"Zolopent", 40 mg: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Unfortunately, digestive disorders are by no means a rare problem. Esophagitis, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes - a serious and dangerous disease. Naturally, ignoring such ailments is by no means worth it. Modern medicine offers a large number of drugs and one of the rather effective drugs is Zolopent (40 mg). Instructions for use are quite simple, and the result of treatment is not bad.

Naturally, many patients before starting treatment are looking for additional information about this medicine. What is included in its composition and how does it affect the body? Are there any contraindications for taking pills? Can there be any complications during therapy? How do patients respond to the drug and is it really that effective? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many readers.

Zolopent tablets (40 mg): photo, description of the composition and form of release

zolopent 40 mg instructions for use

This drug is often used in modern medicine. Naturally, patients are interested in questions about what the medicine Zolopent 40 mg looks like, composition and instructions, rules of use, etc.

As already known, the drug is available in the form of tablets, coated with a membrane that dissolves in the intestine. In the pharmacy you can buy blisters for 10 or 14 tablets. The main active component of the drug is pantoprazole in the form of sodium sexvihydrate. One tablet contains 40 mg of this substance.

Naturally, other auxiliary components are used in the production. The preparation contains anhydrous sodium carbonate, calcium stearate, crospovidone, sodium lauryl sulfate, hydroxypropyl cellulose, as well as titanium dioxide, triethyl citrate, talc and yellow iron oxide.

The main pharmacological properties of the drug

Pantoprazole is activated in parietal cells under the influence of hydrochloric acid. This substance has very valuable properties, as it inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, blocking the proton pumps of specific secretory cells.

It is worth noting that the inhibition process is proportional to the dose of the medication taken, with the first effects appearing already 2 hours after taking the tablets. This drug reduces the acidity of the stomach, while increasing gastrin secretion. It should be noted that a steady increase in the amount of this enzyme is observed only with prolonged therapy.

Pharmacokinetics and features of drug absorption

As already mentioned, the tablets are coated with a membrane that dissolves in the intestines. The active component of the drug is rapidly absorption by the walls of the intestine. The maximum concentration of this substance in the blood is observed after a single dose of the drug, after two hours. By the way, constant intake provides a steady increase in the amount of active component in the human body.

Pantoprazole is 98% bound to plasma proteins. The metabolism of this substance occurs exclusively in the liver cells. Approximately 80% of the metabolites are excreted by the kidneys, the rest - along with feces.

Tablets "Zolopent 40 mg": indications for use

zolopent 40 mg instruction

Of course, indications for therapy are an important issue. So in what particular cases are patients prescribed 40 mg Zolopent tablets? What helps the drug?

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • reflux - esophagitis;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, as well as other diseases that are accompanied by hypersecretion of the glands;
  • Helicobacter pylori eradication in people suffering from ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

How to use the medicine? Instructions and general recommendations

tablets zolopent 40 mg instructions

It’s worth mentioning right away that only a doctor can prescribe the drug Zolopent 40 mg. Instructions for use contain only some general information, the dosage and duration of therapy is determined individually.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the pill is recommended to be taken one hour before meals. It can not be crushed or chewed - you must completely swallow it with a large glass of water.

  • When it comes to the treatment of reflux esophagitis, it is recommended that patients take one tablet of the drug per day. Only occasionally, the dose is increased to 80 mg of the active component. The course of treatment lasts about 4 weeks.
  • If we are talking about peptic ulcer, which developed against the background of Helicobacter activity, then the daily dose is 2 tablets. The drug is taken in combination with antibiotics, in particular with "Clarithromycin" and "Amoxicycin."
  • Therapy for gastric ulcer lasts 4 weeks, during which the patient takes one (less often 2 tablets) per day.
  • With ulcerative lesions of the intestine, the dose remains the same, but the treatment lasts no more than two weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break.
  • The dosage and duration of treatment for impaired secretory functions, as well as for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, depends on the severity of the disease and the effect of taking the tablets.

Special recommendations

Zolopent tablets 40 mg

Not in all cases, patients take the Zolopent 40 mg tablets exactly as described above. The instruction indicates that sometimes therapy has some limitations. In particular, people with serious liver dysfunctions need to reduce the daily amount of the drug to 20 mg. At the same time, impaired renal function is not an indication for dose adjustment.

Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome should take this drug for a long time. Such therapy can lead to impaired absorption and metabolism of vitamin B12, which is quite dangerous. That is why, along with taking the drug, patients are prescribed other drugs, especially those that eliminate the deficiency of vitamins.

