Dry corn is a fairly common problem that both men and women face. Such an education can "grow" into the deeper layers of the skin, and in such cases it is very difficult to get rid of it. In addition, corns cause its owner a lot of inconvenience, causing pain while walking. That is why it is worth considering the question of how to get rid of such a problem.
What does dry corn look like?
In fact, it is very simple to notice such a formation on the skin. Corn is a patch of keratinized hard tissue. Moreover, such formations are located in most cases on the legs. Removing corn yourself is very difficult, so many people suffer from constant pain and inconvenience for years.
Dry corn and causes
In fact, such formations are better known under the name corns, which, of its own, speaks of the main reasons for their appearance. In most cases, dry corn is the result of constantly wearing uncomfortable shoes. For example, in women who cannot part with high heels, similar formations occur near the toes, since this is the area that accounts for the entire load when walking.
Often, dancers, athletes, sellers and waiters suffer from corns, in short, those people whose profession requires constant movement and heavy physical exertion. Therefore, be sure to choose high-quality shoes with a comfortable shoe.
Another risk factor is flat feet. Statistical data indicate that it is people with a deformed foot that most often suffer from corns on the legs . Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem. Be sure to consult an orthopedic surgeon - after the examination, he will recommend you suitable shoes or offer special orthopedic insoles.
How to remove dried corn?
Of course, with a similar problem, it is best to immediately contact a specialist. Indeed, you must admit that dry callus on the heel or any other part of the foot is a source of constant discomfort. However, there are some alternative treatments that may help:
- For example, evening foot baths will be extremely useful . It is worth noting here that the water should be hot enough to steam the upper layers of the epithelium. In addition, various emollients can be added to it, for example, a decoction of oak bark, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil.
- After this, the corn should be greased with 10% salicylic ointment, apply a bandage on top and leave for 8 hours. Therefore, a similar procedure is recommended before bedtime.
- In addition, you can treat dry skin with various vegetable oils, for example, olive, linseed, corn, etc.
- The following recipe can relieve pain: dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water, add 1-2 tablespoons of salt and hold the feet in the solution for 20 minutes.
In any case, it is worthwhile to understand that the treatment of dry corns is a rather lengthy process. And if you really want to get rid of such a skin formation, then baths and compresses need to be done daily for at least two weeks.