumas that infection occurs. Also, pathology can enter the body through clothes, dishes or toys if they were touched by an infected child. How to treat streptoderma in children, we will describe below.

Streptococci are most often found on:

  1. Toys.
  2. Dishes.
  3. Clothing, regardless of whether it is a coat or underwear. This is especially true for poorly stretched or non-ironed things.
  4. In the air and water.
  5. Mucous and skin of another person. There are carriers of diseases when a person does not know what is infected. The disease may not appear at all or be expressed in frequent tonsillitis, otitis media and inflammation.
Streptoderma on the head how to treat

Bathing and combing of the affected skin are the main factors that contribute to the spread of the disease. Increased sweating and excessive secretion of sebum can lead to the development of foci in the behind-the-ear and inguinal folds. This option is most often found in obese people or diabetics. Before determining how to treat dry streptoderma, let's talk about the types of ailment.

Main varieties

The main manifestation of streptoderma is impetigo. This is an element that is filled with serous fluid and is located on the site of inflamed and reddened skin.

At the initial stage of the disease, a small speck of red appears. After a few hours, a bubble a few millimeters in size forms on it. This formation is called conflict and in certain cases is formed on the skin without redness and blemishes. Initially, the bubble is elastic, but after some time it becomes flabby, the contents become cloudy, becoming purulent instead of serous. The appearance of hemorrhagic fluid in the vesicle is also possible.

Over time, the flicken dry and a crust forms, which falls off on its own. At the same time, a small pink spot remains on the skin, which eventually passes without the formation of scars. Between the conflicts, unaffected skin can be observed, but in some cases they begin to grow and connect to each other. Thus, impetigo is formed in the form of a ring.

How to treat streptoderma in adults? This is a common question.

The duration of the course of the disease is approximately a month. The predominant localization of conflicts is the face, limbs, sides on the trunk. In the conditions of a children's team, the disease spreads very quickly, so it is considered contagious, that is, highly contagious. Impetigo can be transmitted during games, when using towels, toys and other common items.

In addition to contagious impetigo, there are also other forms of the disease:

  1. Streptococcal cheilitis.
  2. Deprive a simple type.
  3. Bullous impetigo.
  4. Superficial felon.
  5. Common actima.
  6. Intertriginous streptoderma.

Below we consider these varieties in more detail.

How does adult streptoderma begin and how?

How much streptoderma is treated

Streptococcal cheilitis

This form of streptoderma looks like a bubble in the corner of the mouth. People call it Zayed. The bubble bursts quickly. Sometimes the outer corners of the eyes and the skin around the nasal wings can be affected. Another name for the disease is angular stomatitis.

In the corners of the lips, bubbles first form, they open and leave small cracks that are covered with a yellow crust. Since the places where the bubbles appear are always moistened, the crusts quickly disappear. Streptococcal cheilitis is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as pain, itching, and increased salivation. Factors that can trigger the disease are:

  1. Conjunctivitis and rhinitis.
  2. Caries.
  3. The tendency of children to lick their lips.
  4. Dentures in the elderly.
  5. Deficiency of vitamins from group B.

This type of impetigo is transmitted through the use of single dishes and towels, as well as with kisses. The disease often manifests itself in members of the same family. How to treat streptoderma is interesting to many.

Bullous impetigo

This type of streptoderma is accompanied by the formation of numerous bubbles, the size of which can reach three centimeters. Bubbles are located mainly on the back of the palms, less common is the defeat of the feet and legs. When the bubbles burst, the surface remains eroded and gradually increases. Thus, streptoderma in a chronic form is often formed.

The chronic type of streptoderma of a diffuse nature affects large areas of the skin, especially on the legs. The shape of the focus is coarse-grained and is rimmed from the healthy tissue by the rim of the epidermis. At the site of infection, the skin turns red, has a bluish tint and is covered with a large number of yellow crusts. After the crusts come off, the surface becomes wet, a thick and viscous, serous or purulent substance is released on it. Over time, an increase in the area of ​​skin lesion occurs, screenings of conflict appear. When the inflammation passes, erosion becomes scaly, and the skin ceases to be wet until the next inflammatory process appears.

If the disease does not go away for a long time, eczema joins, accompanied by microerosion, emitting a colorless liquid. The chronic course of streptoderma can occur as a result of malnutrition of tissues with varicose veins of the lower extremities or diabetes. Quite often, the affected areas are surrounded by trophic ulcers. The causes of the development of the disease may be hypothermia of the legs or prolonged stay on the legs.

How to treat streptoderma in children

Simple type lichen

Simple lichen is a dry variety of streptoderma. This disease is most common in children. It is localized on the cheeks, around the mouth, on the lower jaw. It looks like a spot of oval or round shape, the color is pink or white, has clear boundaries and a scaly surface. In some cases, it may cause slight itching. Often passes after sunbathing, but areas affected by lichen tan less, so there is a risk of "spotted" tanning.

Simple type lichen most often appears in the spring or autumn. Sometimes epidemic outbreaks occur in preschools and schools.

