Polygynax (candles) - application features

Polygynax (suppositories) is a fairly popular drug, which is used when it is necessary to restore violations of the vaginal microflora that occur in the presence of infectious gynecological diseases.

Candles have an oval shape, inside is an oily homogeneous mass. The main active ingredients are high-chain glyceride, polymyxin, neomycin, nystatin. As auxiliary components, soybean and palm oil, iron oxide and gelatin, potassium sorbate, dimethicone, glycerol are used.

Candles "Polygynax" - application

This drug is used in the local treatment of vulvovaginal, cervicovaginal and vaginal infections that are caused by bacteria and fungi, namely:

- in the presence of mixed vaginitis;

- for the treatment of cervicovaginitis and vulvovaginitis;

- fungal vaginitis and non-specific bacterial vaginitis are also treatable with the help of Polygynax (suppository).

But this drug is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of fungal as well as infectious complications before abortions, genital tract operations, before childbirth and intrauterine examinations. Also, candles are recommended to be taken before diagnostic procedures, when installing the IUD - both before and after installation, and with diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

Recommendations for use

After Polygynax (suppositories) are inserted into the vagina, the drug evenly disperses along its mucous membrane. And from the surface it already enters directly into the blood.

In the case when the doctor ascribed to you the indicated medicine as a treatment during the main course, the suppositories are administered vaginally, as deep as possible. This should be done before bedtime and for 12 days.

If Polygynax (suppositories) was prescribed as a prophylactic, you should also take them, but the course of treatment can be 6 days. The peculiarity of this drug is that menstruation is not a contraindication to its use.

If it becomes necessary to use these candles during pregnancy, this can only be done in extreme cases, and it is best to abandon them. In this case, you must be under constant medical supervision and use the drug in minimal doses.

Often, Polygynax (suppositories) is used before childbirth as a preventive measure so that the child does not become infected with the pathogenic fungi that the mother may have when passing the birth canal. But they must be used in the presence of tests confirming the presence of pathogenic microflora in the vagina of the mother.

Features of the use of the drug

If a disease has been detected, then it is necessary to be examined by both partners. Also, during treatment with the use of the drug "Polygynax" (suppositories) will have to abandon sexual intercourse. It is necessary to strictly observe personal hygiene, you can not wear synthetic underwear, give preference only to those made from natural raw materials, and also do not use hygienic tampons.

You should be aware that this drug often inhibits the activity of spermicidal local contraceptives.

Side effects and overdose

Overdoses of the drug "Polygynax" (suppositories) are not registered. This drug has practically no side effects, but in some cases, allergic reactions can still occur and then only in the initial stages of use, as well as in some people, suppositories can cause some discomfort during management. If the allergy persists, then you must stop using the Polygynax candles.

An analogue of this drug, which has the same properties, but a slightly different composition - Terzhinan, is also similar in its effect to Ginalgin, Gravagin.

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