Smoking a rabbit at home: methods, preparation and marinade

Smoking a rabbit is a procedure that takes a lot of time, but guarantees an ideal result. A lot of time is spent on weathering, pickling, smoking and settling meat. For cooking, technologies are available that are available to everyone and everyone, which do not differ in complex operation.

Preparation of carcass for smoking

Rabbit meat has many benefits. It is soft, dietary, easily amenable to any type of processing, has special taste qualities. Smoking a rabbit begins with the preparation of a carcass:

  • First you need to wash the rabbit in cold water. If the carcass for some reason has an unpleasant odor, then you can soak the meat in water. 2-3 hours are enough.
  • Remove all transparencies that remain after skinning.
  • Next you need to pull out the ribs. Small cuts should be made at the base of the bone and each element removed.
  • Cut the carcass according to any scheme. The rabbit is usually cut into 4 parts. You can leave the carcass whole.
  • Hang the meat on a hook in a room with a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees and good ventilation for several hours. To make the meat softer, you need to increase the airing time to 2 days.
option for cutting the carcass of a rabbit

Next is pickling.

Classic marinade recipe

There are many recipes for pickles, but the simplest is the classic version. For cooking, you will need the following products:

  • 2 liters of water.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • 3 bay leaves.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 5 peas of pepper.
  • A teaspoon of grated ginger.
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar.
  • A tablespoon of vinegar essence.

Thanks to this kind of marinade, smoking a rabbit at home is greatly facilitated, as the recipe is intended for hot processing.

The principle of preparation of the marinade is as follows:

  1. Pour water into an enameled pan. First you need to slightly warm the liquid to room temperature.
  2. Dissolve spices in water and put a bay leaf.
  3. Mix grated ginger with chopped garlic and put the mass in water.
  4. Last of all add vinegar essence.

So that all the smells and tastes of the marinade ingredients are mixed together, you need to let the brine infuse well for 1 hour.

Rules for marinating rabbit meat

Smoking a rabbit is done only after pickling. The process takes no more than 2 days. The rules for pickling are as follows:

  1. First you need to heat the prepared marinade so that all the flavors of the ingredients are activated and penetrate as deep as possible into the fibers of the meat.
  2. Lay the carcass or pieces of the rabbit so that the liquid completely covers the meat.
  3. The container must be digged tightly and left in the room where the meat had previously been weathered on the hook.
  4. Pickling usually lasts 2 days. To evenly soak the meat with brine, you need to turn the rabbit pieces 2 times a day.
pickling rabbit

Pull the carcass out of the marinade and hang it on the hook. First you need to make small and shallow cuts around the perimeter of the whole carcass. In cuts you can put small pieces of garlic. The fibers will dry out a little and soak in spices. Enough exposure in 5-6 hours.

What to use for smoking a rabbit

Smoking is a very complicated procedure, which has a lot of nuances and requirements. To make the rabbit smoked efficiently and effectively, and also not to spoil the product, it is worth preparing for the procedure:

  • For hot smoking, you need to prepare a large pot or metal bucket with a lid.
  • Additionally, you need a grill, on which the meat will be placed.
  • It is worth preparing wood chips. Fruit breeds will do, but the vine will be the most ideal.
  • Additionally, you need to choose a place for making a fire, devices for turning meat.
rabbit weathering after smoking

In the process of cooking, additional devices, ingredients and devices may be needed.

How to make hot smoking

The process of cooking meat is quite simple. Smoking a rabbit at home is carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. In the prepared container, you need to put wood chips or finely chopped vine.
  2. To make a fire around which it is necessary to lay bricks or stones so that a container with a workpiece can be installed on them.
  3. Place the wire rack in the container, on which the meat will subsequently be placed. Put the carcass on it so that each piece occupies the largest possible area.
  4. Put a bucket on the stones laid around the fire. The container should be placed above the fire. The strength of the fire should be of medium intensity.

The smoking smoked bunny recipe involves hot processing for 5-6 hours, but it may take longer. In the process of smoking, it is worth periodically opening the lid of the smoking system to release excess smoke. If this is not done, the meat may acquire excessive bitterness.

smoking a rabbit

After the completion of smoking, you need to hang the carcass again on the hook and leave to weather for 6 hours. It is better to place rabbit meat on the street where there is good ventilation. After this procedure, you can eat meat. To make the taste brighter, you can put the workpiece in the refrigerator for one to two hours.

Cold smoked rabbit at home

The cold smoked rabbit recipe involves some complications in the procedure. Meat preparation and marinating are carried out according to the previously presented principle, but the smoking process itself has its own nuances:

  1. We need a special oven or chamber, which should be equipped with pallets, hooks and compartments for laying, placing meat.
  2. Smoking takes about 3 days and requires maintaining a temperature of 20-25 degrees. To implement the recipe, a lot of fuel is used, time, you constantly need to monitor the stove.
  3. Get pieces of rabbit meat and hang it on a hook so that excess substances obtained from smoke are weathered.
hot smoked process

The resulting product can be stored for a very long time in the refrigerator. The meat is soft, tender and aromatic, and this is the advantage of this type of preparation of rabbit meat. The disadvantage is that a special installation is required, made in accordance with complex technologies.

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