High fever in children without cold symptoms: possible causes

High temperature without symptoms in children causes a lot of experiences. Seasonal illnesses and colds mainly occur, accompanied by fever, and in these cases the approximate algorithm of action is clear. But what should parents do if the child has a high fever without symptoms? The reasons can be really very serious, so let's try to figure them out.

Even with a minimal increase in body temperature, the first thing they pay attention to is the presence of symptoms of a cold (runny nose, cough, pain, sore throat). However, in the absence of such, the version about ARVI is thrown aside. At the same time, you also don’t need to worry and panic: the child’s body can behave very unpredictably, so hyperthermia sometimes occurs for completely harmless reasons. A high temperature in a child without symptoms is not an occasion for worries, but for an early visit to a doctor and testing.


Body heating is a natural reaction of the immune system to infection. If the immune system is actively struggling with the pathogen, the level of lymphocytes in the blood increases, and with it, the thermometer column rises to subfebrile or higher values. It is possible that with acute respiratory infections, the temperature of the child will remain within normal limits.

However, one cannot say for sure that a high temperature in a child without symptoms of a respiratory illness is definitely not a cold. Often, fever becomes a harbinger of the onset of a typical "triad": redness of the throat, runny nose, cough.

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Respiratory symptoms appear quickly enough. By the way, rhinitis often indicates the viral nature of the disease. In this case, we are talking about the situation when a child has a high temperature for about a week without symptoms. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, in such situations recommends that you show the baby to the pediatrician, as the fever, regardless of the cause that caused it, is dangerous for the child itself.


Unlike ordinary respiratory infections, this disease threatens not only the health but also the lives of young children, as its virus can cause severe intoxication of the body and give serious complications. Influenza often begins like this - with a sudden increase in body temperature to 39 ° C, while concomitant manifestations may be absent for several more days. Flu fever is accompanied by:

  • general malaise;
  • severe chills;
  • weakness
  • muscle and headaches;
  • ache in the bones.

Catarrhal flu-like signs in the form of nasal congestion, sore throat occur 3-6 days after infection.

Infections in children

High temperature without symptoms can signal infection with one of such ailments as:

  • chickenpox;
  • mumps (mumps);
  • rubella;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles.

It often happens that the disease does not make itself felt, but soon, in addition to high fever, other signs of infection appear:

  • rash;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • barking cough.

Inflammatory diseases

High temperature in children without symptoms can indicate an acute inflammatory process in the body. For example, hyperthermia is caused by:

  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • pericarditis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.
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Any bacterial inflammation in the body has its own specific signs (with cystitis - rezi during urination, with pneumonia - shortness of breath, with sinusitis - nasal congestion, etc.), but at the initial stage they can be lubricated. If the fever occurs without any additional signs of the disease, and the child is not yet able to explain what worries him, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Any of these diseases carries a danger to the baby.

What else can cause a fever

If inflammation and infection are not detected, and the baby continues hyperthermia, it is necessary to undergo an examination for blood diseases and oncological pathologies. Even children are not safe from cancer processes, and, unfortunately, in most cases they proceed latently, manifested only by an increase in temperature. Over time, the child’s condition worsens, he loses his appetite, interest in games, looks exhausted and weak. In addition to persistent fever, signs of blood disease can be indicated by signs such as the causeless appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages (bruises) on the legs.

Without symptoms, endocrine and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, can give a child a high temperature (39 ° C and above). Hyperthermia can be the result of a trip to exotic countries - not only children, but also adults often “bring” malaria, tick-borne borreliosis, and Koksaki virus from their resorts.

Disease-free fever

At the same time, one should not forget that a high fever without symptoms in a child of 2 years or older is far from always pathological. The immune defense of babies is unstable, so hyperthermia can become a reaction even to safe factors, for example:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • stress;
  • change of a climatic zone;
  • long drive;
  • food allergy.

Vaccination is another of the most common causes of high fever in a child without symptoms. At 2 years, babies are especially difficult to tolerate DTP.

child 2 years high fever without symptoms

In addition, fever can be observed with active growth of primary teeth.

Do I need to bring down the temperature

Most often, doctors recommend that parents do not give their child antipyretic drugs if the mark on the thermometer does not reach 38.5-38.6 ° C. Body temperature rises due to a sharp activation of the immune system: in response to inflammation, the introduction of a viral or bacterial infection, the production of lymphocytes increases. Their increase in the blood affects the thermoregulatory center of the brain. As a result, body temperature rises to a level at which the pathogenic microflora loses its viability: the protein structures of pathogenic microorganisms collapse, which leads to the death of pathogens. In addition, fever accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, helping it to cope with the disease faster.

Therefore, in no case should you try to bring down the temperature by any available means at the first signs of its increase - this will only prevent the immune system from fighting the infection, and taking antipyretic drugs will distort the true clinical picture. However, one should not forget that a high temperature without symptoms (from 39 ° C) in a child can harm his body. With prolonged fever, the processes of coagulation of the protein present in the structure of the tissues of our body are triggered. In severe cases, irreversible brain damage is possible, leading to death.

When to give an antipyretic

Meanwhile, it is far from always necessary to endure high fever without other symptoms. In a child with neurological and cardiovascular diseases, hyperthermia can lead to a worsening of the condition. In this case, it is necessary to give an antipyretic agent, regardless of whether the thermometer exceeds 38.5 ° C or not. If the baby is very weak, complains of pain, he has cramps, vomiting or diarrhea, it is important not only to bring down the fever, but also urgently call the doctors at home.

If the fever is triggered by a cold, and the well-being of a small patient does not suffer much, it is better not to rush with the use of antipyretic drugs. After all, all that a child needs during this period is bed rest, normal ventilation of the air in the room, and plenty of water.


