How to treat a boil in the groin in women?

With inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands adjacent to them, a painful abscess may occur. A furuncle in the groin in women causes staphylococcus, which, falling into the hair sac, contributes to the development of inflammation. In this case, nearby tissues and hair follicles become inflamed. At the initial stage, boils are similar to ordinary pimples, but the difference is that this skin disease is more complicated and painful.

In the process of developing the disease, the bulb is filled with pus. In this case, a person has a sensation of pain both at rest and during movement. In addition, complications may develop if there is such a problem as a groin in the groin in women. Photos of such an education can be seen below.

furuncle in the groin in women

Boils can appear on other skin. This may be the back, chest, legs, hips, face. But the occurrence of boils in the groin area is the most difficult.


Why can there be a boil in the groin in women? The reasons may be different. But most inflammatory processes on the skin arise due to low immunity. And the reasons for the decrease in the body's defenses can be diseases that a person suffered, a deficiency of vitamins, poor nutrition, stress.


A furuncle in the groin in women can appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable, tight or synthetic underwear. Friction on the seams leads to damage to the skin. Microbes can penetrate into the resulting microcracks. Often such a problem occurs during trips or long trips, when a woman cannot fully carry out hygiene procedures and change her underwear.


Another common reason that causes a boil in the groin in women is shaving. After this procedure, cuts and wounds on the skin often remain, which can become a gateway for staphylococcus penetration. Ingrown hairs can also cause the formation of an abscess.

furuncle in the groin in women treatment


A furuncle in the groin in women can occur with reduced immunity, after hypothermia due to bathing in a cold pond, under the influence of wind or draft.

Increased skin moisture

In the groin area, severe sweating can be observed, which leads to the appearance of boils. People with this problem need regular water procedures and the use of dusting powder.

Unbalanced diet

It is necessary to eat right, make sure that the necessary vitamins and minerals are present in the diet. This is especially important for pregnant women, since during this period the body needs additional vitamins.

Infectious diseases

Sometimes a boil in the groin in women occurs as a result of any infectious disease.


When the boil matures in the groin area, the symptoms are the same as with the appearance of abscesses in any other part of the body. There are three stages to this process.

furuncle in the groin in women

1. At the site of skin damage or cut, you may notice the occurrence of a red spot. After some time, a seal forms inside. Itching and slight tingling sensation in this area.

2. After this, an infiltrate is formed (under the skin a liquid accumulates, which contains lymph, pus and blood). In the boil, the white head ripens, it increases. Redness expands, severe pain occurs, the temperature of the inguinal zone is elevated.

3. In the third stage, after ripening, the boil breaks through. This is accompanied by the release of a purulent rod, after which a deep cavity remains. For some time, pus may stand out.

How to treat a groin in the groin in women

Having found such a formation in the groin, consult a doctor who can determine how dangerous inflammation is and whether the infection can spread further. The specialist will be able to choose the best treatment method. The problem can be solved both conservatively and surgically. Found in the early stages of a boil in the groin in women is easily treatable.

urunculus in the groin of women photo

Conservative treatment

First of all, the inflamed place needs to be wiped with an antiseptic (alcohol, boric acid), after which ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is applied to it. Such drugs contribute to the rapid maturation and opening of the boil.

After the release of all the pus, the wound that remains is treated with hydrogen peroxide. And again, Ichthyol ointment must be applied to it. Boils in the groin area of ​​women with antibiotics in this case are not treated. If everything is done correctly and quickly, their application will not be needed.

Is it possible to open the boil?

At home, such a procedure cannot be performed, it is advisable to consult a surgeon who will save you from a boil without pain, carry out all the necessary procedures so that the affected area recovers faster.

Alternative methods of treatment

Some traditional medicine is very effective in the presence of such a problem.


It will take one onion. It is cut in half and laid in a pan without the use of oil. You need to wait until the onion is well baked. The cut off part of the bulb is applied to the inflamed area, fixed with a band-aid and left overnight. The procedure is repeated two to three times. Onions, which were baked in this way, have strong pulling properties, which contributes to the rapid maturation of the boil and its exit. A clean pus wound for several days must be lubricated with ichthyol ointment.

furuncle in the groin in women causes

Inpatient treatment

In the event that treatment was not started on time, complications may arise, which requires immediate medical attention. This is necessary in such cases:

  • With a deterioration in the general condition of the body, which is manifested by an increase in lymph nodes in the groin, fever, nausea and headache.
  • When boils occur in different parts of the body. This may be a sign of the spread of staphylococcal infection in the body, which can result in chronic furunculosis. This condition requires the mandatory intake of antibiotics.

furuncles in the groin in women with antibiotics

  • In the presence of this problem in a pregnant woman. Since inflammation in this area can turn into an abscess, there is a risk for both mom and the unborn baby. The treatment regimen should be balanced and thought out. Medicines are selected only by the doctor after assessing the condition of the mother and fetus. During this period, it is undesirable to surgically remove boils in the groin in women. Conservative treatment, antiseptic and antimicrobial agents are used.

What can not be done?

It is undesirable to treat the inflamed area with the help of colored solutions (brilliant green, fucarcin, iodine), since the doctor will not be able to determine the real size of the affected area.

After opening the boil, it is necessary to use only sterile gauze napkins or a sterile bandage to process it.

An opened boil is forbidden to wet until the wound has completely healed.

Do not use expired drugs or those that have been kept open for a long time in treatment.

After cure

With a problem such as a furuncle in the groin in women, antibiotic treatment is necessary only in difficult cases so that the body can completely overcome the infection.

furuncle in the groin in women with antibiotic treatment

You should take care of the condition of the body in general, do not forget about hygiene procedures. Daily shower should become a good habit, in addition, you need to change clothes often, this will allow the skin to breathe better and maintain its protective functions. Try to prevent microtrauma of the skin. If this could not be avoided, you must immediately treat the wound with disinfectants.

It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition. The daily menu should include fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable to exclude coffee, chocolate, cheese, sweet, spicy and fatty dishes. It will be useful to take a course of vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that a healthy and strong body can easily overcome the disease on its own.

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