"Ditsinon": reviews, instructions for use, release form

None of us are safe from bleeding. Such phenomena can have the most diverse etymology and lead to a significant deterioration in health status. Many people wonder how to quickly stop the bleeding. Experts have developed a huge number of drugs that can cope with this task.

In this article, we will examine what the Dicinon drug is. Reviews of patients and doctors about him are positive, so the tool is so very popular. In this article, we will consider the features of the use of this tool, and also find out what consumers think about it, and with what it can be replaced. Read this information carefully in order to be as "armed" as possible.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The drug "Ditsinon", reviews of which are more positive, is provided in two forms of release. You can buy the drug in the form of tablets or a solution for the preparation of injections.

The main active substance of this medication is such a component as etamzilate. However, he is not alone in the composition of the product. In addition to it, the medication also contains some auxiliary components. If the drug is released in the form of tablets, it will also contain magnesium stearate, povidone, citric acid and starch.

Dicinon solution

If the medication takes the form of a solution, then it will include injection liquid, sodium disulfate and sodium bicarbonate.

Additional components play a very important role. They give the medicine the necessary form of release, and also contribute to its better digestibility by the body.

The tablets are circle-shaped and painted white. Packed in blisters, each containing ten pills. But the blisters, in turn, are placed in a cardboard package, ten pieces each. Tablets are used for oral administration.

The injection liquid is poured into glass ampoules, each of which contains two milligrams of liquid. Ampoules are placed in blisters of ten pieces each. And the blisters themselves are packed in a cardboard box that contains fifty ampoules.

In what cases can I apply

Reviews about Dicinone confirm that this pharmaceutical product has a very wide range of uses. Usually, doctors prescribe it in case of bleeding of various etymologies.

The medicine can be used during surgery in cases where there is heavy bleeding.

  • The drug will quickly stop blood flow from the nose, and also relieve gums from bleeding.
Dicinon tablets
  • Dicinon can also be used for uterine bleeding. Reviews of the tablets indicate that this drug really does very well with its purpose.
  • The tool works well in the presence of heavy menstrual flow in women. Moreover, its use improves the general condition of patients of the fair sex during menstruation.
  • Also, the drug can be used for problems with cerebral circulation in newborn babies.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Reviews about "Dicinone" indicate that the tool is really very effective, but it has a huge number of contraindications. Therefore, it should be used only on the recommendation of an experienced specialist.

And so, in no case do not use the drug in the presence of such contraindications:

  • you have been found to be hypersensitive to any component that is part of this drug;
  • the absolute contraindication is the presence of malignant diseases of the blood and lymph;
  • Also, do not use the remedy for people who have problems with blood clots.

These contraindications are absolute. Improper use of the medicine can cause significant harm to your health. In no case do not resort to self-medication. Instructions and reviews about Dicinone confirm that you can only use this medicine after your doctor has prescribed it.

what does blood look like

In some cases, doctors still prescribe the drug "Ditsinon" to patients suffering from thrombosis. But this must be done with great care. Usually, the dosage of the drug is used to a minimum, and the medication is taken in a hospital.

What is a

Reviews and instructions on "Dicinone" characterize the drug as a hemostatic agent. The active substances that make up its composition contribute to the strengthening of capillaries and also improve blood circulation in the body. The drug has a significant effect on blood coagulation, which helps to stop bleeding. However, it does not lead to the formation of blood clots, which is its indisputable advantage compared to other drugs. The medicine begins to act very quickly. Its effect lasts for five to six hours.

The tool is very rapidly absorbed by the circulatory system. Instructions for use, reviews of "Dicinone" confirm the fact that the active substances of the drug are able to penetrate the placental barrier, as well as into breast milk. The tool is removed from the body almost completely using the excretory system.

"Ditsinon": instructions for use

Reviews of doctors say that the medicine will be effective only if used correctly. It is very important to calculate the correct dosage. If the medication was prescribed to you in the form of tablets, then you need to use the drug in the calculation of ten to twenty milligrams of active substance per kilogram of body weight. Thus, the daily dosage of an average person is usually about two hundred fifty to five hundred milligrams of active substance.

In some cases, the dose may be slightly increased. However, this can only be done if absolutely necessary. It is best to take the medicine several times a day. Doctors advise breaking the dosage into three to four doses.

a drop of blood

If there are problems with the menstrual cycle, the remedy must be taken, guided by a specific scheme. It is worth starting the intake five days before the menstruation, and continue it until the fifth day of the next menstruation. Reviews about "Dicinone" with abundant periods are positive. The drug really reduces the amount of blood secretions, and also normalizes the general health of the fair sex.

The tool can be used after surgery. Typically, the drug is prescribed in cases where there is a possibility of bleeding after surgery. It is recommended to take the drug every five to six hours. Use the product until the risk of bleeding is completely eliminated.

The tool can also be used for children. But in this case, the dosage of the active substance should be reduced by half.