At a high temperature without symptoms in a child under 1 year of age, self-treatment is unacceptable. Parents should monitor the degree of hyperthermia, and if the indicators increase, give the child an antipyretic, then immediately consult a pediatrician.

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At the reception, the specialist will try to find out the etiology of high fever without symptoms. A child of a year or older will be prescribed tests, but in addition to this, it is important to understand:

  • how long a fever has been observed;
  • how the temperature rose sharply or in stages;
  • what preceded the appearance of heat (overheating of the body, hypothermia, contact with animals, food poisoning, etc.);
  • what the child was sick with recently;
  • Does he have a tendency to allergies;
  • if there are problems with urination and defecation.

Parents of the baby need to carefully monitor his condition, note the minimum changes in health, tell the doctor about complaints. The pediatrician will definitely examine the body of the small patient for rashes, catarrhal signs, take a temperature measurement, listen to the heartbeat and prescribe diagnostic procedures:

  • detailed blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • nasopharyngeal swab;
  • roentgenography;
  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • bacteriological culture (urine, blood, smear);
  • CT or MRI;
  • ECG;
  • PCR diagnostics, cytology, histology , etc.

The list of studies is compiled individually, taking into account the age, well-being of the child, symptoms and a presumptive diagnosis. If the parents tried to treat the child on their own, giving him medications at their discretion, the clinical picture of the disease may be unreliable, which will complicate the process of diagnosis. At the same time, information about self-medication cannot be hidden from the doctor.

How to help a child with a fever without symptoms

From the age of 3, a lot of ways to deal with fever become available. The task of parents is to facilitate the well-being of the baby before the arrival of an ambulance or a doctor at home. It is important not to allow extreme indicators on the thermometer, but if the temperature has reached 38.5 ° C, it is recommended to start with the use of non-medication.

fever in 5 children without symptoms

The treasured 36.6 ° C is not exactly the goal that parents need to set for themselves. A sharp decrease in temperature will not benefit the child, but rather, on the contrary. To alleviate the condition of the baby, it is enough to reduce the heat by 1-2 degrees - this will minimize the load on the cardiovascular system. Do not bring down the temperature in too radical ways: cover the baby with bottles of cold water, make enemas, apply wet sheets to the body. All this can lead to a sudden spasm of blood vessels, which subsequently only slows down blood circulation and prevents full heat transfer.

The same opinion is shared by Komarovsky E.O., an authoritative children's specialist, as mentioned above. The pediatrician, known in Russia and Ukraine, recommends not giving the child antipyretic drugs, but creating the most favorable conditions for him under which his body can cool itself.

To do this, the patient should be in a cool room, be lightly clothed and covered with a thin blanket that guarantees air circulation and does not impede sweat evaporation. The positive point is just heavy sweating. Due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, the body temperature decreases. After the child sweats, it must be changed.

To start the process of active sweating, you need to give your baby a lot of warm drink. For babies, boiled water, weak herbal tea or a decoction of raisins are suitable. At a high temperature without symptoms, a child of 4 years of age or older can be given dried fruit compote. By the way, tea with raspberries, which many parents begin to solder their children with any signs of malaise and colds, does not belong to this category, since it has the opposite effect, causing loss of fluid. Children in the first year of life are not recommended for raspberry tea, and after a year a drink can be given only with the permission of a doctor in limited quantities.

fever in a child without symptoms

If in general the child feels satisfactorily, you can allow him to walk in the fresh air. You can go outside only in case of warm comfortable weather. It is better to refuse a walk in sultry, windy, frosty weather. Until the causes of high temperature have been clarified, it is advisable to exclude thermal procedures and bathing in the bath.

In the old fashioned way, many mothers at a high temperature without symptoms in a child of 5 years old use a solution of cold water and vinegar. No doctor will advise you to do this! It is enough to wipe the baby with a damp towel dipped in moderately cool water.

Why drink plenty of fluids

A few words about the role of water consumption at high temperatures in humans. With hyperthermia, sweat is plentifully released, so the body loses moisture. To prevent dehydration, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in well-being, it is important to drink abundantly and often. Meanwhile, the fluid consumed should be almost the same temperature as the body temperature - so the water will quickly get from the digestive tract to the lymph.

In addition to water, it is recommended to give children cranberry juice, lingonberry and currant juice, rosehip broth, linden tea, mineral still water with alkali without gas. By and large, any drink that the child will drink is suitable. The main thing is that the liquid enters the body at least one teaspoon every 5 minutes.

Drug therapy

As for the use of antipyretic drugs, they are best given when all other methods have been shown to be ineffective. It is necessary to reduce the temperature of drugs in case of:

  • intolerance to hyperthermia;
  • the presence of severe chronic diseases;
  • exceeding her 39-degree mark.

Among the drugs that you can independently give to children to lower the temperature, it is worth noting drugs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, analgin, papaverine hydrochloride. Most of these products can be given even to infants. In addition to the antipyretic effect, the drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, medicines for children are available in the form of a suspension, syrup, tablets and suppositories. The most popular include:

  • "Paracetomol";
  • "Panadol";
  • "Tsefekon";
  • "Kalpon";
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen
  • Ibufen
  • “Analdim”;
  • "Papaverine".
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It is impossible to use antipyretic drugs for a long time. It is important to understand that eliminating the heat in the absence of other symptoms is not a victory over the disease, but only a short-term relief for the child. The specialist will certainly direct you to an appropriate diagnosis in order to make the correct diagnosis. According to the results of the study, it will be possible to talk about the appointment of correct and effective therapy. Self-medication in home walls can worsen the condition of the baby. It is important not to waste precious time and immediately contact a pediatrician to avoid possible complications.

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