Rash on the hands: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

For the first time, people experience a rash on their hands and feet in early childhood. There are a number of reasons that can cause this irritation. For example, a child could not listen to his parents and did not wear gloves in the cold winter or ate sweets. In this case, small red dots appear on the limbs, which are very itchy and itchy. "Chicks" are the simplest form of dermatitis, which is most often found in children. However, in adulthood, people often encounter a rash on their hands (see photo in the article). In most cases, such irritation disappears after some time. However, there are situations when such symptoms indicate more serious problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of such rashes and how to get rid of them.

Hand rash

It is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine why a rash appeared on the hands of an adult or a child. Most often, several pathologies are diagnosed.


If the body is sorely lacking useful trace elements or vitamins, then such problems result in the appearance of red dots, which are localized mainly on the fingers of the upper limbs and the hands themselves. Due to the lack of necessary components, capillaries become too fragile.

When a small rash appears on the hands, it is enough to include fish, greens and linseed oil in your diet. It will be useful to drink a course of vitamins. This will help consolidate the result and get rid of the problem.


If the rash on the hands itches, then it is likely that the person was bitten by ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs or other insects. As a rule, after meeting with these small parasites, unpleasant pimples appear on the body, which are very itchy and painful.

If a person has a predisposition to allergic reactions, then such bites last much longer. Also, do not comb such pimples, as there is a risk of introducing an infection into the wound. Today, there are a large number of products on sale that help relieve itching and accelerate the healing of insect bites.

Infectious ailments

If the rash on the hands itches, then perhaps the problem is in the disease. Unpleasant rashes may appear on the background of typhoid, measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox or rubella. However, in this case, pimples can spread to other parts of the body.

If, in addition to unpleasant rashes, a person suffers from additional symptoms (for example, fever, weakness, or general deterioration of well-being), then it is best to visit an infectious disease specialist.

Contact type dermatitis

It is very difficult to independently determine the cause of the appearance of small pimples. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the conditions that could lead to such a problem.

Hand irritation

If we are talking about contact dermatitis, then in this case there is no severe itching. However, redness can be quite severe. If the rash appeared only on the hands, then perhaps the person was in contact with some kind of aggressive substance. For example, using household chemicals, not everyone uses protective rubber gloves. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations in the instructions for a particular tool.

If a person takes care of his defense, but he has a rash on his hands from the elbow to the hands, then this may be an allergic reaction to rubber. In this case, cotton gloves should be worn under the main gloves. This will help protect the skin of the limbs.

Atopic dermatitis

In this case, we are talking about a small rash on the hands, which appears against the background of an allergy to a particular product or medication. Most often this happens if a person goes too far with honey, milk, citrus fruits, seafood, chocolate, strawberries, etc. Also, a similar reaction often appears when taking antibiotics, novocaine, barbiturates, preparations containing arsenic and other medicines.

In order to get rid of a red rash on the hands, it is worth contacting a dermatologist and an allergist. As a rule, with a slight degree of damage, you can limit yourself to taking antihistamine drugs. Antiallergic ointments are also suitable.

If the reaction is too strong, then in this case the medicine is administered subcutaneously. A course of hormonal-type drugs may also be prescribed.

Blood and vascular diseases

In this case, a rash on the hands appears against the background of a sharp decrease in platelets. Also, irritation can be caused by altered vascular permeability. In this case, small pimples appear on the wrists and wrists, inside which hemorrhages can be seen. In addition, some have unpleasant bruises. However, this does not affect the general condition.

Secondary syphilis

If a rash appears on the wrist completely suddenly and at the same time the person does not suspect an allergic reaction, then it is likely to assume that it was this ailment that could cause an unpleasant manifestation. With the appearance of redness against the background of secondary syphilis, a person does not experience any discomfort. Hands do not itch and do not hurt. In this case, the rash disappears just as unexpectedly and reappears after some time.

Unpleasant rash

This is due to the active activity of the pathogen, which is called the "pale spirochete." In order to get rid of such irritation, it is necessary to visit a venereologist and undergo a course of treatment. As a rule, quite aggressive drugs are prescribed for this, so medication should be administered under strict medical supervision.