Superficial felon

Its another name is tournaments. This is a type of streptoderma, which is more common in people in adulthood. Conflicts can appear as a result of barbs, careless manicure, and injuring fingers around the nail plate. Conflict first with colorless, and then with purulent content. The phalanx of the nail swells and turns red, pain appears. After the bubble bursts, erosion forms, which frames the nail along the edge. In some cases, the nail plate comes off and peels off. With a severe course of the disease, impetigo of the nail rollers becomes the cause of the development of complications such as lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, chills, fever, poor general health.

How does streptoderma begin in children? How to treat this condition?

Intertriginous streptoderma

Another name for this variety of streptoderma is streptococcal diaper rash. It is localized in the folds of the skin, where there is increased humidity, for example, under the mammary glands, in the axillary and inguinal areas, between the buttocks, behind the ears, in the folds on the stomach. Pathology is inherent in children and patients with overweight.

The formation of many small, rapidly bursting conflicts is characteristic of intertriginous streptoderma. There is a large eroded focus with a pink wet surface, around which the epidermis exfoliates. Cracks occur inside the skin folds, which are characterized by soreness. Screenings of bubbles of various sizes and stages of formation are formed around them. Intertriginous streptoderma can lead to a complication such as a fungal infection. A similar condition is accompanied by itching and soreness. This form of pathology is called seborrheic streptoderma.

Common ecthyma

This disease can be triggered not only by streptococci, but also by their combination with staphylococci. The ordinary ecthyma proceeds as follows: a bubble appears, in some cases it is located around the hair follicle, which is typical for staphylococcal lesions, then it dries up, and a golden crust forms on the surface. The formation is multi-layered, and after removal, an ulcer remains, the bottom of which bleeds. An ulcer with soft edges, a gray coating on the surface and severe swelling. The skin around her blushes.

The predominant localization of ecthyma is the lower legs, as well as the buttocks, thighs and the lumbar region. In fact, this is one of the few forms of streptoderma that leaves marks on the skin. This is due to the fact that after a few weeks the ulcers heal, and after them there is a scar around which the pigmented skin is located.

People often ask if streptoderma can be treated. About it further.


Signs of streptoderma with timely treatment disappear on average after a week. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that against the background of reduced immunity and during the course in severe form, the development of some complications is possible, namely:

  • scarlet fever;
  • microbial eczema;
  • teardrop-shaped psoriasis;
  • phlegmon and boils;
  • septicemia, that is, blood poisoning, when a large number of streptococci enters the systemic circulation.

The latter, in turn, can cause the following complications:

  1. Kidney disease, including glomerulonephritis.
  2. Endocarditis, myocarditis and other heart diseases.
  3. From the joints, rheumatic fever in the acute stage of the course can occur.

Similar pathologies occur in a severe chronic form and have an infectious and allergic origin.

How much is streptoderma treated?

The incubation period of the development of the disease in adults lasts about 5-7 days, after which the microbes begin to multiply actively. If this process is noticed in the early stages, then streptoderma is treated quickly, with local antiseptics: ointments, antifungal dressings and others. With the transition to the chronic stage, the appearance of wounds on the body, open ulcers and abscesses, treatment can take more than one week, and the wounds themselves will remain unhealed for a long time even after successful therapy.


There are several main factors by which streptoderma is diagnosed. So, the doctor draws attention to data on the patient's possible contacts with infected people, the presence of an epidemic in various groups, as well as on the skin when examining the lesion sites. In addition, various laboratory tests are carried out, such as microscopy of the contents of the conflict and their bacteriological analysis. In this case, streptococci are secreted and an analysis is carried out on their sensitivity to drugs of the antibacterial group. Material is collected before antibiotics are prescribed.

The doctor conducts differential diagnosis with the following diseases:

  1. Staphylococcal pyoderma, such as furunculosis, etc.
  2. Deprived of pityripe appearance.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Atopic dermatitis.

In addition, a study is being conducted to exclude herpes disease. The difference in this case is that the seizures quickly open, after which cracks remain, while herpes is in a state of bubbles for a long time and does not form after opening the wounds. The appearance of herpes is preceded by itching, while rashes appear on unchanged skin areas. Streptoderma is characterized by reddening of the skin at the initial stage of development, the vesicles do not cause itching, and the crusts, although itchy, are insignificant.

You should also conduct a differential diagnosis of streptoderma from chickenpox. At the initial stage of the rash, they are somewhat similar to chickenpox, but they do not spread over the entire surface of the skin, which is typical for smallpox. In addition, the development of chickenpox is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, while the patient's condition with streptoderma can be called normal.

If any rashes appear on the skin, whether it is ulcers, vesicles or a rash, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination to confirm the diagnosis.

So how to treat streptoderma?

Can streptoderma be treated


Treatment for streptoderma should be prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the patient's age and diseases in his history. A common recommendation for all patients is to follow a therapeutic diet that excludes fatty and spicy foods, sweets and food allergens, including chocolate, citrus fruits and strawberries. Preference should be given to linen from natural fabrics, which does not rub the affected areas of the skin and does not restrict movement.