It is also worth noting that long-term therapy (for example, lasts more than a year) affects the structure of bones, increases the risk of fractures.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Zolopent tablets 40 mg photo

Of course, patients are interested in the question of whether all categories of patients can take the drug Zolopent 40 mg. Instructions for use state that there are still some limitations to the therapy, although there are not so many.

In particular, the drug is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to any of the constituent components. Also, therapy is not carried out if a person is allergic to any of the substances - benzimidazole derivatives.

In what other cases is it not worth taking the Zolopent 40 mg tablets? Contraindications are also children's age and the period of breastfeeding. Sometimes doctors prescribe this medicine to pregnant women, because during this period, many women suffer from heartburn. Nevertheless, taking the drug without permission is not worth it, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

Possible complications and side effects

It is no secret to anyone that while taking this or that medicine, some patients often have side effects. Is this possible during treatment with the drug "Zolopent" 40 mg? The instruction indicates that complications are possible, although they are observed relatively rarely:

  • digestive system symptoms may include dry mouth, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • in some patients, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are observed, in particular, dizziness, headaches, change in taste sensations;
  • some mental disorders are also possible, for example, depressive states, confusion, sleep problems, disorientation and hallucinations;
  • with an increased sensitive immune system, allergies can occur, including anaphylactic shock;
  • side effects include leukopenia, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis and thromocytopenia;
  • some patients complain of general weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness, peripheral edema;
  • against the background of therapy, myalgia and arthralgia may develop.

With the appearance of uncharacteristic symptoms, deterioration of health, it is worthwhile to see a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes to eliminate side effects, you just need to adjust the dose.

Is an overdose possible?

What happens if you take too much dose of Zolopent 40 mg? The instruction states that to date, cases of drug overdose have not been officially registered. Nevertheless, the researchers admit that, against the background of taking a large number of tablets, the development of more pronounced side effects is possible. In such cases, gastric lavage is indicated for that, as well as the intake of sorbents. If there are complications, it is recommended to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Interaction with other drugs

How can other drugs interact with Zolopent 40 mg tablets? Instructions for use contain the following information:

  • Pantoprazole in some cases reduces the effectiveness of drugs whose bioavailability depends on the acidity of the gastric juice. As an example, some antifungal drugs, in particular, itraconazole, ketoconazole, etc.
  • Also , proton pump inhibitors significantly reduce the digestibility of drugs used in the treatment of immunodeficiencies and HIV infection.
  • If the patient takes Zolopent and anticoagulants at the same time, then it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's condition, since bleeding may occur.

It is worth noting that during the studies, there were no deviations in cases when the Zolopent tablets were taken along with other antacids, as well as antibacterial drugs. In any case, you should definitely inform your doctor about all the medications you are taking.

How much is the medicine?

Naturally, the price of a particular drug is an important point for each patient. It should be understood that it is impossible to indicate the exact cost, since it depends on many factors. In particular, the amount will depend on the number of tablets in the package, the manufacturer, the price policy of the pharmacy, etc.

For example, a pack of 14 tablets will cost about 180 - 210 rubles. The price of a larger package, consisting of 30 tablets, ranges from 360 to 420 rubles. It is worth considering that sometimes to complete the full course of treatment you will need more than one package. Of course, medicine prices are not so low. Nevertheless, some drugs with the same properties are many times more expensive.

Are there any qualitative analogues of the drug?

zolopent 40 mg analogues

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, whether it is the presence of contraindications or an inappropriate cost, this medicine is far from suitable for all patients. So is it possible to replace the drug Zolopent 40 mg with something?

Analogues, of course, exist, and the modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs that have approximately the same effect on the human body. For example, with peptic ulcer patients are often prescribed drugs such as Barol, Gasek, Velos. Good analogues also include Zertsim, Diaprazole and Lanzap. Also, these tablets can be replaced with other medicines, in particular, “Nolpaza”, “Lorsek”, “Ozol”, “Panocide” and some others.

Reviews of doctors and patients about pills

After talking with patients who have already completed a course of therapy, you can get a lot of useful information. So what do they say about Zolopent (40 mg)? Reviews are for the most part positive. Naturally, it takes time to fully cure, but the first result appears a few minutes after administration. For example, tablets quickly eliminate heartburn and bitterness in the mouth, relieve soreness.

zolopent 40 mg reviews

Doctors say that with the right approach, the drug really helps get rid of a disease. Moreover, it rarely causes side effects, and there are not so many contraindications. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost of the tablets, although some of its analogues will cost a much larger amount. Health, on the other hand, is worth all the money. And the drug is easy to find, as it is sold in almost any pharmacy. Over the past few years, the drug managed to gain popularity both among doctors and among patients.

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