Other causes of hand rash

Rashes can also form with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. In this case, we are talking about a sunburn. Also, redness is understandable if a person does not adhere to the simplest rules of personal hygiene. Small pimples appear on the body against the background of colds and other pathologies.

There are many causes of irritation. However, since the symptoms of such manifestations are usually very similar, even if the person has studied in detail a photo describing the rash on the hands of all possible types, he still cannot accurately determine the exact nature of the unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is better to contact a dermatologist and accurately establish a diagnosis. As a rule, specialists are faced with several varieties of irritation.

Features of rashes

First of all, the doctor suspects allergic dermatitis. A similar ailment occurs quite often, since irritation can appear when performing the simplest household duties that involve the use of household chemicals. The doctor also clarifies whether the patient has recently performed construction work. Too many mixtures and compositions for processing various materials are toxic, therefore, they can quite provoke a rather sharp reaction.

If we talk about dermatitis, then it is characterized by the appearance of a rash, redness, itching and pain. A person may notice that he has a lot of subcutaneous vesicles filled with fluid. If such formations begin to burst on their own or this is due to combing, then there is a risk of introducing a bacterial infection. If the problem is not timely solved, then dermatitis can go into the chronic stage.

Urticaria is also often diagnosed. Such rashes usually include insect bites, allergic reactions to cold, or foods. As a rule, with urticaria in humans, the skin may additionally begin to peel off.

If you launch any of the pathologies, then the pimples will gradually spread to the whole body. Therefore, do not run the problem.

Types of rash on the hands

There are several varieties of this irritation. If a person suffers from rashes in the form of spots, then it is likely that he developed secondary syphilis or:

  • Vitiligo. In this case, white spots appear. The skin does not blush and does not swell. As a rule, this pathology develops against the background of disorders of the endocrine system or as a result of damage to the back of the hands.
  • Lupus erythematosus. This disease is not infectious. As a rule, with lupus, red spots appear, which are localized mainly on the back of the hands.
  • Spotted fever. This pathology is very common in America. Ticks become the main carrier of infection. When this ailment occurs, patients have a febrile condition and the appearance of spots on the upper limbs.
  • Senile lentigo. In this case, we are talking about age spots that appear in people of advanced age. As a rule, such formations appear on the back of the hand.

If we are talking about papules (small dense nodules) or plaques, then in this case a number of pathologies can be suspected:

  • Dermatomyositis. This inflammatory type of disease affects not only the skin, but also the muscles with nerves.
  • Annular granuloma. This disease is classified as chronic. With its development, patients develop nodular rashes, which are located in the form of a ring. The skin is very dry. The causes of this pathology have not yet been fully studied. However, presumably a ring-shaped granuloma can develop against a background of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, that is, in people suffering from diabetes.
  • Lupus erythematosus. In this case, a red rash appears on the hands on the back. This disease refers to inflammatory. As a rule, it proceeds in a chronic form.
  • Lichen planus. This is another chronic pathology whose origin is not clear. You can distinguish an ailment by nodules of a pinkish-red hue, which itch very strongly.
  • Subacute and chronic dermatitis. In the first case, we are talking about a very rapid development of pathology. Subacute pruritic dermatitis progresses in a matter of days, while chronic dermatitis can develop much longer. In this case, a rash on the hands can be caused by simplest stimuli, and relate to problems with the neuroendocrine system.
  • Psoriasis. The origin of this chronic disease is also unknown. Pathology is easily distinguished by plaques that are covered with white scales. The latter are constantly exfoliated.
  • Pyogenic granuloma. In this case, dense reddish or brownish nodules appear on the skin (sometimes they are on the leg), inside which capillaries are visible. Wounds of this type are constantly bleeding. Also, granuloma of this type can lead to damage to the nail ridges.
  • Scabies. This disease appears on the background of the activity of scabies mites. Such a pathology of the parasitic type is difficult to treat.
  • Erisipeloid. This is another pathology of the infectious type, with the development of which irritation appears. As a rule, you can get infected with this disease from pigs or fish. If a person has small wounds in his hands, then this is enough to get this unpleasant infection. With the development of an ailment in the place through which the pathogen entered the human body, redness appears, which grows rapidly. At the center of this formation, the skin takes on a paler color.
Scratches a hand


If a rash appears on the hands and feet or other parts of the body, then leave this problem unattended. If the situation does not change after the use of nutritious creams, and more and more sores, which itch severely, continue to appear on the skin, this means that the time has come to visit a dermatologist.