When the foci of the disease are formed, it is not recommended to carry out water procedures, as this can provoke an infection in healthy areas of the skin. Intact skin should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in chamomile decoction. This measure will have an antiseptic effect on the skin.

Many people are interested in how to treat streptoderma on the face. In this case, it is necessary to open the vesicles with a sterile needle, rinse these places with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then conduct the antiseptic treatment of the area (2% salicylic alcohol, Furcocin or 0.5% alcohol chlorhexidine).

And how to treat streptoderma on the head? Particular attention should be paid to streptoderma, which is localized on the scalp. At the same time, affected tissues are extremely easy to separate from healthy ones. Crusts on the skin form after the vesicles with purulent contents have dried. Therapy can last several weeks or even months, depending on the prevalence.

To eliminate the disease, as a rule, appoint:

  • antibiotics
  • disinfectants;
  • biostimulants (if there is a strong spread of the lesion);
  • immunomodulators;
  • physiotherapy.

And how to treat streptoderma at home?

Home treatment involves opening the blisters with a sterilized needle, calcined over a fire, or with a rubbed alcohol medical napkin. The liquid after opening is removed, the skin around the foci of the disease is rubbed with brilliant green or Fukortsin several times a day. What ointment to treat streptoderma?

In addition, Zezocin or silver nitrate is suitable for treating wet wounds. Traditional medicine also advises treating wounds with infusions of garlic, onion and yarrow, but only as an adjuvant.

After the formation of crusts, special ointments based on an antibiotic, for example, Levomekol, are applied to the wound. Zinc ointment will give an additional disinfecting and drying effect.

There is also a modern drug in the form of an ointment, prescribed for streptoderma. This is "Baneocin", which copes well with small foci of jam, contagious impetigo, depriving a simple type and panaritium. The effect of its use on average appears after a week, when the foci of the disease disappear. How to treat streptoderma on the skin?

If the affected areas are quite large, covered with erosion and large blisters, as well as in the case of a severe course of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed. The most commonly prescribed amoxicillin is clavulanate, Chloramphenicol, or Tetracycline. The drugs are taken for no more than five days.

Therapy of streptoderma in patients with immune pathologies or diabetes mellitus is carried out in combination with the treatment of revealed complications, that is, correction of immunity and metabolism. With a disease in children, the child is isolated from the team for the treatment period. The doctor will tell you how to treat streptoderma on the face in adults.

During pregnancy, streptoderma occurs quite rarely and in most cases does not cause complications. Nevertheless, the therapy is necessary before the baby is born so that the disease is not transmitted to the newborn. For the treatment of pregnant women, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs (in the form of an ointment) are used, which are safe for the child and do not enter the bloodstream. If the disease is severe, antibiotics are prescribed, most often these are cephalosporins or penicillins, which are considered safe for use during pregnancy.

We will figure out how to treat streptoderma in children.

Therapy in children

If you have any dermatological problems in a child, you need to go to a specialist.

How to treat dry streptoderma

Be sure to open the vesicles-conflicts, then carry out their subsequent processing. So the ulcers dry out faster and the inflammation stops. But all the rules of asepsis must be observed. After the puncture, the bubbles are disinfected with alcohol solutions, hydrogen peroxide. Antibiotic ointments are applied to inflamed skin.

How to treat fast streptoderma in children?

Erythromycin or ethacridine-boron-naphthalan ointment will provide faster healing of the crusts. Also, the skin around the focus of infection is treated with disinfectant compounds, and areas that are not affected by broth of chamomile or oak bark.

How to treat streptoderma in a child's face?

Wet-drying dressings are applied to the affected area of ​​the face, which are wetted in aqueous solutions of silver nitrate 0.25% or resorcinol 1-2%, 2-3 times a day. Ulcers are treated with antiseptics and drying preparations, for example, brilliant green. Antibacterial ointments are also very effective. They are applied to the area of ​​inflammation. "Levomekol", syntomycin or gentamicin ointment is well suited for children. The dressing is done at night, and in the morning it is treated with a drying preparation (Zelenka, fucortsin, salicylic alcohol, etc.). Hormonal drugs for children are prescribed only in the most extreme cases.

For the treatment of streptoderma in children, the use of penicillin-type antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin) is mandatory.

Prevention and prognosis

Each person needs to know what measures can be taken to avoid infection. So, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Obligatory frequent washing of hands, especially after the street, visiting the toilet and other public places.
  2. Avoid combing, frequently touching and scratching the skin.
  3. Frequent treatment of face and hands with antiseptic wipes while traveling. This rule is especially relevant for children.
  4. Cuts, microtrauma and cracks must be thoroughly treated with hydrogen peroxide, iodine, salicylic acid and other disinfectants.
  5. Pay attention to general health, immunity and nutrition.
  6. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.
Streptoderma in the nose how to treat

We examined the symptoms and treatment of streptoderma in adults and children.

The prognosis for this pathology is favorable, in the vast majority of cases the disease ends in complete recovery. However, in severe cases, scars and scars may remain. Therefore, it is not worth bringing to an exacerbation or complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time and undergo the necessary treatment.

How to treat streptoderma, we now know.

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