Dicinon injections, reviews of which you can read in this article, are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, at the discretion of the doctor. In this case, it is worth considering the fact that the medicine should be administered very slowly. Dosage is determined in exactly the same way as when using tablets. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, injections are necessary three to four times a day.

The tool can also be used for preventive purposes before surgery. The solution is administered about an hour before the intervention. If necessary, it can be used during the procedure itself, as well as after it.


The tool can also be used for newborn babies. In this case, you need to start using the drug two hours after the birth of the baby.

Is it possible to develop unwanted reactions

Reviews about Dicinon tablets for uterine bleeding are positive. Many women have experienced this tool and were satisfied with the results. However, it should be borne in mind that the drug can lead to undesirable reactions. Usually, against the background of the use of the medication, side effects such as:

  • An allergy that makes itself felt in the form of redness, irritation, itching and swelling.
  • Reactions from the central nervous system, such as pain in the head, dizziness and loss of coordination.
  • Not an exception are also negative reactions from the digestive system. These include nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and heartburn.
  • Against the background of the use of the drug, blood pressure can significantly decrease.

When undergoing treatment with the drug, it is very important to monitor the level of your health. For the slightest violations, be sure to contact a doctor.

Use by pregnant and lactating women

Be sure to consider that the active substances of the drug are able to penetrate the placenta, as well as into breast milk. Therefore, taking the drug to lactating and pregnant women is prohibited. Reviews about "Dicinone" during pregnancy confirm that you can use the product only if its benefit to the expectant mother will significantly exceed the harm to the baby. Only with rare exceptions do doctors prescribe medication to pregnant patients.

If the drug will be used by a lactating woman, then in this case it will be necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

Important directions for using the medicine

doctor visit

The Ditsinon solution and tablets, the reviews and instructions for use of which are described in this article, should be taken very carefully, carefully reading the instructions for use, and also consulting a specialist. Before you start using the medicine, it is very important to establish the cause of the bleeding, and, already relying on this, select the most optimal treatment method.

Note: lactose is a part of tablets, therefore it is not necessary to apply this form of release to people suffering from its intolerance.

The solution for intramuscular and intravenous use is transparent. If he began to change his color, then this suggests that the medicine must be disposed of. To use it in this case is strictly prohibited.

If the tablets can be used at home, then the injection solution can only be used in a hospital or hospital.

In some cases, doctors use this solution for topical use. For example, it can be applied to a sterile bandage or gauze and applied to a bleeding open wound.

Are there similar drugs

The solution for injection and tablets "Ditsinon" (reviews, instructions for use are described on this resource) has a large number of substitutes. Of course, all of them are very effective and have a similar effect on the human body. However, buying them without a doctor’s recommendation is strictly prohibited. Indeed, some of them may have various contraindications for use, which means that they can cause significant harm to your health.

And so, most often, doctors prescribe to their patients such substitutes for the Ditsinon medication, such as Etamzilat, Etamzilat Eskom, Etamzilat Ferein and many others.

Once again, it is worth repeating that self-treatment at home can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Storage and purchase features

The drug "Ditsinon" (application, reviews are described in the article) is sold in any pharmacy. However, you can buy it only if you have with you a prescription from a doctor with a seal.

The tool has a fairly long shelf life. Both tablets and ampoules can be stored for five years from the date indicated on the cardboard packaging. Store the drug at room temperature, away from sunlight, as well as from children's hands. Please note that improper storage conditions of the medicine will significantly reduce its shelf life. Therefore, treat this issue with all responsibility.

What do doctors and patients think

Reviews about "Dicinone" with uterine bleeding suggest that the remedy really does its job well. However, such a pathology can have many prerequisites, therefore, the drug should be used very carefully, only after it has been prescribed by a gynecologist.

use of tablets

Doctors quite often prescribe this drug to patients, since the effect of its use occurs very quickly. The medicine can be used by both adults and children, which indicates its comparative safety. The medication can be used to provide emergency care for significant blood loss. If the doctor prescribes tablets for long-term use, then in this case it is very important to establish the etymology of bleeding.

Patients are also satisfied with this medicine, since it very rarely leads to side effects, and treatment results can be replaced very quickly. Women like to use this remedy in the presence of severely profuse and painful menstrual bleeding. Against the background of the use of the drug, the amount of blood discharge decreases, and at the same time, menstruation is not so painful.

Reviews of "Dicinone" for bleeding confirm the fact that the drug really deserves attention. Surgeons very often use it during surgery, as well as in front of him for the purpose of prevention.


Heavy bleeding is very dangerous for human health. They can be fatal. Therefore, it is very important to stop the blood in time and prevent its further loss. It is for these purposes that the drug β€œDicinon” was developed.

The drug has been on the pharmaceutical market for quite some time. The drug has an excellent hemostatic effect, which is why it is so popular. If you notice even the slightest malfunction in your body, urgently begin treatment. The sooner you start it, the greater will be its effectiveness. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

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