How to bake chicken in the oven

At the moment, chicken meat is one of the most common and affordable protein components of a proper diet. It is most useful in baked form, since in its preparation the amount of fat used is minimal. A high-quality cooking result is guaranteed by a uniform temperature distribution inside the oven. And the process is so simple that you do not need any special culinary knowledge. Any housewife can cook this simple and unpretentious dish, of course, and here there are some tricks and subtleties, which will be described later. Let's figure out how to bake chicken in the oven.

As in any other dish, you first need to choose the ingredients. For this dish, the most suitable are old carcasses of medium or high degree of fatness. It is best to choose chilled or fresh young meat. Such meat is not only more tender, but also contains the maximum amount of nutrients present in chicken and killed by freezing. Do not use old meat, as it will be baked for a very long time, and the result is unlikely to please you. But if you decide to cook an old chicken, then first it should be boiled, and then brown in the oven. It will work best if you bake the whole chicken in the oven.

The readiness of the meat is best determined by piercing it with a culinary needle, fork or toothpick. You need to try at the joints of the joints and in the chest. The meat in these places "reaches" very slowly. If, during the puncture, transparent juice is released, then the meat is considered ready, the needle must enter into it effortlessly. If the color of the liquid is red or pink, then it is too early to talk about readiness. The cooking speed depends on the size of the carcass.

How to bake chicken in the oven

It is possible that every housewife has a favorite recipe for cooking this dish. You can cook chicken on salt, with honey or apples. The easiest option for a novice cook is the following: take the carcass, wash it and remove the entrails, cut in half along the ridge, pepper, salt, put on a baking sheet, oiled, and then bake for at least an hour in a preheated oven.

How to bake a chicken in a crispy oven

There are several ways to do this. The most obvious is the use of the grill function of your oven, just turn it on and then place the baking sheet with the carcass as close to it as possible. You can spread the carcass with honey; it will give the chicken not only a beautiful shade, but also a piquant taste.

Another option is how to bake chicken in the oven, cook it in salt. To do this, on a baking sheet you need to sprinkle a kilogram of salt in an even layer, put the whole chicken or slices, and then bake until cooked in the oven. In this recipe, salt has two functions at once: act as red-hot stones, giving the bird a golden crust, and also salting the chicken. With this method of cooking, you should not be afraid that the dish will turn out too salty, since the bird will take in exactly as much as necessary.

If you are interested in how to bake chicken with apples in the oven, then here you can give simple advice. Take chicken, mustard, pepper, honey, half a glass of water, a quarter glass of wine, a few apples. Chicken should be divided into portions and salt. In a bowl, mix mustard, pepper and honey, spread pieces on it. Divide the apples into medium-sized pieces, and then spread between the pieces of meat. Now pour everything with a mixture of wine and water. Bake for an hour.

Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments.

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