Amber trout: recipes, calories. How to cook trout tasty and fast?

Many of us love to enjoy tasty and healthy fish. Choosing a product in the store for dinner or lunch, we often pay attention to trout. Amber or marble, rainbow or flat-headed, river or lake - any of these species will be an excellent decoration of a home meal.

amber trout

The meat of this fish is different: pink, yellow or white. There is a version that the color of the fillet depends on the nutrition of the fish. In any case, regardless of the color of the carcass, it is rich in vitamins and amino acids. Trout is a fatty fish. It is good in fried or boiled form. Steamed fillet or baked in the oven will also be delicious.

Amber trout: calories and composition

Fish fillet is very nutritious and tasty. It is valued primarily for the content of beneficial fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6. In addition, the composition of fish includes vitamins of group B, as well as A, E and D. As for minerals and trace elements, the presence of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium should be mentioned. Amber trout, whose calorie content is 97 kcal per 100 grams of product, is rich in valine, leucine, lysine, alanine, phenylalanine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acids. Riboflavin and pyridoxine are present in its composition.

trout amber calories

Many do not know how to determine the species to which trout belongs - rainbow and amber? The difference between them is significant - skin color. So, the abdomen of the rainbow has a silver tint. Its back is green, with black spots, a rainbow strip is visible on its side, which gave the name to this variety. At the same time, amber is inherent in a golden color; its fins are painted in an orange or red palette.

Cooking Technique

Let's say you decide to please your guests with delicious fish. And the “main character” of your menu is amber trout. For the process to go as smoothly as possible, you need to prepare for it. First, the carcass should be stoned, if any, washed and dried. Secondly, it must be pickled. This stage is one of the most responsible: you do not need to add a lot of spices and seasonings, the fish itself has a pleasant delicate taste. Your main task is to strengthen it, to reveal it in full glory, and not to drown it, thereby ruining the dish.

whole baked trout in the oven

How to cook trout tasty and fast? The main secret is simple: you need to remember the components with which the fish is most in harmony. These are citrus fruits - lemon, mandarin and orange, as well as dairy products - cream, sour cream and kefir. Fillet with cranberries, ginger and white wine goes very well. Season it with thyme and rosemary. After pickling, fish should be refrigerated, preferably for the whole night. Remember that various trout pickling oils are not usually used, as it is a very fatty product in itself.

Whole baked trout in the oven

This method of preparation is the most acceptable, as it allows you to maximize save all the nutritional and beneficial properties of fish. In addition, it is worth resorting to if the dimensions of the carcass you purchased are small. It is better to cut larger fish, of course, into portions, but small trout, baked in the oven as a whole, will be an excellent solution. Remember that before you send the fillet to the oven, you need to marinate it. Use for this purpose the juice of one lemon and a couple of sprigs of rosemary. Next, put the carcass in a special baking sleeve or wrap it with foil.

how to cook trout tasty and fast

Fish cooks quickly - no more than 30-40 minutes. It is very important not to overcook it. By the way, this recipe is ideal for baking trout not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. It can also be useful to the hostess who decided to make a carcass for a couple in a slow cooker. Whatever method you choose, be aware that whole baked fish should be served on a large dish with a side dish: rice, potatoes or vegetables. It can also be cut into portions and laid out on plates.

Cooked Trout Recipe

There is one more way. Thanks to him, you will know how to cook trout tasty and quickly. We are talking about boiled fish, which is served with butter and eggs. The ingredients that you need are as follows: one carcass of fish, lemon, 200 grams of any vegetables (except cabbage), a little greens. You also need to boil some chicken eggs first and buy olive oil, if you do not have one.

amber trout recipes

The fish is cut into large pieces and boiled for 15 minutes. At the same time, you need to add bay leaf, several peas of allspice and vegetables to the water: it can be onions, carrots, kohlrabi, parsley. Finished fish is laid out on a dish decorated with chopped pieces of boiled egg, and poured with olive oil. Garnished with greens: dill, parsley or basil.

Trout steaks

Of course, you can cook fish in any of the above ways, but fried amber trout in a pan in the form of steaks has an excellent taste and aroma that will especially delight your loved ones. In addition, this dish looks royal. And if you decorate it with greens, add a side dish and a spoonful of red caviar, you will get the impression that the mistress over it puffed for half a day. The ingredients you need are as follows: 700 grams of trout, half a lemon, 3 tbsp. l olive oil, rosemary, pepper and salt to taste.

rainbow and amber trout

Fish must be cleaned and gutted. Cut the carcass into steaks, sprinkle with salt, pepper and rosemary, pour over lemon juice. Leave to marinate for half an hour. While the fish absorbs the aromas of spices, we heat the pan. We spread trout pieces on it and fry in olive oil for about 8 minutes on one side. Turn over on its side. We stand for another 5 minutes. After that, reduce the fire to a minimum. We close the pan with a lid and leave the trout to stew for a few more minutes. Decorate the finished steaks with lemon slices and herbs. As a side dish we serve rustic potatoes or regular mashed potatoes.

Gefilte fish

Amber trout is very good with the filling . Recipes also include stuffing this fish. For this you will need: a large trout carcass, 200 grams of any mushrooms, one each of lemon, bell pepper and onion, two cloves of garlic, 100 ml cream, vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Trout needs to be cleaned, gutted, and the ridge removed along with the bones. Next, pickle the fish. First, salt and pepper it, then sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave for 20 minutes.

amber trout

During this time, we prepare the filling: chop the garlic, cut the onions in half rings, and pepper in the strips. Heat the pan. In vegetable oil, fry the onions, then pour mushrooms to it, after 10 minutes - pepper. Next, add garlic to the mass, pour in the cream and let it simmer until thickened. Cut the remaining lemon into circles and put them on a baking sheet, place our trout on top. Inside the fish, carefully lay the filling, fastening the edges of the abdomen with toothpicks. Cook at 200 degrees for about half an hour. Before serving, sprinkle the prepared carcass with herbs.

Holiday dish

Unusually, amber trout can be served on the table. For example, delicious rolls with pineapples and nuts are made from it. To prepare the dish you need: 500 grams of fish fillet, a can of canned pineapples, 200 grams of walnuts, one lemon. You will also need a clove of garlic and olive oil.

To start, we cut the trout meat: in strips 1.5 cm thick. Marinate them for 20 minutes in lemon juice and olive oil, pre-salt.

trout amber calories

Preparing the filling for rolls: chop nuts, garlic and pineapple. Mix all the ingredients. We spread the filling on each part of the fillet, turn it in the form of rolls and place them in a baking dish. We put for five minutes in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Then we pour the juice from the jar containing pineapples into the fish. And bake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that we serve trout to the festive table. Enjoy your meal!

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