What to cook for the New Year?

Almost everyone loves the holidays, especially for the New Year. And any hostess wants to please her guests with something unusual, at the same time tasty on this fabulous evening. Many, faced with the problem of what to cook for the new year, begin to look for interesting recipes that can surprise guests. Perhaps the most important dish of the festive table is hot, and you can not do without various snacks and salads.

It is known that any meal begins with light snacks, so consider a few recipes for what to cook for the New Year.

1. Cheese balls.

Ingredients: half a gram of fat cottage cheese, two eggs, two onions, two tablespoons of parmesan, ground paprika, caraway seeds, parsley, rye bread and lettuce for decoration.

Cottage cheese must be mixed with egg yolks, finely chopped onions, grated cheese. Small balls are formed from the resulting mass, then part of them are rolled in paprika, part in caraway seeds, and the rest in finely chopped parsley. Separately, croutons are fried in an amount equal to the number of cheese balls. Lettuce leaves are placed on a large dish, on top of which croutons are laid, and in the center are balls.

We can say that preparing such a dish for the New Year is not difficult and does not take much time, and guests will undoubtedly appreciate it.

2. Eggplant rolls.

Ingredients: seven hundred grams of small eggplant, one hundred grams of olive oil, salt and spices to taste, one hundred grams of Mozzarella cheese, two chili peppers, three cloves of garlic, four tablespoons of wine vinegar, one lemon, parsley.

The eggplants must be washed, cut into thin strips, sprinkled with salt and left for a while in order for the juice to form, after which they need to be wet with a napkin. Prepared slices are greased on both sides with oil, fried and seasoned with salt and spices. When the eggplant has cooled, put a slice of cheese on each strip, roll it up and pierce it with a skewer.

Then the marinade is prepared. To do this, pepper is cut into rings, crushed garlic, half a tablespoon of salt, vinegar, fifty grams of oil are added to it and mixed well. Lemon is peeled and cut into thin half rings.

In a large dish put rolls, lemons on top of them and pour over the marinade. The finished dish is put in a cool place for one night, and then sprinkled with parsley.

It should be noted that preparing such a treat for the New Year is quite simple, because eggplants can be purchased at the supermarket even in the winter.

3. Dolma.

Ingredients: three hundred grams of pickled grape leaves, one kilogram of ground beef, two eggs, two onions, six tablespoons of water, salt and spices to taste, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, two hundred and fifty grams of white wine, two yolks, three cloves of garlic.

Leaves of grapes soaked in water for an hour. A pound of minced meat is mixed with eggs, chopped onions, water, salt and spices. On each sheet put one tablespoon of minced meat, twist, giving the form of an envelope, and stack in a pan. Two spoons of oil and one hundred and twenty grams of wine are added here and stewed for about fifteen minutes. Then they turn the dolma, add another spoonful of oil and one hundred and twenty grams of wine and stew again for ten minutes. The finished dolma is pierced with skewers and laid on a large dish. The resulting broth is beaten with yolks and crushed garlic and boiled for several minutes, after which the dish is watered.

It should be said that you can cook a large number of various dishes for the holiday. And if the celebration will be held in the form of a buffet, you need to pay attention to snacks. Very often in this case, sandwiches with various fillings are present on the tables.

1. Fish filling.

It is necessary to grind fish, onions, pickled cucumbers and boiled eggs well-preserved in oil, chop, mix and season with mayonnaise. The resulting mass is spread with white bread, cut into one size slices or croutons.

2. Hepatic filling.

Three hundred grams of liver are taken, fifty grams of cheese, butter and onion, twenty grams of fat, salt and spices to taste. The liver is cut into small pieces, fried in fat, then three tablespoons of water are poured into it and stewed for five minutes. The finished liver and onions are passed through a meat grinder, grated cheese, oil, salt and spices are added to them and mixed well. Slices of white bread are spread with this mass.

Thus, it became known what to cook at the buffet table as a snack. You can also make tartlets, chicken salad or skewer snacks. It all depends on the imagination of the cook.

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