Often, after the initial examination of the patient, the specialist determines what exactly causes the appearance of such irritation. Most often, the rash is caused by natural factors or by contact with harsh chemicals. If a specialist suspects an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to conduct studies that include taking samples of the patient's skin. For this, several types of stimuli are previously introduced into the patient's forearm. By the type of reaction, a specialist will be able to understand what exactly causes the appearance of a rash.

Additionally, it is necessary to pass immunoglobulin tests. The specialist takes a little venous blood and compares the material with several varieties of allergens. Immunoblotting is also popular today. This research method is considered one of the most reliable.

Also, children and adults are believed to react to cold. For this, an ice cube is applied to the skin. There is a possibility that this is a cold allergy.

Treatment features

First of all, seeing that irritation appeared on the hands, it is worth constantly watching him. If a rash spreads on the hands from the elbow to the hands, then this indicates that one or another pathology is progressing.

Do not self-medicate. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, guided by advice from the Internet, since each situation is individual. In addition, there are certain pathologies that can appear almost exactly like irritation from household chemicals, etc. Therefore, it is better to go to an allergist or dermatologist.

As a rule, in order to get rid of allergies, experts recommend using the ointment "Fenistil" or "Psilo-balm." Antihistamine drugs are also suitable. For example, you can remove an allergic reaction with the help of Citrine, Suprastin and other means. Such drugs help to forget not only about the rash, but also about itching, as well as swelling of the skin.

Use of ointment

Often during the period of allergic attacks, patients begin to manifest excessive irritability and depression. In this case, doctors recommend the use of mild sedatives. Suitable valerian or motherwort.

If infection of the skin occurred, then antibiotics can not do. As a rule, doctors prescribe Levomekol or Erythromycin Ointment. However, before using such funds, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the body with the help of “Chlorhexidine”.

Features of skin irritations in children

Seeing a rash on the hands of a child, do not panic. First of all, you need to understand that at a young age, kids are actively acquainted with the outside world and do not always understand what exactly can be fraught with danger. It is possible that the child touched household chemicals. Some cheap toys are also toxic, so babies get annoyed. It is also worth it more carefully to choose cosmetics for child care.

Child's hand

On the other hand, a rash can be a symptom of a latent infection. It is impossible to identify it yourself, so you need to see a doctor.

If the child does not like to wear mittens and irritation appears mainly in the cold season, then most likely it is a standard reaction to frost. Therefore, if the child’s hands become rough, redden and itch strongly, you need to use a non-greasy cream before walking and explain to the child that he definitely needs warm mittens.

In some situations, allergy in babies is a psychological reaction. Perhaps the child is experiencing severe stress or is experiencing a difficult period. Often, babies show diathesis. In this case, it is worth paying attention to whether a similar rash has appeared on the bends of the elbows and under the knees.


In order not to encounter such problems, you must first protect your skin. Therefore, in the cold season, it is definitely recommended to wear gloves. It will be useful to use nutritious creams. If we talk about cosmetics, it is better not to save.

When cleaning the apartment, be sure to use gloves. Especially if aggressive household chemicals are used to clean floors, dishes and other items. Experts recommend that you do not wash it manually if powder is used. Even if things are cleaned in a typewriter, it is better to purchase a special gel that does not contain volatile irritants.

Those who work in production need to be doubly careful. If a person works with solvents or alkalis, then he must protect his hands (and, if possible, the respiratory tract). If an aggressive component gets on the skin, rinse the affected area with cold water.


If you are allergic to food, you should be more careful about the choice of food. It is not recommended to use those ingredients that cause an acute skin reaction. Only a specialist can find out exactly what is an irritant.

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