Simple Banana Pudding Recipe

A favorite English treat - pudding - on our open spaces few have tried. And even fewer people tried to cook it. Somehow it was believed that this dessert is complicated in execution, requires a lot of time and a huge amount of ingredients. In addition, housewives are not sure about the taste benefits of goodies and do not risk spending money, free hours and products on things that will not be approved by consumers. In many ways, this point of view is the deepest error. Firstly, you can find a simple recipe for banana pudding, which does not require special efforts and skills. Secondly, if the dessert didnโ€™t have a decent taste, it would not last on the lists for several centuries and spread almost all over the world. Thirdly, no special pudding components are required. And fourthly, culinary experiments are so interesting!

banana pudding recipe

How to cook pudding

The first one we offer you is an option in which, oddly enough, flour is completely absent. And at the same time it turns out a very delicious banana pudding! The recipe (in the oven, but you can also use the slow cooker) will not seem especially complicated to you. Two eggs are divided into yolks and squirrels. The first ones are whipped until light with a piece of butter weighing 60 grams and two tablespoons of sugar. The second is whipped separately to dense peaks with three tablespoons of sand. Very ripe (looseness) bananas, about five, are cut in circles, sprinkled with lemon juice and mashed with a mixer or in a blender. Then they are mixed with the yolks, then a glass of breadcrumbs (better than homemade ones) is poured, two glasses of pineapple juice are poured, and lastly, the proteins are very carefully introduced. It is advisable to use a special form, but this banana pudding recipe is liberal, so you can take the usual baking dish. It is smeared with butter, filled with mass, and dessert is put in the oven for half an hour.

banana pudding recipe

We can do without baking!

The cook does not always have the mood to mess with the oven. In this case, a banana pudding recipe was invented that eliminates this stage. Two glasses of milk heat well, but do not boil. Two yolks are slightly whipped and diluted with a quarter volume of milk. In a bowl, flour (1 spoon), sugar (5-6 tablespoons), two tablespoons of starch and vanillin (as much as you like) are combined. The remaining milk is poured here, all the components are carefully mixed. Both masses are poured into a saucepan, it is put on fire and, when stirred, cooked until thickened. While it cools down, small cookies are laid out in cookies on the bottom, on top of which are circles of banana. Pour a layer of pudding, then repeat the layers again. Two hours in the refrigerator - and the pudding is ready to eat. It tastes best with whipped cream.

Oven Banana Pudding Recipe

For the lazy

If you donโ€™t have confidence in your cooking skills, but want to try banana pudding, a simple recipe will help you achieve what you want. Just buy a dry pudding blank like Otter. First, a can of condensed milk is diluted to uniformity in one and a half glasses of water, then soluble pudding is poured. Everything is whipped to a creamy state and removed for five minutes in cool. Just have time to whip two glasses of fat cream. They are mixed with chilled pudding. Three bananas are cut, a little sprinkled with lemon. A third of the base is poured into a salad bowl, cookies and banana slices are laid out on top - and so repeat twice more. At the very top should be cookies. We remove the pudding for hardening - and in the evening you can pleasantly mourn.

banana pudding recipe with photo

Oven curd and banana pudding : recipe with photo

There are a lot of options for making English goodies. Moreover, the components in it can be very different. For example, you can cook banana pudding, the recipe of which includes cottage cheese. It is better to take a homogeneous, not grained consistency. To begin with, four eggs are beaten in a mixture with half a glass of sugar. Next, six hundred grams of cottage cheese are ground with five tablespoons of coarse flour (or semolina) and half a glass of milk. Both prepared masses are combined and mixed or whipped until completely homogeneous. 4-5 bananas are finely cut, knead with a fork or passed through a blender, depending on whether you want an even banana flavor or like to feel pieces of fruit. The mold is well lubricated with a piece of oil, and the pudding is put in the oven for an hour (maybe a little less). Readiness is determined, as with any other baking.

banana pudding in the oven recipe with photo

Quick and easy pudding

Anyone who at least once in his life cooked a semolina for a child will cope with it. Do not be surprised - on its basis you can cook amazing banana pudding. A recipe with a photo will help those whose children hate decoy. Liquid porridge should be boiled: 1-2 cups of cereal per glass of milk. The main condition: constantly interfere, since lumps are unacceptable. Detach the yolks from two or three eggs, grind with three tablespoons of sugar and mix with cooled porridge. Puree of 5-6 bananas is mixed with a spoon of lemon juice, its own peel, a glass of white wine and whipped whites. All this is kneaded into the total mass, laid out in tins and baked until light blush and readiness.

Banana Rice Pudding

As we already said, for the base of the dessert you can take flour, and crackers, and semolina. However, this is not limited to diversity. Here's how to prepare a banana pudding, the recipe of which is based on ordinary rice. Groats are standardly cooked (a glass of rice in 2 water); it is advisable to take an adhesive grade, for example Krasnodar. When the water is completely absorbed, a third of a glass of sugar is poured with half a spoonful of cinnamon and three glasses of milk are poured. About ten minutes the rice continues to cook. At the same time, you need to constantly stir it. A spoonful of starch is kneaded in a stack of warm milk, poured into a pudding, and cooking continues for another 10 minutes (of course, with the same stirring). While the base cools down, four bananas are kneaded to a smooth state. Then they are gently kneaded in a pudding, it is laid out on tins or in a beautiful salad bowl and placed in the cool for two hours. Before you bring the dish to the table, on top lay circles of bananas, sprinkled with lemon from darkening, the pudding is powdered with cinnamon and decorated with mint leaves.

banana pudding simple recipe

Best Pudding Sauce

Whatever banana pudding recipe you choose, you canโ€™t do without watering delicacies. Almost all varieties of dessert perfectly combine creamy caramel cream. For him, a third of a glass of brown sugar melts in a thick-bottomed bowl. At the same time, it cannot be disturbed: for uniform melting, the tank slightly tilts in different directions. Now, half a glass of the heaviest cream that can only be found in the store is gently poured. Mixing should be continuous. When the sauce becomes homogeneous, a spoonful of aromatic liquor is poured into it, after a minute the container is removed from the stove.

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