Due to the difficult environmental situation, more and more people suffer from allergies, so antihistamines have become more popular. Allergic reactions affect both children and adults. Every year, pharmaceutical companies release all new drugs in this group.
In this article, the drug "Suprastin" will be considered. An overdose of a drug is a common phenomenon.
Description of the medication
The drug "Suprastin" is a proven and widely used remedy for allergies. As a rule, allergies are seasonal in nature, its exacerbations occur in early autumn and the spring-summer period. Tree pollen, poplar fluff, forbs are strong allergens, seriously complicating the life of allergy sufferers. Other factors that often cause allergies: sun, perfume, food, pet hair, household dust, insect bites.
During periods of exacerbation, allergy sufferers experience the following symptoms: nasal congestion, lacrimation, hyperemia of the mucous membranes, itching, severe swelling of the throat that interferes with breathing, sore throat, and an allergic cough may begin. Against the background of these signs, headaches, drowsiness appear, apathy develops, a breakdown is noted, there are cases of even depression. In what cases may an overdose occur from Suprastin?
What leads to an overdose?
Trying to relieve allergy symptoms, some people begin to increase the dosage and frequency of taking antihistamines, hoping that relief will come and they can return to their previous rhythm of life. At such moments, the person’s head is busy with only one thing - to alleviate the symptoms of allergies, and they don’t even think about the fact that you can overdose the drug. Let's figure out how to take the drug "Suprastin", how to dose it and what can happen during an overdose.
The dosage of the drug is calculated for each patient by a doctor individually. However, some do not rush to clinics and prescribe medications for themselves. As a result of self-medication, an overdose may occur from the drug "Suprastin". In children, this happens several times more often.
Indications for use
The main active ingredient of Suprastin is chloropyramine. It alleviates allergy symptoms and helps prevent their onset.
Easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, after half an hour the drug begins to act. It is the fast absorption that makes it dangerous in terms of overdose. After an hour, the maximum effect of the drug comes and lasts about 6 hours.
The following indications for the use of the medication can be noted:
- allergies of various etiologies (food, drug), seasonal irritations;
- insect bites;
- skin diseases, for example, various types of eczema;
- conjunctivitis;
- prevention and treatment of anaphylactic reactions.
Also, the drug "Suprastin" is prescribed in the treatment of acute viral diseases.
But it should be used only as prescribed by the doctor, since the medication is far from safe, as it may seem.
For adults appoint 1 tablet 2-3 r / s. The maximum dose per day is 6 tablets. Take this amount only after consulting a doctor.
In children, the dosage depends on age. For infants from 1 month to 1 year, the drug is prescribed one fourth tablet, pre-ground to powder and dissolved in water.
Children under 6 years of age are prescribed a quarter tablet three times a day, a maximum of half a tablet, but twice a day.
Dosage for children under 14 years of age per half-tablet 3 r / d. The maximum dosage three times a day for one tablet "Suprastin". An overdose does not occur, if you strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.
The drug also has contraindications, which should also be taken into account when prescribing Suprastin.
These include:
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- acute asthma attacks;
- for newborns and premature babies, the drug is not prescribed;
- pregnancy and lactation.
In all these cases, an overdose of Suprastin may be more likely to occur. The consequences are very serious.
It is contraindicated to use the medication during pregnancy and lactation. But if the danger from the disease exceeds the negative effect of the drug, an exception is made. With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients who suffer from kidney and liver diseases, the elderly.
The composition of the drug contains lactose, which must be taken into account when prescribing it to patients with its intolerance, especially for children.
When using Suprastin, alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Side effects
The drug has side effects, but they do not often occur:
- drowsiness;
- nausea;
- slight dizziness;
- pressure reduction;
- pulse disturbances, arrhythmia;
- muscle weakness.
Overdose "Suprastin": symptoms
With uncontrolled use of the drug, an overdose of it is possible, manifested by the following symptoms:
- The pupils are dilated.
- Poor coordination of movements.
- Motor impairment, muscle weakness.
- Involuntary pathological movements.
- Hyperemia of the face.
- Cramps.
- Coma.
Overdose "Suprastin" in children: symptoms
- Coma.
- Dry mouth.
- Hyperemia of the face.
- Tachycardia.
- Urinary retention.
- Fever.
With an overdose of Suprastin, an intoxication of the body occurs, which develops rapidly. Therefore, it is desirable to provide the necessary assistance very quickly. Most often the skin, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes are exposed to toxic effects.
First of all, with an overdose of "Suprastin", it is necessary to take antidote therapy aimed at eliminating signs of intoxication. Since there is no special antidote, conduct asymptomatic therapy.
First of all, you need to rinse the stomach and intestines. When washing, complications may occur, because the drug "Suprastin" has an antiemetic effect. To make up for the lost fluid, saline solutions are administered intravenously. Be sure to prescribe sorbents that promote the removal of toxins from the body, the most famous sorbent is activated carbon.
The next stage of treatment is the resumption of enzyme production. For this purpose, medications such as Festal, Pancreatin, etc. are prescribed. The disturbed intestinal microflora will also have to be restored with biological products and a diet. To help the liver and kidneys, cleansing and diuretics are administered.
Vitamins and antioxidants are suitable for improving overall well-being and faster recovery. They will also contribute to the fight against allergic manifestations, during the removal of which an overdose of "Suprastin" occurred.
If an overdose happened at home, you need to call an ambulance and begin to rinse your stomach and intestines, enter any existing sorbent.
First aid
Poisoning with drugs - this is how they decided to encrypt an overdose of Suprastin and other drugs in the ICD.
When taking a large number of tablets, you need to act immediately, because absorption of the drug occurs very quickly.
With intoxication, first aid is as follows:
- call an ambulance;
- flush the stomach with plenty of water;
- make a cleansing enema or give a laxative to cleanse the intestines;
- drink as much water as possible to remove toxins along with urine.
Parents who notice a child’s signs of an overdose of Suprastin, and not only him, should not panic and scare the baby, they should begin to provide first aid as soon as possible.
Even with a significant improvement in the condition of the victim, one should be hospitalized in a hospital, conduct an examination and monitor his condition for some time.
In very severe cases, in the hospital, repeated gastric lavage is performed; in especially difficult cases, hemodialysis (blood purification) is indicated. Convulsive syndrome is relieved by such means as Tizercin, Diphenhydramine, and Thiopental Sodium. As necessary, special preparations are prescribed to restore the affected organs.
The most important thing in case of poisoning is to provide first aid. In especially advanced cases, death from excessive use of the drug "Suprastin" is possible. An overdose in adults and children has some differences, but the consequences can be very serious in both cases.
The consequences of an overdose of Suprastin depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the speed of assistance, and other factors. Such consequences include impaired liver, kidney and nervous system.
Severe poisoning is accompanied by a violation of the digestive tract, which will take a long time to recover.
As a rule, drug poisoning occurs due to a desire to recover faster or by inattention.
It should be remembered that it is dangerous to self-medicate, this can lead to an overdose or other negative consequences. Therefore, you should always seek help from specialists, especially with regard to the treatment of children.
Take any medications, in particular "Suprastin", it is necessary only as directed by a doctor, with exact observance of the dosage. An overdose of "Suprastin" in adults, and especially in children, is dangerous and can be fatal.
It is not worthwhile to increase the dosage and change the treatment regimen yourself. It is also dangerous to simultaneously inject and take pills, an overdose may occur. Particular care should be taken in treating children. Make sure that they do not accidentally eat extra pills. Therefore, medicines should be stored out of the reach of children. Before use, you should consult a pediatrician, clarify the dosage and find out about side effects and contraindications.